
  • 网络KOPER;coppell
  1. 风投机构FirstRoundCapital合伙人乔什o科佩尔曼说,近年来种子阶段投资的价格已经提高了20%-30%。

    Josh Kopelman , a partner at First Round Capital , says seed deals have increased in price by around 20 % to 30 % in recent years , which makes his job difficult . " We have tried to maintain price sensitivity , " he said .

  2. 不过,他知道今天的EPL和当时有了很大不同。现在的雷丁经理科佩尔也和他有一样的看法。

    However , he acknowledges that the Premier League today is very different to the First Division that he and the current Reading boss knew back then .

  3. 他对科佩尔说他想安宁地死去。

    He told Koppel he wanted to die with serenity .

  4. 正式采访开始前,科佩尔询问了疾病的进展情况。

    Before they started , Koppel asked about the disease 's progression .

  5. “你干得不错,”科佩尔说。

    " You did a good job ," Koppel said .

  6. 回答得如此简单,科佩尔不禁笑了。

    It was such a simple answer that Koppel had to smile .

  7. 科佩尔问莫里他对死神的临近是不是感到更害怕了。

    Koppel asked if Morrie was more afraid now that death was near .

  8. “你气色不错,”带子开始转动时科佩尔说。

    " You look fine ," Koppel said when the tape began to roll .

  9. 采访快要结束时,莫里给科佩尔念了一封他收到的信。

    Before the show ended , Morrie read Koppel one of the letters he 'd received .

  10. 我成了他们继几年前聘请的杰宁斯和科佩尔之后最年轻的记者。

    I was the youngest correspondent they hired since they hired Jennings and Koppel years ago .

  11. 美国广播公司的特德。科佩尔在“晚间热线”中提及了此事,却认为此并不重要,理由是因为还存在很多新问题。

    ABC 's Ted Koppel mentioned it on Nightline , then dismissed its importance , because there were so many new questions .

  12. 我不禁想到了死囚临刑前人们也会这么问,当然,科佩尔并没有联想到这个。

    Although he did not mean it this way , I couldn 't help but think of a condemned man being asked for his final words .

  13. 和前两次的科佩尔-施瓦茨会晤不同,这一次自始至终是在莫里的书房里进行的,莫里已经成了那张躺椅的囚徒。

    Unlike the previous two Koppel-Schwartz sessions , this one was conducted entirely within Morrie 's study , where Morrie had become a prisoner of his chair .

  14. 为了创造一点气氛,科佩尔和莫里聊了一会儿各自的童年生活。科佩尔谈到了他在英国的成长经历。莫里则叙述了他在布朗克斯区①的童年生活。

    As warm-up , Koppel and Morrie exchanged stories about their childhood backgrounds : Koppel spoke of growing up in England , and Morrie spoke of growing up in the Bronx .

  15. 科佩尔一见到莫里先吻了他,然后侧身从书橱前挤到了镜头里。

    Koppel , who kissed my old professor when he first saw him , now had to squeeze in alongside the bookcase in order to be seen in the camera 's lens .

  16. 在32岁的年纪,这位门将被认为是弱点,但他经受住了斯蒂夫。科佩尔的轰炸。李。马丁的射门帮助曼联夺取冠军。

    Even at32 , the goalkeeper was earmarked as a weak link and was bombarded by Steve Coppell 's Eagles , but Sealey 's clean sheet and Lee Martin 's fine strike ensured winners'medals all round .