
  • 网络interconnection;internet;internetting;Internetworking
  1. 当前的网络互联协议(如IP、IPX等)不支持移动主机与网络上其他主机之间进行互操作。

    Internetworking protocols such as IP currently do not allow mobile hosts to interoperate easily or conveniently with other hosts on the network .

  2. 通过网络互联,实现了现有气象业务系统利用卫星网提供的实时观测数据,提高了预报工作的实效性。

    By internetworking , the former meteorology professional system can be used with the application of the real time data from the satellite network , so the timeliness of the meteorological forecast was increased .

  3. 窄带广播信道实现IP网络互联的组网协议设计

    Design of Narrowband Broadcast Channel Network Protocol for IP Network

  4. 它的开发涉及多媒体,计算机网络互联和web数据库发布等相关技术。

    The development of such a system involves multi-media , computer network , web-based database and other technologies .

  5. TCPIP是Internet能够实现网络互联的基础。

    The TCP / IP is the base on which the Internet realizes .

  6. 随着Internet的迅猛发展,安全性已成为网络互联技术中的关键问题。

    With development of Internet , the security has already been the most key problem in interconnected technology of network .

  7. 如何应用Linux实现网络互联

    How to Apply Linux to Implement Networking Connection

  8. 这种由浏览器Web服务器数据库服务器组成的3层结构与由客户程序数据库组成的2层结构相比,在跨平台和网络互联方面具有明显的优越性。

    This 3-layer structure of " browser-web sever-database server " is much better than the 2-layer structure of " client program-database " .

  9. 基于ARM的嵌入式系统可以实现与网络互联,系统稳定、可靠。

    The embedded system based on ARM can interconnected with the network and it is stable .

  10. Internet主要使用TCP/IP协议栈将不同地区的计算机与网络互联起来,组成了世界上应用最广泛的计算机网络。

    Internet is composed of different computers and networks . It becomes the most widely used network through the use of TCP / IP stack .

  11. 用PacketTracer模拟软件提高《网络互联技术》实验教学效果

    Packet Tracer Simulation Software Used to Improve " Network Interconnect Technology " Experimental Teaching

  12. OPC技术在异构控制网络互联中的研究与应用

    Research and Application of OPC Technology in Interconnection of Heterogeneous Control Networks

  13. 在高速网络互联并配有高性能3D图形卡的PC集群上构造并行图形绘制系统已经成为普遍的解决方案。

    Making use of PC-Cluster with high performance 3D graphics card and high-speed network could be a popular scheme to solve the problem .

  14. 光网络互联实现了综合IP、ATM、SONET/SDH和DWDM技术的低成本网络。

    Optical network interconnection enables low-cost networks integrating IP , ATM , SONET / SDH and DWDM technologies .

  15. 虚拟专用网VPN是网络互联技术和通信需求迅猛发展的产物。

    VPN is the product of rapid development of network technology and the great demand of communications .

  16. 实际网络互联中对Cisco路由器的具体应用

    Application of Cisco Router in Real Network Interconnection

  17. 论文对智能建筑的重要组成部分&楼宇自动化系统BAS(BuildingAutomationSystem)的网络互联及信息集成问题进行了研究。

    The research work is aimed at the problems of network connection and information integration in building automation system which is one of the important parts of intelligent buildings .

  18. 这种联合的CASR能在P2P(Peer-to-Peer)的网络互联环境下实现。

    Such joint CASR could be implemented in a peer-to-peer networking environment where primary ?

  19. 然后,介绍了两个重要的医疗信息互联标准&医学数字图像通讯标准(DICOM)和医疗第七层(HL7),网络互联标准和工作流集成。

    Then , the important medical information communication standards-DICOM and HL7 are introduced .

  20. 设计实现了基于IP网的网络互联的远程视频监控系统;探讨并实现了作为数据业务的通信网监控系统和作为视频业务的视频监控系统在同一网络共传的方式。

    The design accomplishes the electronic communication net monitor system based on the network interconnection of IP net and remote video frequency system based on the network interconnection of IP net .

  21. NetWare网络互联协议分析

    Network data analysis of NetWare internetworking protocol

  22. 采用Windows2000操作平台,IP地址统一规划设置,建立了Email信息箱,实现了分业务、分层次、分级别的网络互联,充分满足了防汛调度及决策支持系统的要求。

    Be adopted WINDOWS 2000 operating platform , planning IP address and setting up EMAIL case , the system realizes interconnection orderly . It meets fully the request of flood prevention .

  23. 对家庭网络互联技术,安全技术,QoS技术以及智能路由等数字家庭网络关键技术进行了简要分析论述。

    Family network interconnection technology , security technology , QoS technology and intelligent routing technology which are the the key technologies of digital family network are analysed and discussed .

  24. 实现网络互联互通加强资源共建共享&安徽省党校系统VPN专网建设

    To Realizing the Network Interconnection and Strengthening the Resource of Common Construction Use Together : The Construction of VPN Networks of Anhui Party School System

  25. 论述在不增加硬件投资的情况下,利用原有的NT服务器充当路由器,实现网络互联。

    This paper is to introduce how to utilize the NT server as the route to realize the interconnection of network with-out adding the hardware device .

  26. 对等模式(P2P)技术被广泛的应用于网络互联技术领域中,并极大地提高了网络中信息、带宽和计算资源的利用率。

    The peer-to-peer ( P2P ) technology has been widely used in the field of networking technology , and greatly enhanced the information in the network , bandwidth and computing resources utilization .

  27. 论文的可重用证书方案将以PKI下单个证书服务系统的改进和优化为重点,继承PKI服务器间现有的信任链结构和网络互联模型。

    The reusable public-key certificate scheme will focus on improvement and optimization of the individual certificate server system , and inherit existing trust chain and network interconnection model .

  28. WSN与IPv6网络互联的研究尚处于不成熟阶段,相信随着相关研究的不断深入与发展,WSN的应用前景定将提上一个新的台阶。

    However , do believe that with the continuous deepening and development of relevant researches , the application prospects of WSN will surely be raised to a new stage .

  29. 分布式虚拟环境(DistributedVirtualEnvironment,DVE)是在一组以网络互联的计算机上同时运行的VR系统,使分布在不同地理位置的用户可以在一个具有高度真实感的虚拟世界里实时交互。

    DVE ( Distributed Virtual Environment ) is a kind of virtual reality system that simultaneously runs on computers connected by network . It allows distributed users to interact real-time with each other sharing a virtual world .

  30. 并对使用TCP/IP协议实现BACnet网络互联和报文传输的应用进行了重点阐述。

    Furthermore , based on TCP / IP protocol , realizing the application of network interconnection and message transmission of BACnet is expatiated as the key problem .