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  • 网络Blowing water
  1. 连铸方坯伸入式水口的研究本钢120t转炉单底枪复吹水模研究

    Research the 120t combined blowing converter with single bottom jet by means of hydraulic model

  2. 刚刚过去的赛季,凯文杜兰特在顶上战争击败勒布朗詹姆斯并夺得NBA最有价值球员。——所以也许他不用担心在2K里面没有吹水的权利啦。

    Golden State Warriors forward Kevin Durant beat LeBron James ' Cleveland Cavaliers for the NBA title last season - and won NBA Finals MVP - so he 's probably not worried about video-game bragging rights .

  3. 对空调器的凝露及吹水问题进行分类分析,并对此提出了解决方法。

    The air conditioner condensation and chit problems are classified and analyzed and the solutions are put forward .

  4. 东风吹水绿参差&申跃中创作命运思考(下)

    The East Wind Blows , the Green Water Ripples & Consideration on Shen Yue-zhong 's writing career ( 2 )

  5. 笨人建房沙滩上,风吹水涌起波浪,房倒屋塌遭祸殃。

    The foolish man built his house upon the sand.And the floods came up And the house on the sand went crash .

  6. 收线导管出口处装有吹水装置,以清除铜杆表面水份。

    To clean off the moisture on the surface of the copper rod , a blower is fixed at the end of the guiding pipe .

  7. 精神斗争乃系同主流思想对干,不是附会穿凿。我等的使命是踢爆一切吹水老作,寻觅真相。

    Mental fight means thinking against the current , not with it . It is our business to puncture gas bags and discover the seeds of truth .

  8. 当我小时候,我可以不分日夜地跟我朋友吹水,闲逛商店一路讨论衣服、男孩子还有令人讨厌的伙伴。

    When I was a kid , I would spend hours gossiping with my mates , hanging out down the shops discussing clothes , boys and other urgent matters .