
  • 网络free university;Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam;VU University AMSTERDAM;Vrije University Amsterdam;Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, VU
  1. 正在欧洲中心访问的荷兰阿姆斯特丹自由大学学者、以及欧洲中心部分研究员参加了会谈以及签字仪式。

    Visiting scholars from Free University Amsterdam and several researchers from ESC joined in the meeting and signing ceremony .

  2. 通过与阿姆斯特丹自由大学的科学家们合作,范·拉杰斯伯格和他的团队将农场分成由覆盖整个灌溉管道网络组成的8个区域。

    Working with scientists from the Free University of Amsterdam , Van Rijsselberghe and his team divided a farm into eight plots covered with a network of irrigation pipes .

  3. 在阿姆斯特丹自由大学的“机器人婴儿项目”中,科学家已经研发出一种使机器人通过“性交”而将DNA传递给后代的办法。

    In the Robot Baby Project at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam , scientists have developed a way for robots to have ' sex ' and pass on their DNA to offspring .

  4. 接着阿姆斯特丹自由大学的理查德•套耳指出一个要点:农作产量指示着最坏的情形。

    Then there is a point made by Richard Tol of VU University Amsterdam : farm yields show the worst of the situation .

  5. 来自阿姆斯特丹自由大学的研究者声称:看一眼就知道这块石头不是来自月球,并有实验可以证明该结论。

    Researchers from Amsterdam 's Free University were able to tell at a glance that the rock was unlikely to be from the moon , a conclusion that was borne out by tests .

  6. 阿姆斯特丹自由大学跨文化人权中心主任汤姆·兹瓦特认为,当贫困不再是问题是,人权将有机会得到更好的发展。

    Tom Zwart , Director of the Cross-Cultural Human Rights Centre ( CCHRC ) in Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam , agrees that human rights have a better chance for development when poverty is not an issue .