
  • 网络COROT;Coro;Corona
  1. 另一名奥运会难民选手、24岁的保罗•阿穆通•洛科罗(PauloAmotunLokoro),是1500米长跑运动员。

    Another of the refugee Olympians is Paulo Amotun Lokoro , 24 , a 1500-meter runner .

  2. 上周,Facebook首席科技官麦克o斯科罗普夫在该公司的开发者会议上表示,OculusVR的目标是要以前所未有的方式将人们聚合在一起。

    The goal is to bring people together in ways they never could before , Mike Schroepfer , Facebook 's chief technology officer , said last week at the company 's developer conference .

  3. 英国广播公司在声明中说:“BBC被告知,2011年的纪录片《人类星球》中关于巴布亚新几内亚科罗威人的一集出现了违反编辑准则的情况。”

    In a statement the BBC said : " The BBC has been alerted to a breach of editorial standards in an episode of Human Planet from 2011 which concerns the Korowai people of Papua New Guinea .

  4. 你的工作路线是要经过科罗那多大桥。

    So your route has to take you across the Coronado bridge .

  5. 不是,科罗里太太,我是哈瑞斯坦伯。

    No , Mrs curlene , it 's Harry stamper .

  6. 台风“科罗旺”持续大风特征分析

    An analysis on characteristics of sustained high wind by typhoon " krovan "

  7. 佛蒙特州、科罗伦多州、夏威夷州和康涅狄格州也加入了请求队伍中。

    Vermont , Colorado , Hawaii , and have joined in the request .

  8. 科罗唱歌既充满激情,又十分灵活。

    Kollo sings with supreme verve and flexibility .

  9. 在“奥狄浦斯在科罗诺斯”一剧中,我们也见到同样的乐观,不过它变得无限崇高罢了。

    In Oedipus at Colonus we meet this same serenity , but utterly transfigured .

  10. 我正在和这些科罗斯肯特人民交谈。

    I 'm taking these people to coruscant .

  11. 在此期间,矿工在另外的边界地区科罗拉遭到失败。

    In the meantime , the miners suffered defeats on another frontier , Colorado .

  12. 科罗耐克警告编辑说,这篇不成熟和隐晦的论文会把这期刊扼杀掉的。

    Kronecker warned the editor that this immature and obscure article would kill the journal .

  13. 布鲁姆菲尔德:美国科罗拉罗州中北部一城市,丹佛的一个郊区。人口24638。

    A city of north-central Colorado , a suburb of Denver . Population , 24,638 .

  14. 一开始,洛科罗觉得自己不够优秀,不够资格做职业长跑选手。

    At first , Lokoro thought he was not good enough to be a serious runner .

  15. 1861年,他从斯卡都出发,从海拔5043米的斯科罗拉峰进入巴拉尔度山谷。

    In1861 , he started from Skardu and entered Braldu valley from Skoro-La ( 5,043m ) .

  16. 也许在“奥狄普斯在科罗诺斯”一剧中,你还听到一种从彼岸传来的最纯粹的和谐情调。

    The reconciling tones from another world sound purest , perhaps , in the Oedipus at Colonus .

  17. 所有这些天线,都由新墨西哥州索科罗的阵列控制中心来进行控制。

    All the antennas are controlled from headquarters at the Array Operations Center in Socorro , New Mexico .

  18. 这项研究是两年前《国家地理》与科罗维纸在探讨方法的过程中被启示的。

    The study caps a process initiated two years ago when National Geographic approached Verso to explore the idea .

  19. 12月27日至28日夜间,诺第留斯号超速度急行,离开了万尼科罗群岛海面。

    DURING THE NIGHT of December 27-28 , the Nautilus left the waterways of Vanikoro behind with extraordinary speed .

  20. 遍布于加利福尼亚、科罗伦多和蒙太纳诸州的药店,甚至是药房的房东都收到了恐吓信。

    Dispensaries and even landlords of dispensary-operators , all over California , Colorado and Montana have been getting menacing letters .

  21. 本田思域,现代伊兰特的基本型做不到,丰田科罗拉和雪佛兰克鲁兹可以。

    Base versions of the Honda Civic and Hyundai Elantra do not , although the Toyota Corolla and Chevrolet Cruze do .

  22. 例如,据说科罗威人吃被称作“khakhua”的男性巫师的肉。

    The Korowai people , for example , are said to eat the flesh of suspected male witches known as khakhua .

  23. 然而,基本型捷达落后于竞争者,包括科罗拉(132马力),伊兰特(138),思域(140)。

    Therefore , the base Jetta now lags competitors including the Corolla ( 132 horsepower ), Elantra ( 138 ) and Civic ( 140 ) .

  24. 坐着从市中心向东南方向的绿线15分钟就到了古科罗缅斯克庄园站,此刻你置身于莫斯科的另一个隐藏的无价宝藏。

    A15 minute ride from the city center south-east along the green line to Kolomenskoye station brings you to another of Moscow 's hidden treasure troves .

  25. 如果《圣经》写在玻利维亚,我们可能认为写红海这部分的家伙曾去过科罗拉达湖。

    If the Bible had been written in Bolivia , we 'd probably assume the guy who wrote the seas of blood section had visited Laguna Colorada .

  26. 科罗威人对现代医学毫无所知,他们通常把疾病归因于“khakhua”,认为是“khakhua”施法让他们从内到外都受到迫害。

    The Korowai have little understanding of modern medicine , and often attribute diseases to a khakhua using magic to consume their victim from the inside out .

  27. 其中有位名叫保罗•洛科罗的1500米长跑选手还有一个特别的梦想:见一见牙买加短跑健将尤赛恩•博尔特。

    One of them , Paulo Lokoro , who will compete in the 1500 metres has one dream in particular : to meet Jamaican sprint star Usain Bolt .

  28. 我要让我的眼睛饱享维勒内兹那炽烈的色彩,研究埃尔·格列科的神秘,从科罗那里领略大自然的新视觉。

    I should want to feast my eyes upon the warm colors of Veronese , study the mysteries of E1 Greco , catch a new vision of Nature from Corot .

  29. 这些措施最初的实施时期是60至90天,科罗马说,下一步的措施将在有必要时公布。

    These measures will initially be implemented for a period of 60 to 90 days , Mr. Koroma said , and subsequent measures will be announced as and when necessary .

  30. 2011年播出的纪录片《人类星球》共有八集。其中的一集描绘了巴布亚新几内亚科罗威人的生活,展示了他们搬到树屋居住的场景。

    An episode of the eight-part Human Planet series , which aired in 2011 , depicted the life of the Korowai people of Papua New Guinea and included members moving into a treehouse .