
kě zhī xìng
  • knowability
可知性[kě zhī xìng]
  1. 不确定性原理和可知性原理是新范式下指导预测的基本原理;

    Uncertainty and knowability is the first principle of forecasting .

  2. 现代科学与世界可知性的阐释

    Modern Science and Explanation of the Universe Knowability

  3. 这种简洁性允许代码具有IDE不可知性。

    This simplicity also allows the code to be IDE agnostic .

  4. 它融合了CrossFit健身公司的强度、SoulCycle健身公司的狂热、北极熊游泳俱乐部(PolarBear)的天气不可知性,以及障碍训练的狂欢、体育队的友情和责任。

    It blends the intensity of CrossFit , the cultishness of SoulCycle and the weather agnosticism of a Polar Bear swim with the high jinks of an obstacle course and the camaraderie and accountability of a sports team .

  5. 如果(一位掌权的)上帝确实存在,并且借着祂无谬误的话语启示了自己,那么,宇宙中所有的意义与可知性(intelligibility)都来自祂。

    If that God does exist , revealing himself by his infallible Word , then all meaning and intelligibility in the universe is due to him .

  6. 一次性口令(OTP)系统的安全性关键在于MD5这个散列函数的不可逆性和用户密码既不放在服务端也不放在用户端的不可知性。

    The crux of the security of OTP system lies in the inflexibility of this hash function MD5 and the unknowability of user 's PIN number neither in the server nor in user terminal .

  7. 基于信息化社会条件下的城市居民出行信息的可知性及路网交通信息的实时采集,根据最大熵原理,运用OD反推技术,建立从土地利用到路网流量的组合式预测模型。

    In high information society , trip information is knowable and traffic information can be collected real time . Based on the theory of maximal entropy , forecasting model from land use to traffic volume is established by the method of OD matrix estimation .

  8. 浅析产品形态的可知性问题

    Simply Analyzing the Cognition of the Product Form

  9. 但是,网络的不可知性、网络和终端用户的异构性、编码网络适应的复杂性使得流媒体传输能力受到限制。

    However , unknown of internet , heterogeneity of network and client , complexity of coding adaptation limit streaming media transmission .

  10. 市场风险的界定与管理企业运营中真正的风险是市场风险,市场风险具有客观性、差异性、关联性、双重性、可知性和可控性。

    Actual crisis in enterprise operation is market crisis , which has the characteristics of objectivity , duality , knowability and controllability .

  11. 带有口音的英语可知性的对比研究&中国、荷兰、美国英语发音人的相互可知性研究

    A Comparative Study of the Intelligibility of English with Foreign Accents : Mutual Intelligibility of Chinese , Dutch and American Speakers of English

  12. 基于这样的考虑,我们进一步论证了虚拟世界的自主性和复杂性,并从它的可理解性反过来为物理世界的可知性作出了新辩护。

    In addition , the autonomy of virtual world and the knowability of physical world are argued through a comparative examination of the nature of two worlds .

  13. 通过保持对于所依赖对象的不可知性,一个服务是高内聚的,功能专一的并且易于进化的,这一切都是通过坚持一个良好定义的契约实现的。

    By remaining agnostic to its dependencies , a service is focused , clutter-free and is able to evolve easily , all while adhering to a well-defined contract .

  14. 这种形式的分层有其缺陷,因为它假设高阶服务单元的位置不可知性和调用的同步性。

    This form of layering does have its own drawbacks because its bakes in assumptions of location agnosticity and synchronicity of invocation into the higher order service units .

  15. 嵇康音乐美学思想在中国古代音乐美学史上新颖、独到,具有重要影响,但其思想观点既存在道家音乐思想的不可知性,又存在儒家音乐思想的可知性;

    Ji Kang 's thought of music esthetics has had an important impact on the study of history of ancient Chinese music for its novelty , originality and uniqueness .

  16. 由于动目标运动的不可知性以及合成孔径雷达安装平台的运动造成杂波频谱的扩展等因素的影响,使动目标的检测变得异常困难。

    However , the detection on the moving targets becomes very difficult because of the clutter spectrum spreading due to the unknown targets moving and the radar 's carrier moving .

  17. 你可以在她的书中感受到上帝的不可知性,生命不可触及的神秘令她笔下的人物感到困惑,我在自己每一天的生活中也能感受到。

    You could feel within them the unknowability of God , the intangible mysteries of life that confounded her characters , and which I find by my side every day .

  18. 从辨证唯物主义认识论关于世界的可知性、事物发展的联系性、认识的能动性和循序性原理出发,探讨马克思主义哲学对情报研究实践的理论指导作用。

    On the basis of the principles of Marxist dialectical materialism , the paper probes into the directive function of the theory of Marxist philosophy for the practice of information analysis .

  19. 第三方组件的广泛使用给软件开发带来很大方便的同时,其源代码不可知性也给软件工程带来一定的挑战。

    The wide use of off-the-shelf component brings a great convenience to software development , but it also brings some challenges to software engineering due to the unavailability of source code .

  20. 古旧家具保护的实质就是对其价值的保护,古旧家具价值具有多样性、主效性、可知性可变性等特点。

    The essence of antique furniture conservation is to preserve its value . The antique furniture value bears four key characteristics : diversity , main effect of role , knowability and variability .

  21. 提高测量精确性可以保证食品营养标签提供食品营养可靠可知性和产品质量,是提高食品营养质量评价的重要手段。

    An improved measurement accuracy can assure the accurate and reliable nutrition label informations of the food and product quality , and is the important way of well-defined quality assessment of the food and nutritional products .

  22. 但同时也须注意,康德在这里仅停滞在物自体不可知性的消极结果里,而没有更进一步达到对理性矛盾有真正积极的意义的知识。

    But here too Kant , as we must add , never got beyond the negative result that the thing-in-itself is unknowable , and never penetrated to the discovery of what the antinomies really and positively mean .

  23. 镜意象具有神秘的不可知性,从中人类对于超自然产生了无限向往;反观自身,拉康提出了镜像理论,康德、黑格尔、叔本华也深刻地对自我进行反思。

    Through mysterious and unknowable of the image expressed human yearning of the supernatural . Then with the " theory of the mirror stage " of Jacques-Lacan , self-reflection of Kant , Hegel , and Schopenhauer , began to face oneself .

  24. 冷战那种可知性已为另一种敌人所取代。另外,还有新的需求(例如来自媒体的需求),以及许多企业经理和领导者面对的职场问题。

    The certainties of the Cold War era have been replaced by a different kind of enemy , along with new demands - from the media , for example - and many of the workplace issues that managers and leaders elsewhere have to address .

  25. 不能仅从客观性和可知性方面理解真理问题,传统的符合真理论和认知真理论是旧哲学和机械论的真理观,不能反映马克思主义真理观的本质精神。

    The author thinks the issue of truth can not understood only in the light of objectiveness and knowability , the traditional fitting truth theory and cognition truth theory are truth views of old philosophy and mechanism which can not reflect the essential spirit of Marxist truth view .

  26. 观马具可知马性。

    You may know the horse by his harness .

  27. 审美代码是具备感性特征与可知解性的符号或形式。

    The aesthetic code is a symbol or form that possesses genuine features of the world and expresses aesthetic attitudes .

  28. 此外,两组治疗期间均未出现不良反应,可知安全性良好。

    In addition , two groups during treatment , all did not appear adverse reaction , it can be seen that security is good .

  29. 通过实践可知研究性学习是学生比较喜欢的学习方式,同时研究性学习能够丰富《初等几何研究》的内容,使其通过研究性学习可以加深对初等数学的理解。

    Through practical researching , we found inquiry learning is the learning model that university students like , which can enrich contents of research on primary geometry and deepen the understanding of primary mathematics .

  30. 从Kriging插值结果可知,有效性硅含量在115230mg/kg的面积占研究区域耕地面积的34.9%,主要分布于研究区域的中部和东北部地区;

    With the Kriging analysis , results showed that the area with the content of available silicon in the range of 115 ~ 230 mg / kg is 34.9 % of the investigation region , mainly distributed in the middle and the northeast .