
  • 网络Sequence Control System;SCs
  1. 基于PLC、触摸屏的四级传送带顺序控制系统

    Sequence Control System of Four Levels Conveyer Belt Based on PLC and Touchscreen

  2. PLC双气缸延时顺序控制系统设计

    PLC Pneumatic Dual Cylinders Sequence Control System Design

  3. PLC顺序控制系统的几种简易设计方法

    Several Simple Design Methods on PLC Sequential Control System

  4. DCS在自动负荷升降顺序控制系统中的应用

    Application of DCS in Sequential Control of Automatic Loading up and down

  5. 基于Petri网设计顺序控制系统

    Sequential control system design based on Petri net

  6. DCS中顺序控制系统的设计

    Design of Sequence Control System of DCS

  7. CNG流动加气车顺序控制系统

    Sequence Control System for Movable CNG Filling Vehicle of High Dispensing Rate

  8. 根据塑料中空吹瓶机的生产工艺,通过PLC硬件配置及编程,设计了塑料中空吹瓶机的气路系统和顺序控制系统。

    The gas-way system and sequence control system of plastic bottle-blower are designed on the basis of the productive technology . The allocation of PLC and program design are completed .

  9. 在顺序控制系统设计一般方法的基础上,根据使用单片机及PLC作为控制器的特点,提出了设置冗余记忆状态的断续控制系统设计法。

    On the basis of general design method of sequence control system , by the funtion of the PLC or microcontroller , the paper advances a new design method , which possesses superfluous state memories .

  10. 国产600MW机组顺序控制系统的特点分析

    The Features Analysis on Sequential Control System for Home-made 600 MW Generating Set

  11. 信阳华豫电厂2×300MW机组顺序控制系统的改进

    Improvement on Sequence Control System of 2 × 300 MW Units in Xinyang Huayu Power Plant

  12. 针对300MW机组电气控制系统(ECS)的特点,设计了火力发电厂ECS和发电机顺序控制系统;

    In light of the features of electric control system ( ECS ) of 300 MW unit , the sequential control system of generator unit was designed ;

  13. 文章以Petri网理论为基础,构建了煤矿井下皮带机顺序控制系统的网络模型,并根据皮带机控制系统的设计要求,分析了控制模型的组织结构和行为特征。

    Based on the theory of Petri nets , a network model of the sequence control system of belt conveyors used in coal mines is constructed . The structure and behavior characters of the control model according with the design requirements are analyzed .

  14. 在进行联锁保护的数字逻辑冗余的二次设计中,应注意逻辑设计合理、数字逻辑优化,要解决好电气与顺序控制系统(SCS)之间的接口问题,防止干扰信号造成误动等。

    In the second redundant digital logic design of interlock protection it is required to pay attention to the reasonable logic design and digital logic optimization so as to solve the interface problems between SCS and electric system and prevent the misoperation caused by disturbances .

  15. 对目前国产600MW机组顺序控制系统的技术特点进行了全面分析,并对今后顺序控制系统的发展与完善提出了建设性的意见。

    The technical features of sequential control system in present home-made 600 MW generating sets are overall analysed , and constructive suggestions for the development and perfection of sequential control systems in later time are put forward .

  16. 引风机顺序控制系统中存在的问题及其解决方法

    Handlings of problems of draft fan during commissioning of sequence control system

  17. 塑料吹瓶机顺序控制系统研究

    Sequence Control System Study on a Plastic Bottle - blower

  18. 标识流图和步进指令在顺序控制系统中的应用

    Application of Mark Flow Graph and Step-by-step Instrument in Sequence Control System

  19. 设置冗余记忆状态的顺序控制系统设计方法

    Design Method of Sequence Control System with Superfluous State Memory

  20. 基于混合网络的加热炉顺序控制系统设计及优化

    Sequence control system design and optimizing for reheating furnace based on hybrid network

  21. 小型连轧厂加热炉顺序控制系统及改造

    Bar Mill Furnace Sequence Control System & Improvement

  22. 复杂顺序控制系统梯形图分析

    Ladder Diagram Analysis on Complex Sequential Control System

  23. S5-155H程控器在苯酐装置顺序控制系统中的应用

    Application of SIEMENS S5 - 155H PLC in Switch Condenser Sequence Control of PA Plant

  24. 中厚板辊底式热处理炉顺序控制系统的研究与设计

    The Study and Design of Automation Control System of Sequential Control System for Heavy Plate

  25. 火电厂主、辅机及辅助设备顺序控制系统的发展辅助动力装置辅助电源设备

    Development of Sequence Control System of Main Auxiliary Equipment and Accessories in Thermal Power Plant

  26. 切片输送顺序控制系统

    Control of Chip Pneumatic Conveying System

  27. 由单片机构成的时间顺序控制系统的输出控制失误及软硬件对策

    The output control errors in the time sequence control system consisting of MPU and its solving methods

  28. 实验证明,用计算机组成的时序控制器在顺序控制系统中具有通用性。

    The results show that the computer-based time sequencing controller has a universal applicability to sequencing control .

  29. 继电器组成的顺序控制系统是最早的一种实现升降机控制的方法。

    The sequence control system composed by relays is one of the earliest ways to realize lift control .

  30. 实践证明,这种方法的应用可以有效地提高梯形图软件开发的质量和效率,适合于大型、复杂顺序控制系统梯形图应用软件的开发。

    It is proved that this method is suitable for ladder diagram programming of complex sequence control system , and the productivity and quality of software developing are improved effectively .