
  • 【机】quency [of NMR] 在脉冲傅里叶变换核磁共振波谱法中,将自由感应衰减信号变成数字量的AD变换的频率。
  1. 此方法适用于高采样频率的频率测频,计算中可以调整频率的分辨率,增加了FFT和频谱分析的灵活性。

    This method can be used for frequency measurement of high sampling rate .

  2. RAM的使用量和欲实现的采样频率及接口速度有关。

    The amounts of memory used relate to sampling frequency and interface speed .

  3. 当采样频率为20样h时,Au、Pt、Pd的富集倍数分别为43、37、41。

    The enrichment factors for Au , Pt , Pd were 43 , 37 , 41 , respectively .

  4. 8通道音频采样频率转换器设计与ASIC实现

    Design of an 8-Channel Audio Sampling Rate Converter and Its ASIC Implementation

  5. 当信号的最高频率为ω时,第1次采样频率为ωf≥4ω。

    If the highest frequency in signal spectrum is ω, the first sampling frequency will be ω f ≥ 4 ω .

  6. 系统以DSP为控制核心,可自动识别并适应不同的电压和电流等级,采用程控放大、变化采样频率以获得优化的阵列测试效果。

    The tester with DSP core could get excellent results by judging and adopting the different value of voltage and current , programmed amplifying and changing the frequency of sample .

  7. 在FPGA内部实现多路转换的通道序列表,通过对序列表的寻址完成通道的转换,可以在一定程度上实现不同通道不同采样频率的变频率采样技术。

    Generating a multiplexed channel serial table in internal FPGA and through addressing the serial table , the system can to achieve an adjustable frequency data-sampling to a certain extent .

  8. 在一定范围内,CD随计算点长的增加和采样频率的下降而升高,随低通滤波频率的下降而降低;

    Within a certain range , CD value increased with the increase of calculating points , the decrease of sample frequency , and decreased with the decrease of low-pass filt frequency ;

  9. 信号送入Sigma-DeltaADC后被以非常低的分辨率(1位)进行量化,但采样频率却非常高。

    Signals sent to Sigma-Delta ADC are quantized at very low resolution ( 1-bit ), but the sampling frequency is very high .

  10. 采用本文设计的系统结构和基本单元子电路,可以使得DAC的采样频率达到50MS/S。

    With system structure and basic unit circuit designed in this paper , the sampling frequency of DAC can reach 50MS / S.

  11. 本文对OFDMA上行链路中定时、载波频率和采样频率偏移的影响进行了理论分析。

    The OFDMA uplink performance in the presence of timing , carrier frequency or sampling frequency offsets are analyzed theoretically .

  12. 文中部分符号如下:Fc为载波频率,Fd为符号率,Fs为信号采样频率。-。

    Paper , some of the symbols is as follows : Fc is carrier frequency , Fd for the symbol rate , Fs is sampling frequency .

  13. A/D部分的精度直接制约整个系统的最终计算精度,需要极为精确的采样频率,本系统选用DSP内部的计时器来实现采样频率的控制。

    The A / D accuracy directly restricts the entire system and the final calculation precision , so it needs extremely accurate sampling frequency . The system used DSP internal timer to control the sampling frequency .

  14. 因此,在OFDM系统接收机中,定时的确定、载波频率偏差和采样频率偏差的纠正是信号恢复的关键。

    So , in an OFDM system , finding the symbol timing , the carrier frequency offset , and the sampling rate offset the receiver is important in the recovery of the signal .

  15. 灰度图像边缘检测的精度受到CCD摄像机的采样频率的限制,且CCD为一衍射受限系统,灰度图像的边缘变得模糊。

    The precision of edge inspection in graylevel image is limited by the sampling resolution of CCD camera , and CCD is a diffractive and confined system , the edge of graylevel image is becoming vague .

  16. 结果表明,采样频率偏差会引起信号幅度衰减和子载波间干扰(Inter-carrierInterference,ICI),导致系统信噪比性能下降;

    It is shown that sampling frequency offset can lead to amplitude attenuation and Inter-Carrier Interference ( ICI ) due to the loss of orthogonality between the subcarriers .

  17. 本文通过对软件无线电基本理论的研究,得出一种多相滤波数字正交变换的中频软件无线电结构,AD的采样频率只有原采样频率的一半,这样,就降低了对采样器件的要求。

    Based on the essential theory research of software radio , a IF architecture of SDR receiver with polyphase filter digital orthogonal transform are brought out in the thesis and the sample frequency of ADC decrease a half .

  18. 但当逐次比较式ADC的采样频率过高时,会使其内部采样保持的开关电容充电不充分,从而导致ADC转换误差过大。

    But when the sampling frequency of successive-approximation ADC is too high , the switched capacitor can 't be charged properly . And this will result in too big conversion error .

  19. 采用SVPWM算法取代传统功率控制的开关表,解决了开关频率不固定,需要较高的AD采样频率等问题。

    It also replaces the traditional power control switching table by introducing of SVPWM algorithm , to solve the problem that higher AD sampling frequency is needed if switching frequency is not fixed .

  20. H-S波前传感器时域采样频率对探测误差的影响

    Influence of Time Domain Sampling Frequency for H S Wavefront Sensor on Detection Error

  21. 该系统采用多通道同步采集,采样频率高,且采用DMA控制方式,实时性强,能够实现振动、摆度信号实时显示和分析等功能。

    This system uses multicenter synchronization sampling and DMA sampling control method , which has high sampling frequency . The system can realize displaying and analyzing in real time .

  22. 首先介绍了离散傅立叶变换及快速傅立叶变换的基本原理,然后通过一个Matlab实例说明快速傅立叶变换由于采样频率低引起的频率混迭现象,提出了快速傅立叶变换对采样频率的要求。

    This paper introduces the principle of discrete fourier transform and fast fourier transform , expatiates a phenomenon of frequency mixing caused by low sampling frequency with a Matlab example , and proposes the necessity of sampling frequency in FFT .

  23. 实验数据的谱分析结果表明,利用GPS观测数据可以精确地鉴别出振动特征,如相对位移和频率,并且当GPS数据的采样频率为F时,至少可以分辨出约0.25F以下的振动频率。

    The spectral analysis results indicate that clear and accurate vibrating characteristics such as relative displacements and frequencies of at least about 0.25F can be derived from GPS observations with sampling frequency F.

  24. 通过Matlab仿真进一步验证可行性,对编制伪随机码时将要选择的一些重要参数,如采样频率、码元宽度、伪随机序列长度、伪码幅值等进行了仿真实验,定性给出了选择标准。

    Further Matlab simulation is carried out to prove its feasibility and meanwhile how to select when coding the parameters of PN code such as sampling frequency , bit size , PN sequence length and PN amplitude etc. is put forward .

  25. 另外,本文还分析了OFDM系统中采样频率偏移对系统性能的影响,基于此提出了一种在频域进行估计和校正的采样频率同步算法。

    Besides , based on the discussion of the impacts of sampling frequency offset on the performance of OFDM systems , a new sampling frequency synchronization algorithm in frequency domain is proposed and its mathematical analysis is presented .

  26. 随着软件无线电技术的发展,使信号的采样频率越来越高,而在高采样率的条件下,采用常规的方法进行窄带FIR滤波器的设计是不可能的。

    With the rapid development of software radio techniques , the sampling rate is becoming high . On the condition of high sampling rate , the design of narrow band FIR digital filters by usual ways is impossible .

  27. 由于相量测量装置(PMU)对相量测量同步性的要求,其采样频率应保持为常数,当系统频率变化时,相量的计算会出现误差。

    The sampling frequency of PMU is constant because of the synchronization of its phasor measuring . As system frequency changes , the error of measuring phasor is avoidless .

  28. 这样的系统,信号采样频率非常高,在高采样率的条件下,无法采用常规的方法进行窄带FIR滤波器的设计。

    Such system , the signal sample frequency is very high , under the condition of high sample rate , can 't adopt the method of the normal regulations to carry on the design of the filter of narrow-band FIR .

  29. 给出了一种基于开关电容(SC)电路的10位80MHz采样频率低功耗采样保持电路。它是为一个10位80MS/s流水线结构A/D转换器的前端采样模块设计的。

    A 10-b 80 MS / s low power sample-and-hold circuit based on switched-capacitor ( SC ) circuits was designed , which is intended for use in a 10-b 80 MS / s pipelined A / D converter .

  30. 测定每个标本的载荷-位移数据和压力-位移曲线,采样频率为10Hz。

    The loading-displacement and pressure-displacement data of every sample were measured , and sampling frequency was 10 Hz .