
màn huà jiā
  • cartoonist;caricaturist
  1. 副总裁说那个漫画家和他有私怨。

    The vice president said the cartoonist has a personal vendetta against him

  2. 29岁的被告MohamedGeele被控告在去年一月份闯入丹麦漫画家韦斯特加德(KurtWestergaard)的家中。

    The defendant , 29-year-old Mohamed Geele , allegedly broke into the house of a Danish cartoonist in January last year .

  3. 漫画家拿出了他们最喜爱的出自自己和他人之手的作品。

    Cartoonists have pitched in with their favourites from their own and other hands

  4. 政客们通常是漫画家所讽刺的对象。

    Politicians were always considered fair game by cartoonists .

  5. 漫画家们总是把他画得变形了。

    His size was persistently distorted by the cartoonists

  6. 难怪漫画家总是把他画成一个邪恶的小天使。

    It was easy to see why the cartoonists regularly portrayed him as a malign cherub .

  7. 斯坦·李(注:漫威编剧、漫画家)的葬礼将会是一个反转过来的配角群戏,所有的超级英雄都会成为他的人生故事的背景。-4-

    Stan Lee 's funeral is going to be a reverse cameo where all the superheroes appear in the background of his story .

  8. 基于AlexRoss确认的蝙蝠侠形象(以画超级英雄著称的美国漫画家)。

    based on Alex Ross 's definitive Batman .

  9. 为了塑造蝙蝠侠这一角色,漫画家鲍勃·凯恩(BobKane)可谓下了不少功夫。

    It took a little time for Bob Kane to refine the Batman character .

  10. BenHeine是一个画家、插画家、肖像画家、漫画家和、摄影家。

    Ben Heine is a painter , illustrator , portraitist , caricaturist and photographer .

  11. 当年晚些时候,这位瑞典漫画家在乌普萨拉大学(UppsalaUniversity)举行讲座时,脸上被一名抗议者打了一拳。

    Later that year , the Swede was hit in the face by a protester while giving a lecture at Uppsala University .

  12. 由漫画家矢泽爱所创作的日本少女漫画系列《NANA》,风靡了全亚洲的年轻女孩。

    NANA , a series of Japanese girls ' comics by artist Ai Yazawa , is popular among teenage girls all over Asia .

  13. 一位美女漫画家的出现测试着Leonard和Priya之间的感情,与此同时万圣节要到了,Sheldon想方设法想弄出点能吓到人的玩意。

    A cute comic book artist puts Leonard and Priya 's relationship to the test , while Sheldon tries to scare the guys for Halloween .

  14. 为迎接圣诞这个普天同庆佳节,九巴替一架三菱MK巴士(AM159/FP4975)松上一个以漫画家手冢治虫笔下角色为题的圣诞广告。

    KMB decorated a Mitsubishi MK ( AM159 / FP4975 ) with characters written by Tezuka Osamu , a famous Japanese cartoonist , to celebrate the Christmas Eve .

  15. 碧翠丝在书架间浏览时发现了一本奇异的书,是由伊妮德·布莱顿根据法国漫画家让·德·布吕诺夫(JeandeBrunhoff)原创绘本《巴巴的故事》(Babar)改编而成,就买了下来。非买不可。

    Exploring the shelves , Beatrice spotted an odd little novelization Enid Blyton did of the original Babar picture book by Jean de Brunhoff , which she had to have .

  16. VideoJug和伦敦漫画博物馆的漫画家斯蒂芬·马特教给你如何画一只卡通狗。

    VideoJug and Stephen Marchant , a cartoonist from London 's Cartoon Museum , show you how to draw a cartoon dog .

  17. 哥本哈根一个活动现场发生枪击事件,造成1人身亡、3名警察受伤。当时一名曾把先知穆罕默德(ProphetMohammed)描画为狗的有争议的丹麦漫画家正在事发地点发表演讲。

    One man has been killed and three police officers wounded in a shooting at an event in Copenhagen where a controversial Swedish cartoonist who depicted the Prophet Mohammed as a dog was speaking .

  18. 这一决定让彼得•巴菲特最终碰到了好运气&一次偶然的机会让他遇到了一位在新成立的有线电视频道MTV电视台工作的漫画家。

    The decision put Peter Buffett in position to get his lucky break & a chance encounter that led to a meeting with an animator who worked with a fledgling cable channel called MTV .

  19. 没过多久,漫画家就开始把劳动者,尤其是罢工的劳动者,描绘成现代参孙(Samson)了,他们推倒旧社会的支柱,与资产阶级敌人同归于尽。

    Cartoonists soon began depicting labor , and strikers in particular , as modern-day Samsons , pulling down the columns of an orderly society , killing their capitalist adversaries and themselves in the process .

  20. 最伟大的讽刺漫画家詹姆斯•吉尔雷(JamesGillray)当年是如此受欢迎,以至于他的出版人汉娜•汉弗莱(HannahHumphrey)会把他的全套精选作品集出租一个晚上或一个周末,供人们娱乐。

    James Gillray , the greatest of all the caricaturists , was in such demand that Hannah Humphrey , his publisher , would rent out entire albums of his choicest items for a night 's or a weekend 's entertainment .

  21. 西班牙人并没有立即采取Cobi,从夏季奥运会的巴塞罗那,是由本地漫画家哈维尔·马里斯卡尔设计的超现实主义的狗。

    The Spaniards did not immediately take to " Cobi ", the surreal dog from the Summer Olympic Games of Barcelona , who was designed by local cartoonist Javier Mariscal .

  22. 《蓝精灵》是1958年10月23日由比利时漫画家沛优(Peyo,PierreCulliford的笔名)创作的一部漫画,描写一群生活在大森林中的蓝色精灵的故事。

    The Smurfs is a comic and television franchise centred on a group of small blue fictional creatures called Smurfs , created and first introduced as a series of comic strips by the Belgian cartoonist Peyo ( pen name of Pierre Culliford ) on October 23 , 1958 .

  23. 问:你是《纽约客》的漫画编辑,HBO纪录片《幽默的严肃》(VerySemi-Serious)的主角。在影片中,当你不买账的时候,漫画家们就会向你尝试解释他们的作品。

    You 're the cartoon editor of The New Yorker and the subject of a new HBO documentary , " Very Semi-Serious . " In it , cartoonists often try to explain their cartoons to you if you aren 't initially sold .

  24. 1958年10月,比利时漫画家皮埃尔•库利福德(笔名:皮尤)创造的“蓝精灵”卡通形象首次出现在连环漫画中,他给这群小精灵起名为“Schtroumpf”,也就是后来享誉全球的Smurfs(“蓝精灵”)。

    The Belgium cartoonist Pierre Culliford , best known by his pen name , " Peyo , " first introduced the tiny blue figures in a comic strip in October 1958 . He called them Schtroumpf and they became known worldwide as the Smurfs .

  25. 作家卢克·桑特(LucSante)也签署了联名抗议信。虽然他评价遇袭身亡的漫画家之一乔治·沃林斯基(GeorgesWolinski)的作品“充满人性、非常大度”,但认为部分《查理周报》供稿人传播的却是“不成熟的挑衅式幽默”。

    The writer Luc Sante , who also signed the letter of protest , said that while the work of Georges Wolinski , one of the cartoonists killed in the attack , " was humane and large-spirited , " some of Charlie Hedbo 's contributors trafficked in " sophomoric troll humor . "

  26. 在今天的漫画中漫画家戴维·霍西让我们看到了这样一对。

    David Horsey presents such a pair in today 's cartoon .

  27. 我相信,我将会成为一个成功的漫画家!

    I believe that I will be a illustrator one day !

  28. 他年轻时立志当一名漫画家。

    As a youth , he chose to be a cartoonist .

  29. 他是罗马尼亚著名漫画家、插画家和美术编辑。

    He is a famous Romanian cartoonist , illustrator and art editor .

  30. 漫画家被有些人认为是第二等重要的艺术家。

    Cartoonists are considered by some to be artists of secondary importance .