
kè hán
  • khan
可汗 [kè hán]
  • [khan] 中国古代柔然、突厥、回纥、蒙古等族的君长的称号

可汗[kè hán]
  1. 数月前,萨尔•可汗准备在达拉斯举办的州立大学未来论坛(theFutureofStateUniversitiesConference)上发表讲话之前,《财富》杂志(Fortune)借机对他进行了专访。

    Fortune caught up with Khan a few months ago while he was just about to speak at the future of state universities conference in Dallas .

  2. 一名印度创业者一直在可汗市场(KhanMarket)售卖由设计师设计的高端口罩,可汗市场是世界上价格最贵的零售市场之一。

    And an Indian entrepreneur has been selling high-end , designer air masks in Khan Market , among the most expensive retail areas in the world .

  3. 世界各地都将能够买到廉价手机,每一个人都将能够获得可汗学院(KhanAcademy)之类的教育工具。

    Cheap mobile devices will be available worldwide , and educational tools like the Khan Academy will be available to everyone .

  4. 著名的免费MOOC提供商可汗学院(KhanAcademy)和EdX等,都曾多次引发媒体类似的发问。

    Popular free MOOC providers , like Khan Academy and EdX , have prompted many a headline of this variety .

  5. 约会地点定在新德里高档购物中心可汗市场(KhanMarket)的海龟咖啡厅(CaféTurtle)。加里马·潘特同意开车去接马纳斯·潘特(他们碰巧是同一个姓氏)。

    A date was set for Caf é Turtle in New Delhi 's upscale Khan Market , and Ms. Pant agreed to drive Mr. Pant ( whose surname was coincidentally the same as hers ) .

  6. 去年秋天我的业余编程项目(codingsideprojects)到了一个紧要关头:没有充足的进度,也不能够找到一种方法在既不牺牲我可汗学院(KhanAcademy)高效的工作的前提下完成更多的事情。

    Last fall , work on my coding side projects came to a head : I wasn 't making adequate progress and I couldn 't find a way to get more done without sacrificing my ability to do effective work at Khan Academy .

  7. 军情五处捡获可汗同Khyam先生的交谈,并且说这些勾当主要关于金融诡计。

    MI5 picked up some of Khan 's conversations with Mr Khyam , and said these dealt mainly with financial scams .

  8. 片中,毛克利不时受伤流血,所处环境晦暗险恶,还有邪恶的大反派–老虎谢利·可汗(伊德瑞斯·艾尔巴(IdrisElba)配音)。

    Mowgli is regularlystreaked with blood , his surroundings are murky and sinister , and Shere Khan ( Idris Elba ) the tiger is a far more menacing antagonist .

  9. 19世纪早期吉尔吉斯共和国的南部领土在浩罕可汗(Kokand)的控制下,但是这部分区域在1876年被沙皇俄国占领并成为附属地。

    In the early19th century , the southern territory of the Kyrgyz Republic came under the control of the Khanate of Kokand , but the territory was occupied and annexed by the Russian Empire in1876 .

  10. 此后的回纥可汗都保持了与唐朝的友好关系。

    Uighur Khan stayed friendly relationship with Tang dynasty since then .

  11. 他的儿子窝阔台可汗在1232年侵略金朝。

    His son Gedei Khan invaded the Jin Empire in 1232 .

  12. 你没听到可汗在走之前怎么说的吗?

    Didn 't you hear what Khan said before he ieft ?

  13. 大可汗自己对精神灵魂也很有兴趣。

    The Great Khan also had a personal interest in spirituality .

  14. 我认识你,你是歇尔可汗。

    I know you , all right . you 're Shere khan .

  15. 如果鲜血注定会流,就一定要让它流,可汗!

    If blood must be shed , then it must , khan !

  16. 因为契尔可汗已返回这片丛林。

    Because Shere Khan has returned to this part of the jungle .

  17. 这几英里范围内不会出现歇尔可汗。

    Shere Khan isn 't within miles of here .

  18. 放了我的战士可汗。再准备一架直升飞机。

    My soldier khan 's release , a helicopter .

  19. 歇尔可汗才等不及他有的时候。

    Shere Khan won 't wait until he does .

  20. 臭名昭著的指挥官马穆德.可汗也在军方逮捕的人中。

    A notorious commander Mehmood Khan is among those the military has arrested .

  21. 现在,可汗的死亡被认定为他杀案。

    Khan 's death is now ruled a homicide .

  22. 伟大的可汗忽必烈曾经欢迎马可波罗来到中国

    the mighty Kubla Khan welcomed Marco Polo to China

  23. 可汗问她她需要的事情。

    The Khan asks her what she desires .

  24. 它败在蒙古可汗手中。

    She was beaten by the Mongol khans .

  25. 您认为可汗学院提供的课程服务有何局限性?

    What would you say are the limitations of what you are offering at Khan Academy ?

  26. 你怎么不问问,巴基斯坦是不是也准备释放囚犯呢,可汗?

    Didn 't you ask if Pakistan was ready to release our prisoners too , khan ?

  27. 我曾经追踪可汗到休斯顿第二大道的街角。

    I was trailing Khan when I lost him on the corner of second and houston .

  28. 赢了可汗是好事儿,但要与帕奎奥比赛条件还不够。

    A win over Khan is good , but not enough to get him a Pacquiao fight .

  29. 6月,可汗的死因最初被认定为自然死亡,当时并没有进行尸体解剖。

    Khan 's cause of death in July was initially determined natural , no autopsy was performed .

  30. 其中《我的名字叫可汗》这部影片就是今年宝莱坞制作的上映大片之一。

    " My Name is Khan " is one of the big Bollywood releases of the year .