
  • 网络bedding landslide
  1. 杭千高速公路的顺层滑坡问题及其原因分析

    Causes analyzing of bedding landslide in Hang-Qian highway project

  2. 顺层滑坡是一种常见的工程地质灾害,往往具有突发性,且破坏力强。

    Bedding landslide is a kind of common engineering geologic hazard , which often occurs suddenly with strong destructive power .

  3. 2001年1月17日晨,长江三峡云阳县老县城背后,由侏罗系砂岩、泥岩组成的五峰山,突发岩质顺层滑坡,体积约5×104m3。

    In Yunyang County at Three Gorges , in the morning on 17 January , 2001 , Wufeng Mountain , composed of sandstone and shale of Jurassic system , suddenly slided .

  4. 小孔径钻孔灌注桩在顺层滑坡治理中的应用

    Application of Small Drilling Hole Pour Pile to Bedding Landslide Renovation

  5. 风化岩质顺层滑坡因素的敏感性分析

    Sensitivity analysis of factors affecting the bedding slide of weathered rock

  6. 用混凝土阻滑键技术治理灰岩顺层滑坡

    Application of concrete sliding resistant key to treating limestone bedding landslip

  7. 红层软岩顺层滑坡临滑预报的强度控制方法

    Strength controlling forecast method of critical landslide along red-soft-mudstone layer

  8. 顺层滑坡的发育环境及分布特征

    Development environment and distribution characteristics of bedding plane landslides

  9. 渠道边坡顺层滑坡稳定性分析与加固治理

    Stability Analysis of Bedding Landslide in an Open Channel Slope and its Treatment

  10. 贵阳市顺层滑坡及其防治对策

    Analysis of Prevention and Treatment of Landslide in Guiyang

  11. 岩质顺层滑坡运动特征的研究

    Research on the Motion Characteristics of Along-Bedding Landslip

  12. 红层软岩顺层滑坡赋存的地质环境条件是形成滑坡的控制性因素,岩体强度特征决定滑坡的力学变形机制。

    Geological environmental conditions of the red-mudstone layer landslides are the key factors for forming landslides .

  13. 西南某水电站中倾顺层滑坡稳定性分析

    Analysis on the Medium - Dip Bedding Slide Stability in a Hydropower Station of the Southwest of China

  14. 在总结已往成果的基础上,结合工程实例,分析了小孔径钻孔灌注桩在顺层滑坡治理中的应用。

    In this paper , application of small drilling hole pour pile to bedding landslide renovation is analyzed with examples in project .

  15. 长大顺层滑坡滑移失稳模型实验分析所有密堆积排列都是由密堆积层排列而成的。

    Analysis on Mode Experiment of Large Consequent Slope 's Instability All closed-packed arrangements are built by stacking of close-packed layers of the type .

  16. 黄土接触面滑坡、土泥岩顺层滑坡的滑速低、滑距短,滑体具有稳定性差、活性强的特点。

    The characteristics of loess interface landslide and loess-mudstone layer plane landslide are low sliding velocity , short sliding distance and low stability after sliding .

  17. 由于顺层滑坡具有规模巨大、发生突然、危害显著等特点,特别是三峡水库蓄水以来,发生顺层滑坡的概率大大增加。

    Because along with a huge landslide occurred suddenly , endangering notable features , especially since the Three Gorges Reservoir , the probability of occurrence of old landslide greatly increased .

  18. 随着工程建设的增多,大型顺层滑坡不断涌现,当滑坡体产生的滑坡推力巨大时,单排抗滑桩往往不能满足设计要求。

    With the increasing projects , large-scale bedding landslide appears now and then . When the push created by landslide is too strong , single-row anti-slide piles do not meet the satisfaction any more .

  19. 试图通过本文的研究,既解决研究对象的工程实际问题,又在三峡库区顺层滑坡研究的基础理论和方法方面取得一些进展。

    This study attempts not only to solve the practical problems of engineering subjects , and landslides in the Three Gorges reservoir area on the basis of bedding theories and methods have made some progress .

  20. 沿岸滑坡发育形式主要为岩石顺层滑坡和风化堆积层滑坡。沿岸滑坡具有群发性的分布特征,与地层岩性和河谷岸坡类型等密切相关。

    The types of the landslide are the rock bedding plane one and the cumulate and solum one which are correlated closely with the rock property of strata and the types of the river valley .

  21. 采用不平衡推力法和数理统计分析法,结合浙江省泗溪滑坡的工程实践,研究影响风化岩质顺层滑坡各因素的敏感性。

    Combined with the case of landslide in sixi , Zhejiang Province , this paper investigated the sensitivity of the factors affecting the bedding slide of weathered rock using the unbalanced thrust method and mathematic statistics .

  22. 结果表明,边坡的稳定性随二者夹角的增大而增大;当夹角大于30°时,顺层滑坡的数量明显减少。

    The research result shows that the stability of a dip slope enhances with the increase of the angle between the strikes of slope and strata , and bedding slips occur seldom when the angle is over 30 ° .

  23. 为了确保再次整治取得良好效果,结合能量耗散机理,采用板裂介质力学计算模型,确定了顺层滑坡发生弯曲破坏的力学判据,并对该滑坡进行应用分析。

    This paper , according to the energy dissipation mechanism , adopted mechanical calculation model of sheet slope crack , established mechanical criterion by which bending failure appeared the bedding landslide , and carried through idiographic analyses of this landslide .

  24. 常吉高速公路沿线分布的大量的红砂岩,易风化崩解、长期强度低,且岩层产状多为单斜缓倾构造,易变形,稳定性很差,极容易出现顺层滑坡等工程问题。

    Lots of red sandstone with characteristic of easy weathering , easy disintegration , low long-term strength , slow tilt single interbeds , poor deformation and stability distribution along with Chang-Ji highway . It is easy to occur bedding slope .

  25. 按滑体岩土组成和滑面发育位置,黄土地区的滑坡可划分为黄土层内滑坡、黄土接触面滑坡、黄土泥岩顺层滑坡、黄土泥岩切层滑坡4种基本类型。

    On the basis of how the sliding body is composed of and where sliding plane exists , landslides in loess area can be divided into four basic types . They are homogeneous loess landslide , loess interface landslide , loess-mudstone layer plane landslide and loess-mudstone cutting layer landslide .

  26. 岩石顺层老滑坡群的破坏模式;

    The failure mode of a group of layered rock slopes .

  27. 预应力锚索在顺层路堑滑坡整治中的应用

    Application of the prestressed anchorage in the treatment of highway cut bedding slide

  28. 顺层岩石滑坡的分析与设计

    An example of analyse and design of consequent-rock-slope

  29. 顺层坡滑坡形成机制的物理模拟及力学分析

    The physical simulation and mechanical analysis on landslide 's formation mechanism on consequent slope

  30. 利用物理模拟方法再现顺层坡滑坡的形成机制;

    Based on the site investigation , the formation mechanism of landslide on consequent slope was discussed by using the physical simulation and mechanical analysis .