
yìng shè
  • mapping;representation;shine upon;cast light on;cast light upon
映射 [yìng shè]
  • [cast light on;shine upon] 照射;映照

  • (阳光映射在江面上)

映射[yìng shè]
  1. 离散数据直接映射STL数据文件

    The Scatter Data Directly Shine Upon the STL File

  2. 它最大的优点是简单,保留了串行GA的搜索行为,因而可直接应用GA的理论来预测一个具体问题能否映射到并行GA上求解。

    Its biggest advantage is simple , GA retained serial search , and can be directly applied GA theory to predict whether or not a specific issue to shine upon the combined parallel GA.

  3. 阳光映射在江面上。

    The sun shines upon the river .

  4. 在大多数城市,天空看起来好像已经没有星星了,留下一片空荡荡的薄雾,映射出我们对黑暗的恐惧。

    In most cities the sky looks as though it has been emptied of stars , leaving behind a vacant haze that mirrors our fear of the dark .

  5. 水果和蔬菜也映射着不同的色彩。

    Fruit and vegetables , too , shone in their bright skins .

  6. Fuzzy线性映射的连续性和有界性(Ⅱ)

    The Continuity and Boundedness of Fuzzy Linear Mapping ( II )

  7. 不要映射Key字段。

    Don 't map the Key field .

  8. 单击Next接受默认服务器模块映射。

    Click Next'to accept the default server module mapping .

  9. 编辑News站点并添加模板映射和菜单组件

    Edit the News site and add template mappings and a menu component

  10. 双重Fuzzy关系及其诱导映射

    The twofold fuzzy relation and inherited mapping

  11. 点式Fuzzy映射及其扩张

    The Pointwise Fuzzy Mapping and its Extension

  12. Fuzzy映射和乘积Fuzzy测度

    Fuzzy Mapping and Product Fuzzy Measures

  13. IP电话系统中地址映射表的创建与查询

    The Construction and Searching of Address Map Table in VOIP System

  14. h0,h映射与(h0,h)-稳定性

    H_0 , h Maps and ( h_0 , h ) - Stability

  15. BSchema可以被直接映射为关系模式。

    B_Schema can be directly mapped into relation schema .

  16. (E0,E)型渐近光滑映射和耗散波方程

    ( E_0 , E ) Asymptotically Smooth Maps And Dissipative Wave Equations

  17. Fuzzy可测映射

    The fuzzy measurable mapping

  18. 关于Fuzzy映射的连续性

    On Fuzzy Mapping Continuity

  19. Fuzzy开映射定理

    Fuzzy Open Mapping Theorem

  20. 关于Fuzzy数映射

    On Fuzzy Number Mappings

  21. MapManager用于导入和管理映射。

    Map Manager for importing and managing maps .

  22. 如果R是自反和传递的,则这个映射是连续的。

    If R is reflective and transitive , then the map is continuous .

  23. 传统CAD技术缺乏映射客观现实环境的能力,限制了人机协作环境一体化。

    Traditional CAD lacks capability for mapping objective world , confining human-computer collaboration .

  24. 下面(是)数据类型和相应的Java映射

    The following data types and corresponding Java mapping

  25. f是一压缩映射,T是一非扩张映射。

    F be a contractive mapping , T be a nonexpansive mapping .

  26. Fuzzy映射与F基数

    Fuzzy mappings and fuzzy cardinal numbers

  27. 点击Yes以应用映射。

    Click Yes to apply the mapping .

  28. R上的保持某些距离值不变的映射

    Real functions preserving some values of distance

  29. Logistic映射在图像加密中的应用

    The Application of Logistic Mapping on Encryption and Decipher for Image

  30. 创建控制表、复制队列映射和Q订阅。

    Create control tables , replication queue maps , and Q subscriptions .