- 名Rock occurrence;attitude of bed

This system can accomplish effectively many functions through computer such as field terrane - surveying of geology catalog , drawing tectonic lines , building spatial model based on digital image , fast querying of terrane-attribute and figure database , cartography through CAD technology and so on .
If the Se_rich rock formations in flanks of compression folds have steep dip angles and narrow area of outcrop , the distribution of the soil derived from the rock is controlled by the nature and intense of the transporting media and the landscope .
Utilize the drilling data to determine the occurence of the layers
Attempting to determine the attitude of buried rocks by means of PALEOMAGNETISM
A two-parameter description method for the attitude of rock formation
The method of ascertaining stratigraphic occurrence in mining geology
The calculating method for layer attitude with airphoto pair
Methods for determination of rock formation attitude by using of oriented drill cores
The strike shall be marked for expression of both rockbed and joint occurrences .
The stratigraphic occurrence will also influence the release velocity of pore water directly .
The Determination of Altitude of Underground Strata by Using Data from a Single Drill Hole
He paper introduces a method with which the stratum 's tilt angle and azimuth are determined by three bore-holes .
Rock occurrence flat , vertical joints of the development , the missing Quaternary glacial were good for the formation of this landform .
The rock body schistosity plane is nearly horizontal and has developed a set of joints outward to the slope , orthogonal with the schistosity plane .
However , the regulation functions to karst water depend on the structure of the epikarst zone , occurrence of strata , land cover and rainfall intensity .
Based on the change of the state key elements of the rock stratum and fault , the methods of forecasting the covered fault of mine are introduced .
A formula for determining the occurrence of strata is proposed on the basic principles of stereographic projection . In the light of the formula , a calculating form is designed and a calculating table and a rule are made .
Lots of red sandstone with characteristic of easy weathering , easy disintegration , low long-term strength , slow tilt single interbeds , poor deformation and stability distribution along with Chang-Ji highway . It is easy to occur bedding slope .
2 , inhomogeneity of Karst water is mainly related to structures of tensile fractures in vertical plane , and fractures are mostly concentrated on local upwarping sections controlled by folds , especially , in marginal zone where their occurrence changes suddenly ;
There are many factors influencing the stability of karst base : joints distribution , strength of rock , altitude of bed , cave style , burial conditions , load form and size , groundwater , filling in cave and so on .
A new method to determine and analyse the present and original occurrences of rock formations
Following the Tracks of Attitude in a Curved Drilling & Applying of General Geological Coordinate System ( 5 )
Attitude character of the acidic volcanic event rocks and their significances in the stratigraphy and geologic survey are briefed .
The relation between outcrop width and thickness depends on the dip of the bed , the slope of the ground , and the direction of traverse .
The authors put forward a calculating method for layer attitude with airphoto pair by PC-1500 computer or some others .
The method of finding the attitude of the rock formation structural plane by the computer through four core orientation parameters is presented .
Based on the features of 3D model and the data of digital geological logging , an analogue plane is built on the excavated surface model according to a linear trace and the space attitude of bed is determined auxiliary by the stereo images of the slope .
Distrbution character of the soft rock cave is related to the factors such as the alternate assemblage of the hard and soft layers , the attitude of beds , the geological structure , the discharge condition of groundwater and the topographic and morphological features etc.