
  • 网络visual;Visual Programming
  1. 基于MATLAB的齿轮传动可视化编程技术的研究

    Research on the visual programming technology of gear transmission based on Matlab

  2. 链传动Matlab可视化编程的实现

    The visual programming of chain transmission by using Matlab

  3. 程序语言采用VISUALBASIC可视化编程语言,结构化设计方法编制程序。

    The program language is Visual Basic .

  4. 测试程序采用可视化编程软件Visualc++6.0进行编写,系统程序图形界面友好,操作简便。

    Test program is constructed in Visual C + + 6.0.The system interface can be operated friendly .

  5. V带传动常规设计的Matlab可视化编程实现

    General Design of V Cincture Transmission Based on Matlab

  6. 用Visualc++可视化编程语言设计了分形维数计算程序。

    Fractal Dimension Calculation Program ( FDCP ) has been designed with Visual C + + programming language .

  7. 利用Visualc++可视化编程工具,设计用户界面程序,在用户界面上展示三维的场景。

    Using Visual C + + programming tool designed the User Interface Program on which 3-D scene is showed .

  8. 微软公司推出的可视化编程语言VISUALBASIC提供了强大的计算与绘图功能,作者利用它研制了一级连续反应动力学的模拟程序。

    The program to simulate the consecutive first-order reaction has been developed by the strong function of Visual Basic in calculation and plot .

  9. VB是目前使用最广泛的可视化编程工具。

    VB is a most widely used visible programming tool .

  10. 通过可视化编程,编制了雨季边坡塌方灾害的工点预报程序,并结合Arcview实现了预测结果的可视化;

    Furthermore , the function of dynamic segmentation in Arc View is made use of to realize the forecast result 's visualization ;

  11. 可视化编程语言Delphi是强大而高效的数据库和Web应用程序开发工具。

    Visual programming language Delphi is a powerful and efficient database and a tool for developing web applied program .

  12. 而DELPHI则为面向对象的可视化编程语言,界面友好。

    And DELPHI is a programmable language with a user - friendly interface .

  13. 本文阐述了使用VISUALBASIC的可视化编程方法进行分形图形程序设计的通用方法和注意事项,并给出了一些具体例程加以说明。

    In this paper , we introduced the general methods for programming of Fractal Graphics with Visual Basic , and have given some examples for further illustration .

  14. 其中采用面向对象的设计方法,利用统一建模语言(UML)建模,使用可视化编程语言实现系统。

    The system adopts OO designing method and UML in modeling , realized by visual program language .

  15. 采用可视化编程语言VB结合ACCESS数据库,开发了CAD软件,以实现对砂石料系统生产流程快速准确地设计计算。

    The CAD programming of aggregate is developed with VB and ACCESS . Then , implement the calculation quick and true .

  16. 使用可视化编程语言实现EMS测试的闭环控制

    Close-Loop Control for EMS Test Realized With Visual Programming Language

  17. 通过可视化编程工具VISUALBASIC6.0对三维绘图软件SolidWorks2006进行二次开发,软件实现膨胀节自动建模、自动装配、自动出工程图功能。

    The software realizes that products automatically modeling , automatically assembly and automatically creating engineering drawing by redeveloping of SolidWorks 2006 in Visual Basic 6.0 .

  18. 此仿真平台充分结合了VISUALBASIC具有友好可视化编程画面的特点和Matlab的强大数值分析和图形显示功能的特点。

    This simulation platform combines Visual Basic which has friendly visual programming interface characteristics and Matlab which has powerful numerical analysis function and graph display function .

  19. 阐述了采用VISUALBASIC和VISUALFOXPRO可视化编程语言开发锻件热处理工艺CAD系统的原理和方法。

    This paper discusses the theory and method of developing CAD system of forging heat treatment process with Visual Basic and Visual FoxPro .

  20. IFS分形图形的VB可视化编程实现应用编程接口,应用编程界面,[台]应用程序接口,[港]应用程序编写接口

    Visible Programming Method of Fractal Image by VB ; application programming interface

  21. 用于可视化编程的PAD图的扩展

    Extensions of PAD for Visual Programming

  22. TESTPOINT是美国CapitalEquipmentCorporation公司生产的一种基于GUI(图形用户界面)的可视化编程软件。

    TESTPOINT is a visual programming soft on GUI ( graphic user interface ) by America Capital Equipment Corporation .

  23. 整个监测系统软件使用可视化编程工具VISUALBASIC来实现,建立了友好的操作界面,具有图标显示、数据打印、数据存储等功能。

    The whole software of system is programmed by Visual Basic , which estabilshed friendly interface and functions such as icon display , data print , memory and so on .

  24. 从GIS应用程序开发的角度,探讨了一种用可视化编程语言和GIS工具软件集成开发的技术&集成化地图技术。

    Discusses integrated mapping , a new technology which makes use of visual program language and GIS software to develop MIS & GIS application system .

  25. ActiveX控件容器在可视化编程系统中的实现

    ActiveX Container Implement in Visual Programming System

  26. ActiveX控件容器能使可视化编程系统的扩展性得到增强。

    In the improved visual programming system , the ActiveX container will strengthen its expansibility .

  27. 根据非定常流数值模拟的特点,通过可视化编程方法,用VISUALBASIC6.0编写和调试了一维非定常总体模型的数值模拟程序;

    On the basis of characteristics of digital simulation of unsteady flow , the program for one-dimensional unsteady lumped model has compiled and tested under Visual Basic 6.0 environment completely .

  28. 基于氧弹燃烧法原理,利用Matlab可视化编程技术,开发了通用氧弹量热数据处理系统。

    According to the theory of combustion in the oxygen bomb , a universal system was developed for oxygen bomb burning heat by using Matlab language .

  29. HPVEE可视化编程在机车信号中的应用

    Application of HP VEE in Cab Signal

  30. 简介语音技术,重点阐述了语音合成中的文语转换技术及基本结构,并作为实例在VISUALBASIC60可视化编程环境中应用文语转换技术,开发出一个实用的英文朗读软件。

    This paper briefly introduces speech technology , emphasizes TTS and its basic structure and discusses the practical development on the platform of Visual Basic 6.0 with the help of TTS .