
màn huà
  • comic;cartoon;caricature
漫画 [màn huà]
  • [caricature;cartoon] 用简单而夸张的手法所作的讽刺画

  1. 它的漫画形象早已风靡世界,成为拥有在75个国家超过3亿Fans的顶级偶像。

    The cartoon puppy has swept the whole world , becoming the top idol in 75 different countries with more than 0.3 billion Fans .

  2. 简而言之,漫画人才的培养,宜实行漫画基础人才+项目创造引导的模式。网游人才和动画人才的培养则可以采用社会类和院校类两种培养机制。NET的两大核心组件。

    In short , the training of cartoon talents may take the mode of basic cartoon talents pulus project creation guide , the training of net game talents and cartoon talents may adopt the form of society and college education .

  3. 他的漫画毫不留情地嘲讽了他那个年代的政治人物。

    His cartoons mercilessly lampooned the politicians of his time .

  4. 漫画把部长描画成长鼻子皮诺曹。

    Cartoons showed the Minister as a long-nosed Pinocchio .

  5. 他们在将点子出售给DC漫画公司时签字放弃了版权。

    They signed the rights away when they sold their idea to DC Comics .

  6. 西班牙阶梯上挤满了出售荒诞漫画的人。

    The Spanish Steps were crowded with the sellers of grotesque caricatures .

  7. 我以前看了很多《高卢英雄传》系列漫画书。

    I used to read loads of Asterix books .

  8. 乔喜欢看《超人》的漫画书。

    Joe loved to read ' Superman ' comics .

  9. 海报漫画中的希特勒长着魔鬼的犄角和尾巴。

    The poster showed a caricature of Hitler with a devil 's horns and tail

  10. 在漫画里他被画成了一棵大头菜。

    He was caricatured as a turnip .

  11. 那天吃过晚饭,伊迪丝向他们展示了她的一组政治漫画作品。

    After dinner that evening , Edith showed them a portfolio of her own political cartoons .

  12. 他最初通过向幽默搞笑类报纸出售卡通漫画维持生计。

    He at first kept body and soul together by selling cartoons to the humorous papers .

  13. 我寄给他们6,000多幅漫画,最后才有1幅得以采用。

    I sent them more than 6,000 cartoons before I had my one and only acceptance by them

  14. 敌对两党之盛衰给两幅最优秀的漫画提供了题材。

    The ups and downs of the rival parties furnished subjects for two excellent cartoons .

  15. 他为《纽约人》杂志画漫画和设计封面。

    He did cartoons and covers for the new Yorker magazine .

  16. 我看见那孩子在看一本漫画书。

    I saw the child reading a comic .

  17. 他画了许多政治性漫画。

    He drew many political cartoons .

  18. 这本漫画书是我从尼克那里换来的。

    This comic was a swap that I got from Nick .

  19. 网络漫画(webtoon或者webcomics)指在互联网上发表、能够通过手机阅读的漫画作品。

    Webtoons , also known as webcomics , are Internet-based comic strips available through cellphones .

  20. 在黑白漫画的时代,将角色的圆形手与黑体分开是很难的。

    In the age of black and white cartoons , separating characters ’ round-edge hands from their black bodies was hard .

  21. 这部新作将于5月11日在漫画书店和数字平台上架,届时猴王子将首次亮相。

    The new anthology hits comic book stores and digital platforms on May 11 , and with its release comes the first appearance of Monkey Prince .

  22. 这个说法最早源于日本,最初指在24小时网吧或者漫画咖啡店过夜的人。

    The term was first created in Japanese language , which originally means " net cafe refugee " , people sleep in 24-hour Internet cafes or manga cafes .

  23. 他把两张卡片钉在一块,就像这些,而且贴了他最喜欢的人物贴纸丁丁(漫画人物,职业是记者)在卡片上。

    He 'd gone and stapled50 two cards , very like these , together , and put a sticker of his favorite character , Tintin , on the front .

  24. 该片剧本改编自皮埃尔·奥斯卡·列维和弗雷德里克·佩特斯所著的法国漫画小说《沙堡》,但是具体细节仍在保密之中。

    The screenplay is adapted from Sandcastle , a French graphic13 novel by Pierre Oscar Levy14 and Frederik Peeters , but the plot details have been kept under wraps .

  25. 从吸血鬼猎人到惩恶扬善的少年,几乎无所不有。今夏,这位最具英伦风范的侦探将在日本漫画中成为不死之身。

    This summer , that most British of detectives , who has appeared as everything from a vampire hunter to a crime-fighting teenager , is being immortalised in Japanese manga .

  26. 埃莉诺和帕克史诗般的爱情故事是从埃莉诺在校车上从帕克背后窥读他的漫画书开始的。

    For example : Eleanor and Park 's epic2 love story begins when Eleanor peeks3 over Park 's shoulder on the bus to school to " eavesread " his comics .

  27. 网络漫画的风靡已经引起了整个娱乐界的关注,评价很高的一些网络漫画已经被成功改编成了电视剧、电影、网游,甚至音乐剧。

    Their popularity has drawn5 the attention of the wider entertainment industry , and top-rated webtoons have been successfully adapted into TV dramas , films , online games - even musicals .

  28. 大部分网络漫画系列都在大型门户网站免费发布,每周更新一到两次,涵盖的题材也很广泛,浪漫喜剧和恐怖故事等,都涵盖其中。

    Most webtoon serials3 are published on major Internet portals free of charge and once or twice a week . They cover a wide range of genres4 , as diverse as romantic comedies and horror .

  29. 不过,也有手办套装展现的是更加宽泛的主题,有恐怖片、科幻片、魔幻片、电视和漫画书中的人物,也有原创艺术作品中的人物,还有现存套装模型升级换代的版本。

    However , kits are produced depicting6 a wide range of subjects , from characters from horror , science fiction , fantasy films , television and comic books to original works of art , as well as upgrade and conversion7 kits for existing models .

  30. 他走私了两本漫画书蜘蛛侠和X战警。

    And he had smuggled in two comics , two comic books & Spiderman and X-men .