
quán yuán péi xùn
  • Full staff training;all-employee training;popular training;training of all staff and workers
  1. 为保证普通高中新课程的顺利实施,国家在开展新一轮全员教师培训的同时,对高中教师进行了有关新课程的全员培训。

    In order to ensure the new high school curriculum can be implemented smoothly , the governments have been executing all-employee training about the new curriculum to high school teachers .

  2. 结论强化组织管理体系,全员培训,连续、动态、全覆盖监测有利于BCG接种质量的恒定提高。

    Conclusion Consummating organization and management system , training all personnel , and continuous , dynamic and overall surveillance could improve quality of neonatal BCG vaccination .

  3. 方法采取完善全市组织管理体系、全员培训、设常年新生儿BCG监测门诊、扩大监测面等措施。

    Methods The following approaches like perfecting organization and management system , training all personnel of neonatal BCG vaccination , developing perennial outpatient service of surveillance of neonatal BCG vaccination and expanding the area of surveillance were implemented .

  4. 方法自2001年10月我院护理管理运用全面质量管理(TQC)理论对医院感染实施全员培训、制定质量标准、建立监控网络等过程管理和环节的结合。

    METHODS Since Oct 2001 our hospital used total quality control ( TQC ) to control hospital infection by advanced management carried out such as all staff training , quality standards and established supervising web .

  5. 必须进一步加强全员培训,提高传染病法律时效意识,加快卫生院网络直报建设,提升CDC网络直报管理与督导水平。

    So it is important to intensify training for all staffs to enhance the awareness of Timeliness of infectious disease law and speed the construction of direct reporting through network system for health centers and improve management and supervision of direct reporting through network system for CDC .

  6. 企业全员培训战略

    Training On the Strategy of Taining in Enterprises

  7. 同时,要求企业进行全员培训、加强信息化建设,作为实施的保障措施。

    In the meantime it also stress on the stuff training and information system construction .

  8. 影响中小学教师全员培训实效性的因素和对策

    The Factors of Influence Elementary and Middle Schools Teacher Whole Staff Training Effectiveness and the Countermeasures

  9. 实效性是评价教师全员培训效果的核心指标。

    Effectiveness of the training was to evaluate the full effect of teachers of core target .

  10. 网络小组全员培训是落实消毒措施的重要环节;

    Disinfectant Resin The training of network members is the key point for executing sterilization measures .

  11. 尤其对边远农村学校的教师进行形式多样的全员培训非常有利。

    In particular , remote rural school teachers ina variety of training is very beneficial to everyone .

  12. 我校教师2011年暑假完成第一轮双语全员培训(2011.7。)最新视频。

    Our School 's Teachers Completed The First Round Bilingual Training In This Summer Holiday ( 2011.7 . )

  13. 方法评估广州港港湾医院医疗废物管理现状,按照《医疗废物管理条例》,完善医疗废物管理机构及管理细则,并开展全员培训工作。

    To accord with the " Regulations for Medical Waste Management ", the managerial system and principles were improved .

  14. 依托教师教育网络联盟,利用现代信息技术进行教师全员培训。

    Depend on the teachers ' education net alliance and use modern information technology to train all the teaching staff .

  15. 50%的公司仅对中高层管理者提供培训,另有38%的公司实行全员培训。

    While half of companies provide coaches to midlevel or senior staff only , 38 % make them available to anyone .

  16. 在开展中小学教师全员培训的过程中,校本培训成为一种十分必要而有效的形式。

    In the course of giving training to primary and secondary school teachers , school based training has become a necessary and effective form .

  17. 要重视员工培训,建立科学合理的全员培训机制等五条薪酬管理体系的优化设计建议。

    Emphasize the suggestions of optimally designing salary management system such as staff training and establish scientific and reasonable whole staff training and so on .

  18. 在职教师继续教育在本研究中主要是指小学英语教师全员培训。

    Continuing education for in-service teachers mainly refers to primary school English teacher & ( PSET ) training of the entire staff , in this research .

  19. 教师全员培训既是基础教育一项十分重要的任务,也是建设高素质中小学教师队伍的重要措施。

    The teacher whole staff training is a very important task of basic education , and is also building high-quality primary and secondary teachers of important measures .

  20. “三检”制度、维修档案制度以及全员培训制度是目前消防车辆维修部门亟待落实的问题;

    At present , " Three Inspections " system , maintenance and repair record system and the staff training system are the main problems to be settled ;

  21. 利用网络远程研修方式开展中小学教师全员培训,是对教师进行继续教育、促进专业提升的重要途径。

    The training of the teachers in primary and middle school by using the distance study was an important way to develop their teaching skills and for further education .

  22. 它不同于面对面的传统培训课程,是低成本培训,在终身教育和学习化的社会中容易实现全员培训;

    It different from traditional face-to-face training curriculum , and it is low cost training curriculum , in life-long study society , it takes easy to realize whole training ;

  23. 在完善硬件设施建设的同时,我们还特别注重加强员工队伍建设,实行全员培训,安全管理。

    In the perfect hardware facilities at the same time , we have special emphasis on strengthening the building of the staff , the implementation of staff training , safety management .

  24. 目前,我国中小学教师的继续教育工程已全面实施,教师全员培训开始进入总结、反思进而提高阶段。

    At present , the project of teachers ' further education has already been put into practice . Training for all teachers is entering the stage of summarizing , reflecting and improving .

  25. 目的:探讨在医疗护理工作中废物管理问题。方法:建立管理组织、制度,全员培训,专人管理,分类收集、贮送,加强督查。

    Objective To strengthen the management of medical wastes , Methods To establish management organization , systems , training for whole staff members , management by the special people and reinforce supervision .

  26. 培训的实效性是评价教师全员培训效果的核心指标,是每一个从事教师培训工作的人都在思考的问题。

    The property of being effective is the key indicator of how to evaluate the training effect . It is also what the people are thinking about who work on teachers ' training .

  27. 随着教育部《中小学教师教育技术能力标准(试行)》的颁发,新一轮的中小学教育技术能力全员培训全面启动。

    Along with " Educational Technology Ability Standards for Elementary and middle schools Teachers "( CETS ) issuing by Ministry of Education , the new turn of the whole staff educational technology ability training is started .

  28. 接着,通过博弈论知识分析了科研团队培训对象选拔制度,得出以下结论:传统培训对象选拔制度在以团队为主的组织中存在着明显的局限性,全员培训制度具有明显的优势;

    After that , it analyses traditional training object selection and whole training object selection among the scientific research team to draw the conclusion that the traditional training object selection has obvious limitations and the whole training has evident advantages .

  29. 本文以中小学教师信息技术全员培训考核网上测评系统设计与实现为背景,概述了系统实现的思想体系、框架结构,途径要点与关键技术。

    Based on the system of information technology training and network evaluation for middle and elementary school teachers , we outline the ideological system for implementation and its structure , route and key techniques in the first place of this paper .

  30. 方法严格执行法律法规,提高检验水平,建立信息系统与血液质量追溯系统,确保血液贮存运输的温度要求,产品生产的全过程控制以及全员培训。

    METHODS Abide to the law , advance the blood screening level , establish the information and blood quality tracking system , meet the temperature requirements for blood storage and transportation , carry out the total process control and the training for all staff .