
  • 网络Flying all over the sky;flying in the sky;dance in the air;don't hide your real nature;sky dancing
  1. 还是漫天飞舞的雪?

    Flying all over the sky or the snow ?

  2. 阳光下,漫天飞舞的风沙像炒红的铁砂一般,扑打着探险队员的面孔。

    Under the sun , the sand flying all over the sky like red iron speculation general , head of the players face the name of adventure .

  3. 须知,船用设备价格占船价的40%~50%,缺少了船用产品的支撑,中国造船业利润微薄,漫天飞舞的造船订单也不过是片刻的浮华。带水总重为11800t。

    As we know , marine equip - ment takes up 40 % ~ 50 % of the total ship price . Without support of domestic marine products , Chinese shipbuilding would never make a bigger profit .

  4. 北风呼呼地吹着,漫天飞舞的雪花。

    The north wind blows and snow billows through the air .

  5. 我们冲出屋子走到漫天飞舞的暴风雪中。

    We rushed out of the house into a whirling snowstorm .

  6. 他们在曼哈顿顶端组装时雪花漫天飞舞。

    Snowflakes were flying as they assembled the Mustang high above Manhattan .

  7. 看到那挂满的黄色,漫天飞舞,让我笑了

    The full yellow , flying , make me smile

  8. 雪,漫天飞舞,寻觅的路上,充满诗的泪珠!

    Snow , dancing all over the sky , looking for the way poetry is full of tears !

  9. 充斥着威胁论或乐观主义论断的各类研究报告漫天飞舞。

    All sorts of research reports are flying in the sky , which contains optimism thesis and threatening theory .

  10. 画中戴墨镜的狗、面无表情的人物及漫天飞舞的手机的描绘让内容略显一丝神奇与幽默。

    The dog wearing sunglasses , poker-faced character and the flying mobile phone portrayed let content slightly a magical and humor .

  11. 在传统移动平台上,用户在屏幕上疯狂滑动手指,而各色水果被切成碎屑漫天飞舞,他们对此心满意足。

    On mobile devices , users swipe their fingers across the screen sending fruit gibs flying about , which is satisfying enough .

  12. 一曲漫天飞舞的梁祝,唱尽人间的缠绵悱恻。

    A song covers with to dance in the wind of the beam wish , singing exhausted human life of exceedingly sentimental .

  13. 虽然有关非法移民的恶劣言辞在漫天飞舞,但政界人士还是在为他们选区的廉价移民工积极游说着。

    There is a lot of nasty rhetoric about illegal migrants , but politicians also lobby for cheap migrant workers in their constituencies .

  14. 雪花漫天飞舞时艾莎用她呼风唤雪的魔力在孤山上建起了一座冰雪堡垒,该电影甚至还设有奥洛夫这个角色,一个俏皮逗笑的雪人。

    Snow dances in the air as Elsa uses her special powers to build an icy fortress on a lonely mountain . The movie even includes Olaf , a wisecracking snowman .