
  • 网络Ontological argument;Anselm;ontological proof
  1. 一方面是他对传统的关于上帝存在的证明(包括本体论证明、宇宙论证明和自然神学证明)的批驳,即清除宗教哲学的旧的知识论基础。

    On the one hand , he criticizes traditional theistic proofs including the ontological argument , the cosmological argument and the physico-theological argument in order to clear away the traditional knowledge basis of religion .

  2. 自从安瑟伦给出关于上帝存在的本体论证明以来,上帝存在的证明问题就被纳入进了宗教哲学问题的思考之中,并成为宗教哲学的基础与核心。

    Since the ontological argument for the existence of God was first developed by Anselmus , the problem of philosophical arguments offered to justify belief in the reality of God had been brought into our thinking about the philosophy of religion and soon became its theoretical basis and core .

  3. 我存在的本体论证明;

    Ontological proof of my existence ;

  4. 物质能产生意识属性吗&对传统唯物主义本体论证明的质疑

    Could the Matter Produce the Idea & A Query on the Proof of the Ontology of Traditional Materialism

  5. 对此,它提出了两个证明,即本体论证明和认识论证明。

    On the ground of this , it gives out two proofs , the ontology proof and epistemology proof .

  6. 传统唯物主义对其物质是第一性的,意识第二性的的哲学基本观点从两个方面作了证明,即本体论证明和认识论证明。

    Traditional Materialism provides proofs to its basic philosophical viewpoint that material comes before consciousness , i.e. the ontological proof and the epistemological proof .

  7. 文章对萨特及其主要戏剧作品作一简要介绍以后,接着谈到萨特对人和自由所做的本体论证明。

    At first , I introduce simply Sartre 's main drama works , and thereafter I speak of the ontology argumentation that Sartre does on man .

  8. 第一部分:存在问题产生和发展的动因,上帝存在的本体论证明是促使存在逻辑产生和发展的动力。

    The dissertation consists of four parts : Part one : The emerge and development of existential issue is derived from " ontological argument for the existence of God " .

  9. 自然神论的设计论证明建立在不彻底的经验论基础之上,它与经院哲学的本体论证明和宇宙论证明一起,共同构成了基督教理性神学关于上帝存在的三大经典证明。

    The design of deism bases its testimony on the imperfect empiricism and , with the cosmological testimony and the ontological testimony of the scholasticism , forms the three classical testimonies of the existence of God in the Christian rational theology .

  10. 这就是对于上帝存在的本体论的证明所取的途径。

    This is the method of the ontological proof .

  11. 他致力于把现象学和存在论结合起来,研究作为存在主体的人的意识,为人的自由提供了本体论的证明。

    He dedicated himself to connecting phenomenology with existentialism , studying the consciousness of existentialism and giving the proof to ontology of humane freedom .