
kě cǎi chǔ liànɡ
  • recoverable reserves
  1. 预测油气田产量和可采储量的F模型

    The F-model for predicting production rate and reserves of oil and gas fields

  2. 评价油井重复压裂前剩余可采储量的GM(1,1)模型

    The gm ( 1,1 ) model of evaluating oil well remaining recoverable reserves before Refracturing

  3. 基于对Logistic旋回的研究,推导提出了一种利用累积产量的倒数关系预测可采储量的新模型。

    Based on study on Logistic cycle , a new model of predicting recoverable reserve by reciprocal relation of cumulative production is derived .

  4. 文章首次提出t模型参数n的变化范围,提出预测油、气田可采储量、产量和累积产量的新方法,为油气田开发管理决策提供了依据。

    The change range of the model parameter n is presented firstly and the new method of predicting recoverable reserves , production and cumulative production is described , which provide a policy-making basis for oil-gas development and management .

  5. 随着我国加入WTO和石油公司实施国际化经营战略,迫切需要建立适合我国勘探开发特点的经济可采储量评价系统。

    With China 's accession to WTO and implementing international operation strategy in oil companies , to establish an evaluation system of economic reserves suitable to the characteristics of oil exploration and development is badly needed in China .

  6. 到2020年底我国天然气可采储量将达到5.6万亿m3,探明程度为40%。

    It is estimated that the natural gas reserve will increase quickly , and up to 2020 , the recoverable reserve will be 5.6 trillion cubic meter .

  7. 参照西部地区年均新增探明油气储量的趋势,未来10年内年新增探明油气可采储量可保持在05~07亿t和1500~2000亿m3。

    It is estimated that the annual oil and gas reserves will increase 50 . 70 million tons and 150 . 200 billion cubic meters in the next 10 years .

  8. 将甲型水驱曲线法与Weibull(威布尔)预测模型相结合,提出了一种预测水驱油田开发指标和可采储量的联解法。

    By combining " A " type water displacement curve and Weibull prediction model , this paper provided a combined solution for development index and recoverable reserves of water flood oilfield .

  9. 用概率分布方法进行风险性评价,评价出凝析油的三种经济可采储量即可能储量、概算储量、证实储量分别为119.9×104t,115.4×104t,108.1×104t;

    Risk assessment is carried out by applying the probability distribution method ; three economically recoverable reserves , i.

  10. 首次推导了Usher模型用于油气田产量、累积产量、可采储量和最高年产量及其发生时间的预测数学模型;

    In light of the Usher Model , the mathematical models for predicting the production , cumulative production , recoverable reserves and maximum yearly production and its appearing time of oil and gas fields are derived ;

  11. 调整后采收率由目前的37.16%提高到38.00%,提高0.84个百分点。增加可采储量18.85×104t。

    Recovery efficiency rises to 38.00 % from present 37.16 % after adjustment , improved by 0.84 percentage points , recovery ratio increases 18.85 × 104t .

  12. 塔里木盆地剩余可采储量3397×108m3,基本满足了第一期工程对资源储备的要求。

    The remnant gas excavated in the basin is 3 397 × 10 8m 3 , basically satisfy the demand required by the first phase of the project .

  13. 中国的石油公司上市成功后,储量观念正在由地质储量向剩余经济可采储量转变,其中最重要的是强调经济因素对SEC储量评估的影响。

    Concept of reserves in China has been changing from geologic reserves to remaining economic recoverable reserves , which emphasize the influences of economic factors on evaluation of SEC reserves , since the successful public listing of Chinese oil companies in foreign stock market .

  14. 青海气区是我国陆上的大气区之一,现已累计探明天然气地质储量3046.57×108m3,可采储量1619.31×108m3。

    Qinghai gas region , whose total identified natural gas reserve is 3046.57 × 108m3 with 1619.31 × 108m3 recoverable , is one of the primary gas regions inland China .

  15. 针对剩余油分布规律,钻加密完善井辅以相应的配套措施,有效地改善了开发效果,增加可采储量16.7×104t。

    According to the remaining oil distribution , infill wells and other suitable measures were used to improve development effectiveness and the increased recoverable reserves is 16.7 × 10 4t .

  16. 可采储量是油气田预测中的一个重要组成部分,在目前有关Weng旋回模型文献中,油气田可采储量的预测方法存在着错误和不足。

    Recoverable reserves is an important part in oil and gas field prediction , however , prediction methods of recoverable reserves in oil and gas fields reported in the literatures on Weng cycle model may give erroneous results .

  17. 通过对Arps产量递减规律与油田剩余储采比变化规律关系的分析,给出了一种计算递减期油田递减指数与可采储量的简便方法。

    Based on the analyses of Arps production decline law and changes of remaining reserve-production ratio . a simple and convenient method for estimating decline factors and recoverable reserves during decline period in any oil - field was presented .

  18. 应用此项技术在济阳坳陷东营凹陷八面河油田识别低阻油层、寻找剩余油富集区取得了成功,累计新增探明储量248×104t,增加可采储量50×104t。

    This technique is used to search for residual oil enrichment zones , the result is successful . The totalized newly proved reserves are 248 × 10 4t and available reserves are 51 × 10 4t .

  19. 通过上述开发对策的实施,预计胜利油区稠油增加可采储量960×104t,使该区稠油步入经济合理的开发轨道。

    After implementing above development measures , it is predicted that recoverable reserves of heavy oil in Shengli petroleum province may increase 960 × 10 4t and heavy oil development may be more economic and reasonable .

  20. 以投产水平井的数据为基础,采用灰色关联分析的方法对影响水平井可采储量的各种参数进行了筛选分析,优选出主要的参数;分析表明,其单糖组成为Glc。

    Based on the parameters of horizontal wells which have been put into production , using the method of Grey Interconnect Analysis , we sort out the parameters which have great effect on horizontal wells ' recovered reserves according to its importance .

  21. 作为递减曲线,它在任何情况下都可以计算出最大可采储量,因而可以描述与预测油田递减阶段开发指标,优于Arps递减曲线。

    As a decline curve , it can reflect concave upward and downward these two curves of Q t vs. N p , and maximum recoverable reserves can be calculated in any condition , so it is better than Arps ' declines .

  22. 从对未来经济发展更具影响的剩余可采储量看,中国石油剩余可采储量处于稳定的局面,20年期间平均年增量仅为0.1×108t。

    In respect of the remaining reserves that have much larger influences on future economic development , China 's remaining recoverable oil reserves are stable with an annual average growth of only 10 million tons in 20 years .

  23. 必须看到,中国中部、西部和近海地区拥有未开发的天然气可采储量约1×1012m3;中国尚有未发现的天然气储量达12×1012m3。

    It must be pointed out that the central , west and offshore regions in China have undeveloped recoverable reserves of 1 × 10 12m 3 and there are 12 × 10 12m 3 of gas reserves undiscovered in China yet .

  24. 截止2000年我国已累计探明天然气(包括油田溶解气和气层气)储量362×1012m3,其中剩余可采储量151×1012m3;

    By the and of 2000 , the accumulated proved reserves of natural gas ( both oil field dissolved gas and gas field gas ) were 3.62 × 10 12 m 3 , in which the residual recoverable reserves were 1.5 × 10 12 m 3 ;

  25. 水驱砂岩油田可采储量的一种预测模型

    A model for predicting recoverable reserves in waterflooding sandstone oil field

  26. 通过油井计算可以得到石油可采储量,再应用这个曲线可以评估其最终经济可采储量。

    From this curve , economical recoverable reserves can be estimated .

  27. 利用水驱储量预测可采储量的简便方法

    The Handy Method of Forecasting Recoverable Reserves According to Waterflooding Reserves

  28. 预测水驱凝析气藏可采储量的方法

    A Method for Forecasting Recoverable Reserves of Water Drive Gas-Condensate Reservoir

  29. 利用经济界限值计算油田经济可采储量

    Economic Limited Value for Calculating Economic Recoverable Reserves in an Oilfield

  30. 实用天然气可采储量标定软件的开发及应用

    Development and application of demarcating software of natural gas recoverable reserves