
  • 网络post-colonialism;post colonialism;postcolonialism;post-colonism
  1. 对后殖民主义问题的讨论不在本书范围之内。

    A discussion of post-colonial issues is beyond the scope of this book .

  2. 族群政治、性别政治和阶级政治的三维空间&后殖民女性主义批评视角简析

    Three-dimensional Space of Politics of Race , Gender and Class

  3. 斯皮瓦克和她的后殖民女权主义批评

    Spivak and Her Criticism on the Post Colonial Feminism

  4. 后殖民女性主义以其强烈的批判性直指西方对东方的知识霸权。

    Post-colonial feminism sharply criticizes the West 's knowledge hegemony on the East 's.

  5. 种族、性别与文本的政治&后殖民女性主义的理论与批评实践

    Race , Gender and the Politics of Texts

  6. 《走出非洲》的后殖民女性主义解读

    The Interpretation of Jiusan line in Diagrams On Out of Africa : A post-colonial and feminist reading

  7. 沉默·抵抗·对话&从后殖民女性主义角度看伍慧明小说《骨》中的华裔女性形象

    Silence · Resistance · Dialogue & Analysis on the Images of Chinese American Women in Bone from the Perspective of Post-colonial Feminism

  8. 论文第一章从后殖民女性主义的理论视角,剖析了莫莉在小说大部分章节中不在场的缘由。

    Chapter one analyzes there is the reason for Molly who is absence in the major parts of the Novel from the post-colonialism theories .

  9. 第一章简要介绍了后殖民女性主义理论并探讨了第三世界女性沉默的原因。

    Chapter One gives a brief introduction to the post-colonial feminist theory and discusses the causes for the silence of the Third World women .

  10. 非洲裔美国女作家艾丽斯·沃克1998年出版的新小说《父亲的微笑之光》是一部典型的后殖民妇女主义文学。

    By the Light of My Father 's Smile , written by African American woman writer Alice Walker and published in1998 , is a typical postcolonial womanism literature .

  11. 胡克斯的后殖民女性主义思想丰富了后殖民理论以及女性主义理论,同时对于第三世界女性摆脱压迫、建构主体性有着一定的借鉴意义。

    Hooks ' postcolonial feminism thoughts not only supplement the theory of both postcolonialism and feminism , but also can help women of the third world to get rid of all kinds of oppression and construct their subjectivity .

  12. 后殖民女性主义把西方女权主义惟一关注的“性别压迫”拓展到“性别、族群、阶级压迫”的三维空间,凸现出性别压迫与其他形式压迫的相互连锁关系。

    Post-colonial feminism have developed the critical space form only " gender oppression " to three-dimensional space of " gender , race , class oppression ", and sticks out the inner chain relation of gender oppression and other oppressions .

  13. 本文首先考察了后殖民女性主义文学批评产生的文化背景,其次检视了它的话语特征,最后通过讨论其作品批评实践,表明性别意识与族群政治的复杂纠葛将开启一个极富启迪的批评空间。

    In this essay , the author first investigates the cultural background and discursive features of this hybrid form of criticism , and then , by examining how it works in practice , indicates that the mutual involvement between sex consciousness and ethnic politics creates a very illuminating critical space .

  14. 批评家分别从后殖民角度,女性主义角度等方面对这部小说进行了研究。

    Critics discuss the novel in the perspective of feminism , postcolonialism and some other aspects .

  15. 后殖民批评对马克思主义的态度十分矛盾,又深受其影响。

    The attitude to Marxism of Postcolonial Criticism is very contradictory and it has been influenced deeply by Marxism .

  16. 结构主义批评、叙事学批评、读者反应批评、后殖民批评、女性主义批评、解构主义批评及其它一些方法。

    Main sub-themes are structural criticism , narrative criticism , reader-response criticism , post-colonial criticism , feminist criticism , deconstructive criticism and other ways .