
  • 网络random noise;stochastic noise
  1. 一种数字图像随机噪声的估计及利用MATLAB的实现

    An Estimate of the Random Noise of the Digital Image and the Display with MATLAB

  2. 应用数理统计学的有关内容对CCD输出信号中的随机噪声进行了相关分析。

    Random noise in CCD 's output response is analyzed using mathematical statistical method .

  3. 基于小波分析的医学CR影像随机噪声消除

    Removal of random noises for medical CR images using WT

  4. 导航型GPS在海上地球物理勘探中的应用&卫导数据随机噪声处理

    The application of navigation GPS data in marine geophysical exploration ── processing of random noise in GPS navigation data

  5. 由此,我们可以初步推知EGG不是随机噪声,它服从确定性的动力学规律。

    So we conclude that EGG signals are not stochastic noise , but obey certain deterministic law .

  6. 采用通道和伪随机噪声码配对的通讯方式,实现了上百个WirelessUSB设备在同一空间中正常工作。

    Adopting the communication method of the channel and Pseudo Noise Codes paired makes over 100 Wireless USB equipment work well in the same space .

  7. 随机噪声是影响CCD器件输出信号信噪比的主要因素,它包括1/f分形噪声和白噪声。

    Stochastic noises in CCD output signal , which contain 1 / f fractal noises and white noises , mostly affect the Signal-to-Noise .

  8. Allan方差法在光纤陀螺随机噪声分析中的应用

    Application of Allan variance methods in analyzing fiber optic gyro random noise

  9. 在带像增强器的微光波前传感器中,采用延时相关算法抑制CCD输出图像的随机噪声。

    In a low light level wavefront sensor with image intensifier , the random noise of CCD output image is inhibited by delay correlation algorithm .

  10. 提出使用随机噪声水平Ms来作为衡量台站资料中随机噪声的一项标准。

    This study presents that the stochastic noise level M_s is taken as a standard which is applied to the appraisement of stochastic noise in observed data of stations .

  11. 当噪声的统计特性已知时可以考虑采用常规kalman滤波以抑制随机噪声对控制性能的影响。

    When statistical property of random noise is known , the conventional kalman filter can be adopted to hold back the effect of measurement noise on control performance .

  12. 叠后用KL滤波,有效地压制了随机噪声;

    After stacking , KL filtering is used to make a good suppres - sion of random noise .

  13. 具体在以下几个方面的研究工作中取得了进展及创新:1、通过试验的方法,将CCD自然图像的随机噪声分成测量噪声、照度噪声和视差噪声三类,进行定性和定量的分析。

    Classified the random noise of CCD natural images into three categories : measuring noise , illumination noise and noise coming from parallax according to experimentation , qualitative and quantitative analyze them .

  14. 借助于结构计算软件ANSYS,对一变截面预应力连续梁桥进行了数值模拟和损伤识别,并在模拟过程中加入了随机噪声的影响。

    With the help of structural calculating software ANSYS , damage simulation and identification have been made for a variable cross-section pre-stressed continuous bridge and the effect of random noise was added .

  15. f-x投影滤波衰减随机噪声

    Random noise attenuation by the F-X projection filtering

  16. 有色随机噪声背景下互谱TLS-ESPRIT估计方法

    Cross-Spectral TLS-ESPRIT Estimating Method in Colored Stochastic Noise

  17. 试验结果证实,将随机噪声衰减技术用于VSP资料处理,可以有效地提高信噪比,改善初至拾取的精度。

    The experimental result proves that the application of the random noise attenuation technique to VSP data processing obviously improves signal-noise ratio and first break pickup .

  18. 第二章研究了窄带随机噪声参激下强非线性vanderpol-Duffing系统的1/2亚谐共振响应。

    Chapter two investigates the 1 / 2 subharmonic resonant response of a strongly nonlinear Van der Pol-Duffing oscillator subject to parametric random narrow-band excitation .

  19. 针对X射线图像中随机噪声的特点,采用了一种基于形态学的图像滤波方法,有效地减少了噪声,提高了检测精度。

    A new defects detection method is studied in this paper and the following research is mainly done : ( 1 ) Since much noise is contained in the X-Ray image , morphological filter is used to suppress the noise .

  20. 这种方法是根据高阶矩的特性对经典Prony法的一种改进,数值仿真结果表明这种方法对随机噪声具有良好的抑制作用。

    The method is modified Prony method based on high-order moments ( HOM ) and shown to be relatively insensitive to random noise .

  21. 介绍了Donoho的小波域阈值去噪处理方法,提出了对小波变换尺度上小波系数进行分时分频相关处理去噪后,再重构小波系数的方法,以去除大部分随机噪声。

    In this paper a method with wavelet transform based on Donoho 's threshold filter is described .

  22. 该方法要求输入反射波经过动校正拉平后的CDP道集,以便采用边剔除边拟合的方法,使多次波及随机噪声基本上得到克服。

    The method needs NMO-corrected CDP gathers so that deletion and fitting can be simultaneously performed to essentially remove multiples and random noises .

  23. 为了消除随机噪声带来的影响,将其引起DCT系数块符号变化数目模型化为高斯分布,以此确定运动块阈值。

    In order to eliminate the impact imposed by random noise , the number of DCT coefficient sign changes caused by the noise is modeled as Gauss distribution , which can determine a threshold of motion blocks .

  24. 研究了Duffing振子在谐和与随机噪声联合激励下的响应和稳应性问题。

    The resonance of Duffing oscillator to combined harmonic and random excitation is investigated . The method of harmonic balance and the method of stochastic averaging are used to determine the response of the system .

  25. 本文在分析视觉系统硬件的基础上,对左右图像进行了归一化处理,消除了左右图像差异,并应用SUSAN滤波方法降低了随机噪声所产生的影响。

    On the basis of analyzing the hardware 's defect for vision system , image normalizing is implemented to reduce the difference between left image and right image , and SUSAN filtering is applied to eliminate bad effect of abnormal noise in image .

  26. 尤其是对带单一噪声的二值图像,得到了较为成功的应用,但MBAM对含有随机噪声的二值图像却无能为力。

    MBAM circumvents these disadvantages and obtains the success in processing binary image with pure noise but not gray-scale images .

  27. 本文研究的光强自动测试系统是结合了CCD应用的新兴光电检测技术在光栅衍射效率检测领域新的尝试,主要取得了以下几个方面的成果:实验分析了CCD图像采集过程中随机噪声的影响。

    The automatic intensity detecting system introduced in this paper is a novel application with CCD device in the area of grating diffraction efficiency . The main results are achieved in this paper are as follows : The influence of random noise in CCD image-collection is analysed experimentally .

  28. 将基于参数展开的同伦分析法(PE-HAM)进行了推广,使之适用于谐和激励与随机噪声联合作用下的强非线性随机动力系统。

    This paper extends the method of PE-HAM to strongly nonlinear stochastic dynamic system under harmonic and Gauss white noise excitations .

  29. 本文将时频峰值滤波(TFPF)去噪技术应用于共炮点地震资料的随机噪声压制。

    The time-frequency peak filtering ( TFPF ) is applied to attenuating random noise in common shot point seismic record .

  30. 利用修正的DuffingHolmes方程建立检测微弱同相轴的混沌振子系统,之后经过对同相轴的扫描处理,构成新子波等时间间隔序列W(t),与此同时对随机噪声也进行相同的截断。

    The algorithm founds the chaotic vibrator system detecting weak events utilizing the modified Duffing-Holmes equation , and then scans the events to construct new wavelet sequences W ( t ) with equal intervals . At the same time , stochastic noises are also truncated similarly .