
chán lián
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蝉联 [chán lián]
  • [continue to hold a post or title] 连续不断获得

  • 蝉联国际象棋冠军称号

蝉联[chán lián]
  1. 她将在下月的锦标赛上争取蝉联冠军。

    She will be defending her title at next month 's championships .

  2. 他们已经5次蝉联冠军。

    They have won five championships in a row

  3. 之后还有哪支球队和AC一样好足以蝉联冠军杯吗?

    Has any team since been good enough to win two in a row since Milan ?

  4. 镶有15颗钻石的戒指是对于湖人队第15次蝉联NBA冠军的褒奖。

    The15-diamond ring is an award for the Lakers '15th NBA championship .

  5. 哈佛商学院(harvardbusinessschool)连续第二年蝉联公开课程排名榜首,同时还在商学院综合排名中位列第一。

    Harvard Business School enjoys top spot for the second time in a row in the open rankings , and also ranks as the best school overall .

  6. 蝉联金靴奖的C罗,作为上赛季欧洲最佳射手,击败了老对手--巴塞罗那队的前锋梅西。3次获得金靴奖的梅西上赛季共打进43球。

    Ronaldo collected the award , given to Europe 's highest goalscorer over a season , ahead of rival Lionel Messi , as the Barcelona forward managed a total of 43 goals .

  7. 菲奥莉娜是登上《财富》杂志最具影响力商界女性(FortuneMostPowerfulWomen,MPW)榜单榜首的第一人,并在1998年至2004年一直蝉联榜首宝座。

    Fiorina was the first No. 1 on the fortune most powerful women list , at the top from 1998 to 2004 .

  8. 而蝉联冠军的最长记录由玛丽亚•凯莉与BoyzIIMen乐队合唱的《OneSweetDay》创造。二十年前,这首歌曾占据榜首长达16周之久。

    The top honor belongs to Mariah Carey and Boyz II Men 's One Sweet Day , which reigned for 16 weeks about 20 years ago .

  9. 库里也成为NBA历史上第11位蝉联MVP奖项的球员。

    Curry also became the 11th player to win back-to-back MVP awards in NBA history .

  10. 她的第二首单曲《ChasingPavements》在英国流行音乐榜上升至第2位并蝉联四周。

    Her second single " Chasing Pavements " peaked at number 2 on the UK Charts and remained there for four weeks .

  11. 这样,在2001年和今年东部联队两次获胜的比赛中,艾弗森“蝉联”了全明星赛MVP称号。

    He has been selected MVP in the last two East wins & this year and in2001 .

  12. 这是在《生活大爆炸》中扮演SheldonCooper的帕森斯第三次被提名艾美奖,并2次蝉联喜剧类视帝宝座。

    This was Parsons ' third nomination and second win for his work as Sheldon Cooper on The Big Bang Theory .

  13. 28岁的库里将成为NBA70个赛季以来第11位蝉联MVP奖项的球员。

    The 28-year-old will be the 11th player to win back-to-back MVP awards in the NBA 's 70-season existence .

  14. 《速度与激情7》(Furious7)过去两周蝉联票房冠军,如今又将横扫各大音乐排行榜。

    The film " Furious 7 " has dominated the box office for the last two weeks , and now its screeching victory lap has extended to the music charts as well .

  15. Cibenzoline对山羊持续性心房颤动蝉联现象的影响

    Effect of cibenzoline on linking phenomenon in chronically instrumented goat model

  16. 世界大学排名总榜意在对顶尖学校进行强强对比,其中排名前十的大学中有六所来自美国,包括蝉联第一的麻省理工学院(MassachusettsInstituteofTechnology)。

    Of the top 10 in the overall World University Rankings , which aim to compare the best of the best , six were from the United States , including the Massachusetts Institute of Technology , which retained its top spot from last year .

  17. 伦敦商学院(LBS)连续三年蝉联欧洲商学院排行榜桂冠,但其在欧洲大陆的竞争对手在用于编制榜单的单项排名中领先。

    London Business School has topped the European table for the third year running - but continental rivals lead the European schools in the individual rankings used to compile it .

  18. 威廉王子的妻子凯特目前的正式头衔为剑桥公爵夫人,她最近蝉联时尚热词榜桂冠,而造型夸张的流行歌手LadyGaga却没能跻身榜单。

    The wife of Prince William , now formally known as the Duchess of Cambridge , topped a fashion buzzword list for a second year running while outrageous pop star Lady Gaga disappeared from sight .

  19. 英国剑桥大学继去年之后再次蝉联世界大学排名首位,二至五位依次是美国哈佛大学、美国麻省理工学院(MIT)、美国耶鲁大学和英国牛津大学。

    The top five were the University of Cambridge , which held on to the lead , Harvard University , Massachusetts Institute of Technology ( MIT ), Yale University , and the University of Oxford .

  20. 西班牙企业商学院在某几项排名中下滑了一两个位置,但其综合得分仍然很高,足以令其蝉联冠军,特别是其MBA课程排名第四,管理硕士课程位居第五。

    IE lost one or two places in some rankings but scored highly enough to retain the top spot it gained last year , in particular being ranked fourth for its MBA and fifth for its masters in management .

  21. 新加坡国立大学再度蝉联榜首伦敦高等教育研究机构QS公司近日公布了最新亚洲大学排名调查,新加坡国立大学再度蝉联榜首。

    Singapore tops again The National University of Singapore retained top spot in the latest Asian University Rankings released by London-based higher education group Quacquarelli Symonds ( QS ) .

  22. 结果:7例患者的动态心电图均出现PR间期跳跃性的改变,并有蝉联现象及不典型文氏现象发生,呈DAVNP特征。

    Results : There were sudden changes of PR interval in the DCGs of all the 7 patients , and also the linking phenomenon and atypical Wenckebach ′ s phenomenon .

  23. 在2017年FT对全球95个管理学硕士项目的排行中,虽然瑞士圣加仑大学(UniversityofStGallen)继续蝉联冠军,但法国和英国商学院分别以24个和18个项目入围成为中坚力量。

    While Switzerland 's University of St Gallen retains the top spot , French and British business schools , with 24 and 18 programmes respectively , are the backbone of the 2017 FT ranking of 95 programmes around the world .

  24. 伊基并非一夜爆红。去年,她与英国歌手查莉XCX联手推出的热单“Fancy”连续7周蝉联美国公告牌百强单曲榜冠军,成为蝉联时间最长的说唱女歌手。

    It 's not sudden recognition . Last year her hit " Fancy , " featuring Charli XCX , topped the Billboard Hot 100 chart for seven consecutive weeks , allowing her to make history as the female rapper with the longest run .

  25. 据美国MarketWatch网站近日报道,英国智库列格坦研究所本周发布了“2015全球繁荣指数”,挪威连续7年蝉联第一,美国意外跌出前十名,成为第十一名。

    The Prosperity Index ranks countries according to their performance across eight equally-weighted sub-indexes . The 2015 rankings reveal the most and least prosperous in the world . Norway ranks 1st gloablly in the 2015 Prosperity Index , having kept its place for 7 years . The U.S. dropped out the top 10 to place 11th .

  26. 我是目前WPO重量级冠军,我赢得了这个级别五次比赛中的四次,最后三次是蝉联三届比赛。

    I am the current Heavyweight Champion of the WPO . I have won this title four times out of five , winning the last three straight .

  27. 东京依然是外派人员全球生活成本第二高的城市,仅次于安哥拉首都罗安达(Luanda)。后者连续第二年蝉联生活成本最高城市。

    Tokyo retained its status as the second most expensive city in the world for expatriates after Luanda in Angola , which topped the list for the second year in a row .

  28. 日本名厨成泽由浩(YoshihiroNarisawa)掌舵的Narisawa餐厅分别于2012和2013年连续蝉联亚洲最佳餐厅。

    Narisawa , led by Yoshihiro Narisawa , was the top-ranked Asian restaurant on the list in 2012 and 2013 .

  29. Iese商学院不仅在针对企业客户的定制课程排行榜上蝉联第一,而且在开放招生课程排行榜上的排名也攀升了一位,升至第二。

    Iese not only held on to top place in the ranking of customised programmes aimed at corporate customers , but also climbed one position to second in the ranking of open-enrolment programmes .

  30. UptownFunk出自美国创作型流行歌手“火星哥”布鲁诺•马尔斯与英国制作人马克•罗森之手。这首歌已经连续14周蝉联美国公告牌百强单曲榜冠军,蝉联时间有望跻身历史第二。

    Uptown Funk , recorded by American pop singer-songwriter Bruno Mars and English producer Mark Ronson , has ruled the US Billboard Hot 100 Chart for 14 consecutive weeks , tying it for the second-longest run on the chart in history .
