- 名lithofacies;petrofacies;rock facies

At last , the basic model of the crystalline state after absorbing inclusions is given according to the analysis for the lithofacies analysis .
The Markov chain model is gradually applied to get 2D or 3D lithofacies images of reservoir in the domain of stochastic reservoir modeling in recent years .
The sediments are detrital and largely of greywacke facies .
Modeling of stochastic reservoir lithofacies with Markov chain model
XRD analysis of the Banxi Group slate in the northern Xuefeng Uplift suggest a lower greenschist facies metamorphism .
The petrological and geochemical characteristics of the eclogite face metamorphic palaeo-ocean crust ( serpentite , type C eclogite and basic mylonite ) have been studied with electron-probe and other methods .
The XRD and petrographic analysis on the shaft kiln clinker from the cement plant under Jiyuan wuxing group , were taken in this paper .
These volcanic rocks are characteristic of volcanic lithofacies and of chemical composition of higer MgO and lower SiO_2 in petrology .
For Aegirine stone of sheet glass the author has made a petrographic analysis by optical microscope , X-ray differaction structure analysis and shape observation of chemical component distribution by scanning electron microscope .
The problems dealing with mineral constitutes 、 petrographics and expansion of steel slags with lower alkali basicity have been researched .
The SHRIMP U-Pb zircon age of granulite facies metamorphism of the garnet two-pyroxene-plagioclase granulite is 507.7 ± 8.3 Ma ( 2 σ) .
By means of petrological analysis and mineralogical analysis , X-ray diffraction analysis and electron microprobe analysis , this paper studies the mineral characteristic change of the Nanhua pyrite cinder in the magnetic roasting-magnetic separation process .
Permian carbonate rocks in the central Hubei basin have been identified as carbonate platform facies after traditional facies analysis . It includes five subfacies , i.e. sub-facies of districted depression , slope B , depression , slope A and shallow out .
Through analyzing the content of V and Ti in slag lithofacies by electron microscope , the reason why melting temperature of slag with vanadium and titanium oxides was lower than common slag was discovered .
By means of the identification of these key boundaries , it has been recognized that twenty-eight 5th - order , five 4th - order and two 3rd - order sequences from the lithological sequence of Pm profile .
Abstract According to plant producing practice , the paper analyses rational rock-facies composition of blast furnace FeMn slag and the effect to slag performance and ( MnO ) .
The results reveal tha the added rare - earth lean ore is helpful to improve the petrographic structure of cement clinker and increase the solid solution of Al2O3 、 Fe2O3 in alite ;
The granulite facies were resulted from the regional high-temperature metamorphism with medium pressure . The metamorphism evolution was the retrogressive metamorphism with approximate isobaric cooling ( IBC ) and counter clockwise PTt path .
Monitoring of temporal and spatial change of vegetation in waste dump of Haizhou opencast coal mine area using multi-temporal Landsat remote sensing images The experimental research on petrological transformation of low rank coal during its enhancement of plastic characteristics by hydrogenation
Radioactive isotope ~ ( 87 ) Sr / ~ ( 86 ) Sr initialized average value is 0.7048 , and ε Nd value is - 5.3 , which show magma come of enriched mantle , and assimilated by the lower melt compositions from the eclogite face mafic rocks .
The method by using SONN to auto-identify the seismic lithofacies from seismic data has been successfully applied in LGX oilfield of Tarim basin .
Three generations of ductile deformation were identified , in which the D 1 is related to the event before Pan-African age , D 2 corresponds to the regional granulite peak metamorphism , whereas D 3 reflects ductile extension in late Pan-African orogenic period .
The alkali-silica reaction ( ASR ) of sandstone aggregate is determined by means of petrographic examination , mortars-bar test and sol-gel expansion test as well as concrete prism expansion method ; and the effect of fly ash on inhibiting the ASR expansion occurred in the sandstone is evaluated .
Seventeen zircon U-Pb concordant ages ( from 858 to 778 Ma ) show the time of amphibolite-facies retrogressive metamorphism of the Panxi granulites . Amphibolite-facies retrograde metamorphism took place during rapid cooling and uplift of the Panxi granulite , which was probably correlated with the Neoproterozoic mantle plume activities .
The results of trace element determination of 195 Li-F granite samples from China and other countries indicate that with the variation of Li-F granite facies from the lower to the upper , there are negative correlations between Zr / Hf and F and Nb / Ta and F ;
Form lith-facies succession to meter-scale cycle and from sedimentary-facies succession to third-order sequence , the Ordovician in studied area can devided into 8 third-order sequences , they are OS1 ~ OS8 , which can be grouped into two second-order sequence . Tongzi Fm .
Lithofacies paleogeography of Fuxian stage in early Jurassic in Ordos Basin
The brittle - ductile shearing mainly controls the mineralizing process .
The collapse often involves with the fault and the phyllite .
The DEVONIAN SEDIMENTARY ichnofacies in eastern Qinling and its protection significance