
rì chǎn
  • produce daily
  • Nissan
  1. 目前日产公司在欧洲有两家工厂生产汽车。

    Nissan now makes cars at two plants in Europe

  2. 日产希望到2012年时能在全球售出20万辆Leaf。

    Nissan wants to sell 200,000 Leafs globally by 2012 .

  3. 1981年,新型的日产汽车平均每升汽油能跑13千米。

    New Japanese cars averaged 13 km to the litre in 1981

  4. 工厂已经可以日产1,100辆车。

    The factory was geared up to make 1,100 cars a day .

  5. 日产过万吨。

    The output per day is over 10,000 tons .

  6. 结果日产量翻了一番。

    As a result , daily output has doubled .

  7. 此外,来自美国能源情报署(USEnergyInformationAdministration)的预测暗示,美国原油日产量也将在今后几年接近美国1970年的峰值。

    Forecasts from the US Energy Information Administration suggest that crude production will also come close to its 1970 peak in the next few years .

  8. PanAmerican是阿根廷的第二大石油生产商,2008年日产石油近23万桶。

    Pan American is Argentina 's second-biggest oil producer with production of almost 230,000 barrels per day in 2008 .

  9. 能源政策研究基金会(EnergyPolicyResearchFoundation)估计,全球的日产能损失总量高达450万桶,相当于全球有效剩余产能的两倍。

    The Energy Policy Research Foundation estimates the world 's lost output of up to 4.5m b / d is the equivalent of twice the world 's effective spare capacity .

  10. 10月份,日产发布了聆风(Leaf)车型的自驾原型款,并表示该车将于2015年上市。

    In October , Nissan revealed a self-driving prototype of its leaf that the car maker says could hit the market by 2015 .

  11. 在电动汽车上下注最多的人可能当属日产公司的CEO卡洛斯•高森。

    Arguably the biggest bet on EVs is by Carlos Ghosn , CEO of Nissan ( nsany ) .

  12. 日产(Nissan)CEO卡洛斯高森2010年曾预测道,到2014年,日产将在全球卖出50万辆聆风(Leaf)电动车。

    In 2010 , CEO Carlos Ghosn predicted Nissan would be selling 500,000 leafs worldwide by 2014 .

  13. 计算结果显示:与只进行排水采气的基本衰竭开采方式相比,注入CO2后,煤层甲烷日产气量和累积产气量都有了很大幅度的提高。

    The simulation results show that the injection of CO2 can largely enhance daily production and cumulative production of coalbed methane .

  14. 今年截至目前,通用汽车公司(GeneralMotorsCo.)、丰田汽车公司(ToyotaMotorCo.)和日产汽车(NissanMotorCo.)在中国市场的占有率均有所下滑。

    General Motors Co. , Toyota Motor Corp. and Nissan Motor Co. have all seen their China market share shrink so far this year .

  15. 日产汽车(Nissan)已经表示将于2020年销售无人驾驶汽车。

    Nissan has said it will sell a driverless car by 2020 .

  16. 情况确实如此,但截至目前还没有关于日产(Nissan)的Leaf电动汽车起火的报道,无论是在发生事故后,还是在其他情况下。

    True , but so far no reports of fires to Nissan LEAF electric vehicles , in accidents or otherwise .

  17. 丰田、本田(honda)和日产(nissan)也都表示暂停部分在华工厂的生产活动。

    Toyota , hondaand nissansaid it had suspended production at some locations in China .

  18. 在以色列,雷诺-日产与美国公司BetterPlace进行着合作。后者负债建设覆盖以色列全国的电动汽车充电网络,其中包括驾车者可前去更换掉空电池的电池更换站。

    In Israel , the two carmakers are joining forces with Better Place , a US company building a nationwide recharging network for electric cars , including battery-swap stations where motorists can exchange their depleted batteries .

  19. APS的启动/停止可靠性与安全性,以及日产三菱机组APS系统的设计特点。

    As well as the safety , reliability and the design feature of APS are mentioned .

  20. 日产聆风(NissanLeaf)上市已经一年有半了,销售上却始终没有起色。

    The Nissan LEAF , which has been on sale for a year and a half , has failed to get traction .

  21. 日产1986年在桑德兰(sunderland)开设了汽车工厂。

    Nissan opened its car plant in Sunderland in 1986 .

  22. 戈恩也是日产联盟公司&法国汽车制造商雷诺(RenaultSA)的首席执行官。

    Ghosn also serves as chief executive of Renault SA , the French automaker and Nissan ally .

  23. 事实上,只有靠电池驱动的聆风(Leaf)能代表日产汽车,而这块业务与其说是生意,不如说是爱好来得更恰当。

    In fact , it is difficult to think of any vehicle that symbolizes Nissan except for the battery-powered leaf , and that is more a hobby than a business .

  24. 1999年,法国雷诺公司(Renault)买下了日产的部分股权并重组了日产。

    At that time French automaker Renault bought a stake and reorganized the company .

  25. 对于一些汽车公司如丰田(toyota)和日产(nissan)而言,俄罗斯已经是欧洲最大的市场。

    Russia is already a bigger market than any in Europe for some companies , like Toyota and Nissan .

  26. 亲爱的卡梅伦首相:1977年,玛格丽特撒切尔(MargaretThatcher)访问了日产(Nissan)位于东京郊外的汽车工厂。

    Dear Prime Minister : In 1977 , Margaret Thatcher visited the Nissan car factory outside of Tokyo .

  27. 它的乘用车将采用日产Nissan品牌,而商用车则主要使用东风品牌。

    Its passenger vehicles will carry Nissan brand , whereas commercial vehicles mainly carry the Dongfeng brand .

  28. 我深知,从1999年的日产复兴计划(NissanRevivalPlan)开始,您就擅长设定并达到看似不可能实现的财务目标。

    I know you have had great success setting impossible financial targets and then meeting them , starting with the original Nissan revival plan in 1999 .

  29. 比如,日产汽车(NissanMotorCo。)就没有参加今年的底特律车展,并计划缺席法兰克福车展,但却大张旗鼓地参加了上海车展。

    Nissan Motor Co. , for example , skipped this year 's Detroit show and plans to be absent from Frankfurt 's but is making a splash in Shanghai .

  30. 目前日产就正在利用Curse战队知名玩家的社交网络影响来推广它的一些在线广告。

    Nissan is using the huge social networking reach of Team Curse pro gamers to raise awareness of some of its online campaigns .