
  • Lin Chi-ling;【人名】Chiling Lin
  1. 张(震)饰演懦弱的孙权有点不够胜任,而林志玲基本上是作为周瑜妻子的装饰点缀

    Chang alightweightas the wimpish Sun , and Taiwanese super-model Lin Chi-ling mostly decorative as Zhou 's wife .

  2. 据悉,美国流行乐组合后街男孩将参加辽宁卫视春晚的录制。而去年以一曲《江南Style》红遍全球的“鸟叔”也将亮相上海东方卫视春晚,“鸟叔”将在现场教林志玲跳“骑马舞”。

    such as the Backstreet Boys who will perform on China 's Liaoning Province Television 's Spring Festival Gala and " Gangnam Style " singer Psy , who is set for Shanghai 's Dragon TV 's Spring Festival Gala with Taiwanese supermodel Lin Chi-ling 。

  3. 林志玲是在这部历史大片的第一部分首次“触电”。

    Lin made her movie debut in the first part of this historical epic .

  4. 小乔(林志玲):我们叫它萌萌吧!周瑜(梁朝伟):厄?!萌萌!

    Xiao Qiao : Let 's call it Mengmeng ! Yu Chou : Oops ?! Mengmeng !

  5. 林志玲现象的商业密码姿色+资质+姿态

    The Business code of Chiling phenomenon

  6. 不可否认,林志玲是我所见过的最有魅力的女演员。

    There is no denying that Lin Zhiling is the most charming actress I have ever seen .

  7. 小乔(林志玲):你答应我一件事,长大后,不要让它成为战马。

    Xiao Qiao : Could you promise me that don 't let it become a steed when it grow up ?

  8. 小乔(林志玲):我们给它取个好名字吧?周瑜(梁朝伟):它出生在荆州

    Xiao Qiao : Let 's give it a name ? Shall we ? Yu Chou : It was born in JIngzhou

  9. 张(震)饰演懦弱的孙权有点不够胜任,而林志玲基本上是作为周瑜妻子的装饰点缀。

    Chang is a tad lightweight in such company as the wimpish Sun , and Taiwanese super-model Lin Chi-ling mostly decorative as Zhou 's wife .

  10. 女演员刘亦菲、林志玲和范冰冰是中国剩男的梦中情人前三甲,调查发现。

    Actresses Crystal Liu , Lin Chiling and Fan Bingbing ranked as the top three dream women for Chinese leftover men , the survey found .

  11. 该片的演员阵容可谓众星云集,影坛大腕刘德华和林志玲领衔出演,影片的制作方中包括中国电影频道和中国电影集团等国有单位。

    It boasts a star-studded cast headlined by A-listers Andy Lau and Lin Chi-ling , and counts state-owned companies China Movie Channel and China Film Group among its producers .

  12. 考虑到当地年轻人都很喜欢港台流行文化,为了吸引他们,组委会还特别邀请林志玲、刘德华等名人前来助阵。

    To attract local young people who ` ve been affected by Hong Kong and Taiwan pop culture , the organizing committee asked celebrities like Chiling Lin and Andy Lau to help out .

  13. 随后,林志玲扮演的角色在血雨中死亡,但没过多久又出现了,与中国男主角并肩战斗。电影没有解释为何她会奇迹般地复活。

    Later on , Ms. Lin 's character dies in a shower of blood only to appear a short while later fighting on the side of the Chinese hero , her miraculous resurrection left unexplained .

  14. 在一组连续的动作画面之后,突然莫名其妙地切换镜头,一名身着羽衣的日本匪徒和他的女下属(林志玲饰)上演了施虐受虐狂的奇幻一幕。

    At the end of one action sequence , the film briefly and for no apparent reason cuts away to show a leather-clad Japanese mobster and his female subordinate ( played by Ms. Lin ) acting out a sadomasochistic fantasy .