
  1. “小林浩”已经成为中国战胜灾难的一个符号。

    The " Little Hero " had become a symbol of China 's triumph over disaster .

  2. 奥运之后,林浩和他的家人搬到了上海,他也能够接受更好的教育了。

    After the Olympics Lin Hao and his family moved to Shanghai so he could get a better education .

  3. 林浩的勇气使他成为了一个英雄,而他的笑容使他即刻成为一个名人。

    Lin Hao 's grit had made him a hero , but his smile made him an instant celebrity .

  4. 就在大地震的中心,9岁的林浩和他二年级的同学都被困住了。

    Near the giant quake 's epicenter , 9 year old Lin Hao and his second grade class were also trapped .

  5. 尽管林浩有需要参加商业活动,他的家人却要在他的成功和生存的之间艰难前行。

    Although Lin Hao is in demand for commercial projects , the family is struggling with his success and survival in Shanghai .

  6. 如果火灾发生时,他们能像小林浩那样临危不惧,镇定自若,也许就不会出现这一幕了。

    If a fire occurs , they can do as little Lin Hao courage and calm , and perhaps will not appear in this scene .