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chán tuì
  • cicada slough;periostracum cicada;exuviae of cicada;free
蝉蜕 [chán tuì]
  • (1) [cicada slough;exuviae of cicada]∶幼蝉化为成蝉时所脱下的皮,可入药

  • (2) [free]∶比喻从摆脱或脱离出来

  • 自疏濯淖污泥之中,蝉蜕于浊秽。--《史记.屈原贾生列传》

蝉蜕[chán tuì]
  1. 突然,他发现蝉蜕的样子很特别,很像人的样子。

    All of a sudden , he found the cicada slough look very special and resembled a human being .

  2. 无意中找到了一只蝉蜕,它壳内宽敞又安全的空间让我十分满意。

    Accidentally , I came across a cicada slough . I was really content with its commodious and safe place .

  3. 第四部分:女性精神的蝉蜕成长。

    Part 4 : Complete change of women 's spirit .

  4. “什么猴?”当时我以为她看见猴了呢,回头一看是个蝉蜕。

    However , when I turn around it was just a cicada .

  5. 女性将必须经历种种的裂变和阵痛,才能达到精神的蝉蜕成长。

    Womens spirit will be completely strengthened after various changes and pains .

  6. 蝉蜕制备盐酸氨基葡萄糖的研究

    Study on Preparation of D-glucosamine hydrochloride from Periostracum Cicadae

  7. 本文报道从蝉蜕提取甲壳素,经降解制备盐酸氨基葡萄糖。

    In this paper , preparation of D-glucosamine hydrochloride from Periostracum cicadae are reported .

  8. 树干上留著一只蝉蜕,寂寞如一间空屋;

    On the tree trunk there was one cicada , as lonely as an empty room ;

  9. 处于全球化浪潮中的中国,正在经历着一场蝉蜕般的世纪转型,中国当代文学也在这个百年变换的漩涡中艰难地发展着。

    Much like a cicada extricating from its slough , Chinese contemporary literature , as well as China , is experiencing changes under globalization .

  10. 女性主义诗歌在20世纪80年代中期以躯体诗学对舒婷一代的替代,完成了性别意识的艰难蝉蜕与确证。

    In the middle of 1980s ' , the feminist poetry completed the difficult transformation and corroboration of gender consciousness with the " body poetics " .

  11. 蝉蜕水提液对正常大鼠的血液流变学无显著影响,对高脂喂养的大鼠能显著降低其全血和血浆粘度、体外血栓形成、红细胞聚集指数、血清甘油三酯及总胆固醇水平。

    The results demonstrated that periostracum cicadae markedly decreased blood viscosity , thrombosis in vitro , serum glycerinate and cholesterol contents , and red blood cell aggregation .

  12. 而脚下踩着干透的落叶和蝉蜕时发出的碎裂声,何以在我的心的空谷中,那么悠远,那么长久地回荡?

    But how can it be true that the sounds of stepping on the most dried fallen leaves and cicada sloughs are echoing so long , so far in the empty valley of my heart ?
