
  1. 该杂志还提到,辛迪-麦凯恩所开的豪华雷克萨斯轿车用啤酒销售集团登记,该车还拥有辛迪的私人车牌MSBUD。

    Cindy McCain drives a Lexus with the private number plate " Ms Bud " which is registered to the beer distributorship , the magazine reported .

  2. 谷歌使用经过改装的雷克萨斯(Lexus)汽车,已经自动驾驶了100万英里。

    Using retrofitted Lexuses , Google has driven a million miles autonomously .

  3. 新的竞争者,比如梅赛德斯-奔驰(Mercedes)、雷克萨斯(Lexus)甚至连保时捷(Porsche)都开始推出越野车型,蚕食着路虎的市场份额。

    Newer competitors from Mercedes , Lexus , and even Porsche began to make inroads .

  4. 而成功的广告需要很多开发工作——例如在电子艺界(ElectronicArts)开发的游戏“真实赛车3”中,那款虚拟雷克萨斯(Lexus)汽车。

    And ads that are successful demand a lot of development work - such as the virtual Lexus in Real Racing 3 ( by Electronic Arts ) .

  5. 而成功的广告需要很多开发工作&例如在电子艺界(ElectronicArts)开发的游戏真实赛车3中,那款虚拟雷克萨斯(Lexus)汽车。

    And ads that are successful demand a lot of development work – such as the virtual Lexus in Real Racing 3 ( by Electronic Arts ) .

  6. 丰田宣布,旗下的雷克萨斯中国业务(LexusChina)将下调部分向其它厂商出售的零部件价格。

    The Japanese carmaker has announced the Lexus unit of its China subsidiary will lower the price of some autoparts sold to dealerships owned by other companies in the country .

  7. CHERNOFF:MattaFreund驾驶的是一辆丰田豪华汽车,雷克萨斯。

    CHERNOFF : Matta Freund drives one of Toyota 's luxury vehicles , a Lexus .

  8. “低价王者”现代汽车(Hyundai)名列第九位,紧紧跟在高端品牌奥迪(Audi)身后,略高于另一个高端品牌雷克萨斯(Lexus)。

    And price-leader Hyundai grabbed ninth place , just behind premium-priced Audi and ahead of premium-priced Lexus .

  9. 雷克萨斯LFA堪称所谓“光环车型”(或曰“旗舰车型”)的活标本。

    The LFA is the living definition of the halo car .

  10. 《日经产业新闻》(nikkeibusinessdaily)表示,一家面向中国和其它市场的雷克萨斯(lexus)制造厂减产20%。

    The Nikkei business daily said output at a Lexus plant that makes vehicles for export to China and other markets was being cut by 20 per cent .

  11. 而由于缺乏新车型,一季度雷克萨斯(Lexus)的销量下降了4%。

    Lexus , hurting from a new-model drought was actually down 4 % for the quarter .

  12. 雷克萨斯公司内训部门“雷克萨斯大学”(LexusUniversity)的比尔??坎普(BillCamp)说:“我们可以改变仪表盘的显示语种,切换英里和公里计量方式”,并能显示路面导航等信息。

    We can change languages , miles per hour to kilometers ' and show information such as route guidance , says Bill Camp of Lexus 's training operation , Lexus University .

  13. 林肯计划在未来两年内推出7款新车或升级车型,但雷克萨斯却足足准备了10款车型,包括最畅销的ES350的升级版。

    Lincoln plans to introduce seven new or redesigned models in the next two years , but Lexus has 10 coming , including its best-selling es 350 .

  14. 在RX包括雷克萨斯'类似的安全系统,具有自动连接碰撞通知,被窃车辆定位,紧急援助,并基于GPS的增强路边援助。

    The RX includes Lexus'similar Safety Connect system that features Automatic Collision Notification , Stolen Vehicle Location , Emergency Assistance , and GPS-based Enhanced Roadside Assistance .

  15. 任何一款车型,不管它是多么让人过目难忘,都不可能一夜之间打造出宝马(BMW)、奔驰(Mercedes)或雷克萨斯(Lexus)这样的豪华品牌。

    No single model , no matter how impressive , can overnight create a luxury brand like BMW or Mercedes or Lexus .

  16. 2005的底特律车展上,雷克萨斯LFA首次以概念车身份亮相。

    Lexus first introduced the LFA as a concept car at the2005 Detroit auto show .

  17. MATTAFREUND,雷克萨斯车主:我们的租约已经到期了。

    MATTA FREUND , LEXUS OWNER : Our lease is going to be coming due .

  18. 广告丰田汽车(ToyotaMotorCorp.)的北美雷克萨斯分部集团副总裁坦普林(MarkTemplin)说,人们现在不希望显出很有钱的样子。

    ' People don 't want to look like they have money now , 'said Mark Templin , group vice president of Toyota Motor Corp. 's North American Lexus division .

  19. 值得一提的是,现代公司即将在美国市场推出与雷克萨斯有几分相像的Equus轿车,起步价为6万多美元。

    It 's worth noting that Hyundai will soon introduce the Lexus-like Equus sedan to the U.

  20. 例如今年10月,雷克萨斯的一款超跑LFA开始接受订购。

    In October , for instance , it began accepting orders for a Lexus supercar , the LFA .

  21. 据LMCAutomotive称,日系豪华车品牌雷克萨斯(Lexus)、讴歌(Acura)和英菲尼迪(Infiniti)将奋力度过当前的难关,而宝马(BMW)和奥迪(Audi)则趁着此次事件坐收渔翁之利。

    According to LMC automotive , Japanese luxury brands Lexus , Acura and Infiniti will struggle as BMW and Audi pick up the slack .

  22. 雷克萨斯(Lexus)本周将在底特律展示一款搭载5.0升发动机、能够产生500马力的运动型轿车。

    Lexus is displaying a sports sedan this week in Detroit with a 5.0-liter engine that could generate as much as 500 horsepower .

  23. 雷克萨斯(Lexus)的质量和服务也许更胜一筹,但它缺乏霸气,也缺乏历史传统,因此只能居于二流地位。

    Lexus may deliver higher quality and better service , but its tentative presentation and lack of heritage consign it to second-tier status .

  24. 几个月后当伍德维尔去看他时,摩尔向这位好友展示了最令他骄傲的新车:一辆异彩流光的红色雷克萨斯(Lexus)。

    And when Woodwell visited a few months later , Moore showed off his newest and proudest possession : a gleaming red Lexus .

  25. 田纳西州的RhondaSmith描述了2006年她的丰田雷克萨斯突然加速至每小时160千米的情况。

    Rhonda Smith of Tennessee described how in two thousand six her Toyota-made Lexus for a time to one hundred sixty kilometers an hour .

  26. 丰田宣布,它正考虑停止在其2013版的旗舰运动轿车雷克萨斯GS上采用V-8引擎。

    The company revealed that it is dropping the V-8 option from the2013 version of its flagship sport sedan , the Lexus GS .

  27. 雷克萨斯的RX还包括仪表板,安装为驾驶员和前排乘客和座椅式后排乘客的舷外侧面撞击安全气囊膝部气囊。

    The Lexus RX also includes dashboard-mounted knee airbags for the driver and front passenger and seat-mounted side-impact airbags for outboard rear passengers .

  28. 2010年凯迪拉克SRX与雷克萨斯RX2010年居住在附近的造型频谱的两端。

    The2010 Cadillac SRX and2010 Lexus RX reside near opposite ends of the styling spectrum .

  29. 丰田章男更频繁地前往美国,以激励经销商,并亲自解决雷克萨斯(Lexus)品牌业绩低迷的问题。

    The Toyoda scion was traveling to the U.S. more frequently to fire up dealers and had taken charge personally of the sagging Lexus brand .

  30. 这家日本汽车集团宣布召回约220万辆丰田与雷克萨斯(Lexus)汽车,至此,过去18个月里丰田在全球召回的车辆总数接近1400万辆。

    The Japanese group is recalling almost 2.2m Toyota and Lexus vehicles , bringing the number worldwide to almost 14m during the past 18 months .