
  • 网络arable layer;surface soil layer;plowlands
  1. 采用深松耕作法后,可以打破犁底层,加深耕作层。

    Sub-soiling method , you can break the plow pan , and deepen the arable layer .

  2. 同时,在土地平整实施过程中,会对其耕作层产生一些破坏,土壤的生产力降低,短期内农作物的产量相应下降。

    Moreover , in the process of implementing land consolidation , the arable layer would be destroyed that will cause the crop yield decline in a short-term .

  3. 第三十二条县级以上地方人民政府可以要求占用耕地的单位将所占用耕地耕作层的土壤用于新开垦耕地、劣质地或者其他耕地的土壤改良。

    Article 32 The local people 's governments at and above the county level may demand units which occupy cultivated land to use the topsoil of the land occupied for use in the newly reclaimed land , poor land or other cultivated land for soil amelioration .

  4. 耕作层中重金属Cd形态分布规律及植物有效性研究

    Chemical Form Distribution and Plant Availability of Cd in Plough Horizon

  5. 土壤剖面层次中Cd含量呈从上到下逐渐降低趋势,Cd大部分富集在土壤表层,即耕作层,给农业生产带来了极大的风险。

    The concentration of Cd in the soil sections reduced from the top down , Cd was enriched in the surface , which increased the risk of agricultural produce .

  6. 利用格网抽样与重点抽样相结合的混合随机抽样技术以及全球卫星定位系统(GPS),在成都市郊区采集耕作层土样20个,采用稀释平板计数法对其芽孢杆菌和总细菌进行了分离。

    The quantity of soil bacteria and the diversity of Bacillus in the suburbs of Chengdu were examined in 20 soil samples collected at the 0 ~ 20 cm depth by the approaches of grid and stratum sampling combined with GPS .

  7. 研究结果还表明堆积部位埋藏层的SOC含量较高,说明有相当数量的有机碳被隐遁在目前的耕作层之下。

    The study also found that the content of SOC in buried surface layers was higher than that in the plowed layer , which indicated that there was much organic carbon sequestered below the plowed layer .

  8. 而且免耕田耕作层有机质、全N、全P、有效K、速效P、有效N含量均高于翻耕对照,但是Zn和全K低于对照。

    The contents of the organic matter , total N , total P , available N , available K and instant P in plough layer by no-tillage cultivation were higher than those in ploughing cultivation ( CK ), but Zn and total K were lower than CK .

  9. 结果表明,土壤交换性Cu、Cd含量以耕作层(0-20cm)最高,且随着土层深度的增加含量逐渐降低。

    The results showed that the concentration of exchangeable Cu and Cd was the highest in the depth from 0 to 20 cm and decreased with the depth of soil in three treated soils .

  10. 成虫不取食,雌虫产卵为单粒散产,产卵量平均为26粒,多产于15cm耕作层的卵室中。

    The female imago oviposit sporadically and they average amount of ovum are 26 , mainly oviposit in the soil with depth of 15cm .

  11. 采用室内恒温密闭培养法,以北京地区耕作层典型粉壤土为对象,研究NaCl对土壤氨挥发、硝化与反硝化过程的影响。

    Using laboratory incubation method , an experiment was carried out to investigate the effect of sodium chloride ( NaCl ) on ammonia volatilization , nitrification and denitrification in silt loam soil , one of the typical soils in the cultivated layer of Beijing area .

  12. 0~30cm耕作层全盐量由试验前的1.518%下降到0.126%,脱盐率达91.7%,盐分表聚现象已不明显。

    Total salt content decreased with plant growth . In 0 ~ 30cm soil layer the total salt content decreased from 1.518 % to 0.126 % , mean desalinization rate was 91.7 % .

  13. 本文分析了山西高原土壤耕作层(0-20cm)25个样品的磁性,用GIS空间分析方法,得出土壤磁化率平面分布等值线图和空间三维模型。

    Magnetic susceptibility and other parameters were analyzed for 25 surface ( 0-25cm ) cultivated soil samples from Shanxi highland , by GIS ( geographic information system ) spatial analysis , achieved the contour map of magnetic susceptibility and three dimension model .

  14. CCN多居于自然含磷、钾元素多且保水性能好的油沙土中,以5~30cm的耕作层孢囊量较多。

    There were more nematode cysts in soil where the content of phosphorus and potassium were naturally rich and where the water capacity was higher . Most nema-todes inhabited in 5 - 30 cm cultivated horizon .

  15. 各品种水稻根系的体积和质量均随土层深度增加而下降,但主要分布在土壤耕作层(0~20cm),且表层(0~10cm)占80%以上。

    The root mass decreased with the increase of soil depth . The root system was mainly distributed in the tillage layer ( 0-20 cm ), especially in surface soil layer ( 0-10cm ) . More than 80 % of the root system was at this layer .

  16. 考虑到耕作层与非耕作层在土壤物理性质上的差异.用Saint-Venant方程和改进后的Green-Ampt下渗模型联立,对成层土上的畦灌非恒定流方程进行数值模拟。

    Considering the difference in physical properties between different layers of soil , a mathematical model of unsteady flow in border irrigation is constructed by means of Saint-Venant model combined with the improved Green-Ampt infiltration model . The numerical solution is in good agreement with field observation .

  17. 结果表明:湖南省酸性旱土耕作层有机磷总量为165.3±78.4mg·kg-1,占土壤全磷含量的23%左右。

    Results showed that the total organic P in plough layer of acid upland soil in Hunan Province was 165.5 ± 78.4mg · kg-1 , which takes about 23 percent of the contents of total P . In the total contents of organic P forms .

  18. 大孔隙对农田耕作层饱和导水率的影响

    Effect of Macro Pores on Soil Saturated Conductivity in Plow Layer

  19. 耕作层下土地自然净化技术处理村镇生活污水

    Treatment of Rural Domestic Sewage by Land Natural Purification Technology under Cultivation Layer

  20. 棉田地膜使用的时间越长,土壤中的残留量越多;机械化的回收措施,影响着残留地膜的分布,使残留的地膜集中在耕作层。

    The more use of cotton mulch , the longer residual in soil .

  21. 耕作层土壤在动载作用下的力学特性

    Study on the mechanical properties of tillage soil under the action of dynamic load

  22. 非耕作层土壤中,有机态锌与铁锰氧化氢氧化物中铁含量呈正相关。

    In non-arable layer , organic-bound zinc has a positive relationship with iron content .

  23. 季节性冻融期耕作层土壤温度及土壤冻融特性的试验研究

    Soil Temperature Variation in Plough Layer and Soil Freeze-Thaw Characteristics during Seasonal Freezing and Thawing Period

  24. 而砂质田使耕作层变浅,犁底层加深且压实。

    While in a sandy field the cultivated soil is shallowed with the hard pan compacted and deepened .

  25. 污染系统在垂向可分为三层:耕作层,下包气带和含水层。

    The contaminated system consists of three vertical units : top tillage layer , low unsaturated zone and groundwater aquifer .

  26. 覆膜后的土壤耕作层地温比不覆膜地温值高,且随深度不同而在变化。

    The temperature of plough layer covered with film is higher than that without using film , and it changes with the depth .

  27. 通过对上海市某有机蔬菜地耕作层土壤和灌溉水进行的实地取样,分析了土壤和灌溉水中重金属含量并进行评价。

    The top soil and irrigating water in the organic vegetable farm in Shanghai were sampled , in which the heavy metals were analyzed and evaluated .

  28. 耕作层的土壤磁化率与有机碳、磷含量具有较好的相关性,而与氮、钾含量相关性较差。

    Soil magnetism of the plough layer is in relatively good correlation with organic carbon and P but shows a rather poor correlation with N and K.

  29. 1覆盖黑色地膜明显改善了花生田土壤耕作层(0&20cm)的生态环境,提高了土壤温度,减少了土壤水分蒸发。

    Black plastic film mulch improved the ecological environment of cultivation layer ( 0-20cm ) in peanut field . It increased soil temperature and reducing water evaporation .

  30. 使用统计方法对河西走廊东部武威市农耕期耕作层土壤水分的地域分布、时间演变和垂直变化等特征进行了分析。

    The regional distribution , temporal evolvement and uprightness variation of soil humidity in plow layer during farming period in eastern Hexi Corridor is analyzed with statistical method .