
  • 网络Online retailing;online retail;e-tailing
  1. 网络零售交易模式的比较分析

    Substantial Evidence Analysis and Development Comparisons of Online Retailing Trade Patterns

  2. 随着网络零售业发展所需的经济金融环境、文化环境、法律政策和物流水平的进一步发展,网络零售业必将延续当前的良好发展势头。

    As the further development of online retail related economic and financial environment , cultural environment as well as legal and logistics level , online retailing has shown a good momentum of development .

  3. 正如所料,electronicretailing(网络零售业务)已经被称为etailing。

    Electronic retailing has predictably become known as etailing .

  4. 新零售的意思就是将实体店零售和网络零售的优势结合起来。

    New Retail1 is a term that roughly indicates a combination of the best in physical and online retail .

  5. 如今,36岁的吉列特加入了电子产品巨头百思买公司(BestBuy),并被委以重任:帮助百思买与网络零售巨头亚马逊(Amazon)竞争,同时继续维系实体商店销售模式。

    The 36-year-old former college football player is charged with no small task : helping best buy go up against Amazon while continuing to sell products in brick-and-mortar stores .

  6. 亚马逊(Amazon)能否在消费者转向网络零售的趋势中,继续占得超出比例的份额?换言之,投资者也需要谨慎购物。

    Will Amazon continue to take a disproportionate piece of the shift to online retail ? Investors , in other words , need to do some careful shopping of their own .

  7. 此外,网络零售依靠全球越来越着迷于浪费性冲动购物作为此种商业模式的推动力——“双十一”和“网络星期一”(CyberMonday)即为证明。

    In addition , internet retail relies on a growing global addiction to wasteful impulse-buying as driver of its business model - " Singles Day " and " Cyber Monday " are testament to that .

  8. 塞尔福里奇(selfridges)百货店今春将发布一个在线评论平台,以配合网络零售活动。

    This spring Selfridges department store is launching an online editorial platform to partner its Web retail .

  9. 并非所有的国外网络零售商都会选择像DHL或FedEx这类的大型快递公司,你的包裹甚至有可能会寄丢。

    Since not every overseas online retailer chooses major delivery companies like DHL or FedEx , it 's even possible for your package to get lost .

  10. 查尔斯.亨特,一家快速成长的网络零售店DuvetandPillowWarehouse的老板,说道,想到和实体竞争者们一样的花销,我就吓得六神无主。

    The thought of having the same costs as bricks-and-mortar competitors scares the living daylights out of me , says Charles Hunt , owner of Duvet and Pillow Warehouse , a fast-growing online retailer .

  11. 查尔斯.亨特,一家快速成长的网络零售店DuvetandPillowWarehouse的老板,说道,想到和实体竞争者们一样的花销,“我就吓得六神无主”。

    The thought of having the same costs as bricks-and-mortar competitors " scares the living daylights out of me , " says Charles Hunt , owner of Duvet and Pillow Warehouse , a fast-growing online retailer .

  12. 波士顿咨询公司(BostonConsultingGroup)的一份报告显示,到2015年中国网络零售规模预计将增加两倍,超过3600亿美元。届时中国预计也将超过美国成为全球最大的市场。

    Online retail sales in China are projected to triple to more than $ 360 billion by 2015 , and the country is also expected to overtake the U.S. as the world 's largest market around that time , according to a report by the Boston Consulting Group .

  13. 去年,在准备从密尔沃基(Milwaukee)的网络零售公司BuySeasons辞去社交媒体专员的工作时,达斯汀•齐克(DustinZick)与“五六个”信得过的同事交换了他们的工资信息,他发现他们中的大多数人都乐意透露。

    When Dustin Zick , 25 , was ready to leave his job in 2012 as a social-media specialist at BuySeasons Inc. , a Milwaukee-based online retailer , he compared notes with ' five or six ' trusted co-workers about their pay , and found most of them happy to divulge .

  14. 众多的网络零售企业忽略了在服务失败发生之后顾客后续行为意向的探讨。

    The online retail enterprises ignored the service failure and remedy .

  15. 网络零售配送系统最优运作成本的分析

    Economic Analysis on Optimal Cost of Distribution System of E-Shopping

  16. 网络零售也在美国创下了新记录。

    Online retailers also set new records in America .

  17. 同期,农村网络零售额达到1.2万亿元。

    Online retail sales in rural areas reached 1.2 trillion yuan during this period .

  18. 网络零售业中的动态定价模式

    Dynamic Pricing Model in Internet Retail

  19. 在我国电子商务发展的过程中,网络零售呈现鲜明的平台型电子商务集聚化特征。

    In the process of development of e-commerce , the online retail presents distinct characteristic of cluster .

  20. 内衣及其网络零售

    Underwear & E - retailing

  21. 家乐福去年成立了网络零售部门,而且现在正在社区建立更多迷你超市。

    Carrefour launched its online retail sector last year and is building more mini markets in communities .

  22. 易逝品的网络零售的定价研究就显得越来越重要。

    The research of dynamic pricing of perishable goods selling on internet is becoming more and more important .

  23. 定性研究部分本文采用的是案例研究法,选取中国网络零售行业的领先企业淘宝网为案例研究样本,通过典型案例的研究代表行业概况。

    Taobao was chosen as the case study sample which is the leading online retail company in China .

  24. 经营网络零售的当当,与优酷同一天上市,股价几乎翻倍。

    The share price of Dangdang , an online retailer floated on the same day , almost doubled .

  25. 另外,网络零售企业在价值创造模式方面要做出自己的创新可能难度更大。

    In addition , the e-retail business in value creation mode to make their innovation may be more difficult .

  26. 预计同期美国的网络零售额将从2260亿美元上升至3270亿美元。

    U.S. online retail sales are forecast to reach $ 327 billion from $ 226 billion over the same period .

  27. 如此庞大的市场份额和成交金额,不可避免地引发了网络零售市场的激烈竞争。

    Such a large market share and turnover , which inevitably led to intense competition in the online retail market .

  28. 该网络零售巨头在其招聘网站上列出了近400个位于中国的空缺职位,在领英上列出了逾900个空缺职位。

    The online retail giant lists almost 400 Chinese-based openings on its careers website and more than 900 on LinkedIn .

  29. 而关于网络零售生态系统内企业间互动及其对网络零售生态系统整体绩效影响的研究并不多见。

    However , the researches about the inter-company interaction and its influence on the performance in the e-Retail ecosystem are rarely .

  30. 在中国,只有很少的行业(例如网络零售)的增速达到7%。

    In China , few sectors ( online retail , for example ) are growing as fast as 7 per cent .