
  • 网络Heshui County
  1. 陇东的泾川县及合水县癌症死亡率相对较低。

    The death rate of cancer of Jingchuan and Heshui County in eastern part of Gansu Province is comparatively lower .

  2. 交易、契约机制与自律:合水县民间借贷个案研究湖南生猪电子交易市场运行机制及合约设计

    Transaction , Contracting and Self-discipline : A Case Study of Informal Financing Activities in Heshui County ; The Operating System and Agreement Design of Live Hogs Electronic-Trading Market in Hunan

  3. 以甘肃合水县产的籽用南瓜为试材,就低糖和高糖蜜饯的主要加工工艺进行了研究。

    The main process technology of the low sugar and the high sugar seeding pumpkin candied fruit was prepared .

  4. 种植面积最大的是镇原、宁县、西峰、崆峒、灵台、泾川、庆城、合水等县(区),平均产量2250~3750kg/hm~2。

    The largest areas are Zhenyuan , Ningxian , Xifeng , Kongtong , Lingtai , Jingchuan , Qingcheng , Heshui and so on , the average production is 2250-3750kg / hm ~ 2.The district belongs to temperate zone semi-arid semi-moist dry continent monsoon climate .