
huǒ guō
  • Hot Pot;chafing dish;Mongolian hot pot
火锅 [huǒ guō]
  • [chafing dish;Mongolian hot pot] 一种附装有热源(如木炭、电或酒精灯)、放在桌上烧煮的烹调器皿

火锅[huǒ guō]
  1. 重庆火锅文化旅游开发的思考

    Thoughts About the Exploitation of Chongqing Chafing Dish Culture Tourism

  2. 特色火锅,口味鲜美,欢迎品尝。

    Special chafing dish . Delicious in taste . Welcome to try .

  3. 他们在一家小餐馆歇脚,吃了顿干酪火锅。

    They stopped at a little cafe and had a fondue .

  4. 美味的火锅虾曾经是海港周围咖啡馆的招牌菜。

    Delicious potted shrimps and prawns were once the stock-in-trade of the harbourside cafe .

  5. 但刘洋还是怀念火锅,名字是两个字的那种!

    But Liu Yang still misses hot pot , two words !

  6. 火锅是由肉、土豆和洋葱做成的。

    Hotpot is made from meat , potatoes and onions .

  7. 烹饪很容易。火锅尝起来不错。

    It is easy to cook.Hotpot tastes fine .

  8. 火锅在中文中用两个字表示,但在英文中只用一个单词表示。

    China has hot pot in two words but English hotpot is written in one word .

  9. 火锅在哪里?

    Where was the hot pot ?

  10. 看到刘洋惊讶的样子,美国女孩告诉他此火锅非彼火锅。

    When she saw Liu Yang was very surprised , the American girl told him that hotpot is NOT hot pot .

  11. 昨天他听说会有一顿为迎接新生举办的火锅聚餐,非常激动。

    Yesterday he was very excited when he heard that there was going to be a meal of hotpot to welcome the new students .

  12. 一年一度的奶酪火锅节的组织者阿瑙德·法夫尔确信这样做是安全的。

    Arnaud Favre , who organises the annual fondue festival , is sure it is .

  13. 没有任何一个地道的瑞士人愿意忍受没有奶酪火锅的冬季,但这种吃法安全吗?

    No self-respecting Swiss wants to endure a winter without fondue – but is it safe ?

  14. 我要吃麻辣烫和火锅的挖,这个脸怎么办啊

    I should eat hemp hot iron and of chaffy dish dig , how does this face do ?

  15. 没有什么比和好友围坐在桌旁,一同享用奶酪火锅更温馨惬意的事情了。

    Nothing is more comforting than sitting round the table with good friends , sharing a cheese fondue .

  16. 奶酪火锅爱好者们建议,不要用一把叉子,可以用两把叉子,一把用来蘸奶酪,另一把用来把食物放入口中。

    Instead of one fork , fondue fans suggest , have two : one for dipping , and the other for eating .

  17. 这条建议似乎很有效,在瑞士人准备迎接这个疫情笼罩的冬天,火锅的销售量正在上升。

    The advice seems to be working – as the Swiss brace themselves for this Covid winter , fondue sales are rising .

  18. 对阿瑙德来说,遗憾的是,今年的奶酪火锅节被取消了,因为大批渴望享用奶酪的人聚集在一起太危险了。

    Unfortunately for Arnaud , his fondue festival has been cancelled this year – big crowds of cheese-hungry people are too much of a risk .

  19. 瑞士多地的餐厅也都关闭了,但是在家里和朋友们一起吃奶酪火锅仍然是允许的,不过在家的吃法就更灵活了。

    Restaurants in many parts of Switzerland are closed too – but a fondue at home with friends is still allowed , although the ritual is becoming more flexible .

  20. 这样的博物馆应该展现我国饮食文化的历史,包含56个民族的特色,没准能让火锅成为世界遗产。

    It should demonstrate the history of our food culture and include the elements of all 56 ethnic1 groups . It might also help hot pot to be recognized as a world heritage item .

  21. 此外,火锅底料和电磁炉的销售额分别同比增长540%和240%。

    Self-heating hot pots rank only second to Luosifen on the most popular goods list by Tmall and Taobao . Besides , the turnovers cookers increased by 540 percent and 240 percent , respectively , year-on-year .

  22. China中国北京前门胡同里的餐馆以火锅而闻名。

    In Beijing the restaurants in the alleyways of Qian Men are renowned for hot pot , or huo guo .

  23. 来自欧睿国际的数据显示,在中国TOP15的全方位服务连锁餐厅中,有7家都专营火锅。

    Data from Euromonitor International showed that seven of China 's top 15 full-service restaurant chains specialize in hotpot .

  24. 但安吉星提供的服务不仅仅是引导客户到最近的星巴克(starbucks)或火锅店。

    But OnStar does more than direct customers to the nearest Starbucks or hotpot restaurant .

  25. 此外,该公司2月份对中国21个城市2600个消费者的调查报告也显示,国内的火锅连锁--海底捞在最受国人欢迎的TOP10餐厅中高居榜首。

    A total of 2600 people the firm surveyed in 21 Chinese cities in February also placed domestic hotpot chain Haidilao at the top of the list of the country 's 10 favorite restaurants .

  26. 食品中苏丹红HPLC检测方法研究高效液相色谱&离子阱质谱检测火锅底料中的苏丹染料Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ

    Research on High Performance Liquid Chromatograph ( HPLC ) for the Determination of Sudan Dyes in Food DETECTION OF SUDAN DYES IN THE CHAFING DISH BY HPLC-ION TRAP MS / MS

  27. 位于肯塔基州的百盛餐饮集团(Yum)才是中国快餐业的老大,旗下品牌包括肯德基、必胜客(PizzaHut),甚至连小肥羊(LittleSheep)火锅连锁店也被它收入了帐下。

    Kentucky-based Yum brands is the big kahuna of fast food in China , with the KFC , Pizza Hut , and Little Sheep hotpot chain under its umbrella .

  28. 离格兰纳再也轻铁站(KelanaJayaLRTstation)仅一步之遥,日夜兴火锅饭店以其肉汁丰富的喂谷鸡著称。

    Just a stone 's throw away from the Kelana Jaya LRT station , Restoran Yat Yeh Hing is famed for their juicy corn-fed chicken .

  29. 至于主菜,肉食者们享受着浸泡在卤汁中的菲力牛排和慢烤的北极甜菜,配上马铃薯可乐饼和heirloom樱桃,番茄火锅和黑色的托斯卡纳羽衣甘蓝。

    For the main course , meat-eaters tucked into a duo of marinated filet mignon and slow-baked Arctic chard with potato croquette and heirloom cherries , a tomato fondue and black Tuscan kale .

  30. 本文报道了以峰鉴别技术为定性依据的测定火锅汤料中微量吗啡的反相高效液相色谱法.本法采用改良的Stas-otto法分离提取复杂样品中的微量吗啡。

    The morphine in chafing dish soup was extracted by a modified Stas-otto method , and determined by reversed-phase HPLC .