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  • comic book
  1. 最近,《行尸走肉》(TheWalkingDead)漫画书在堪称宅文化圣地的2013圣迭戈动漫展(SanDiegoComicCon2013)上庆祝了10周年纪念日。

    The walking dead comic book celebrated its 10th anniversary at the nerd Mecca known as San Diego Comic Con 2013 .

  2. 这本新漫画书有纸质版本,还会有供iPad和iPhone用户使用的电子版。

    The new comic book is available in paperback . There will also be versions for iPad and iPhone users .

  3. 我以前看了很多《高卢英雄传》系列漫画书。

    I used to read loads of Asterix books .

  4. 乔喜欢看《超人》的漫画书。

    Joe loved to read ' Superman ' comics .

  5. 我看见那孩子在看一本漫画书。

    I saw the child reading a comic .

  6. 这本漫画书是我从尼克那里换来的。

    This comic was a swap that I got from Nick .

  7. 埃莉诺和帕克史诗般的爱情故事是从埃莉诺在校车上从帕克背后窥读他的漫画书开始的。

    For example : Eleanor and Park 's epic2 love story begins when Eleanor peeks3 over Park 's shoulder on the bus to school to " eavesread " his comics .

  8. 不过,也有手办套装展现的是更加宽泛的主题,有恐怖片、科幻片、魔幻片、电视和漫画书中的人物,也有原创艺术作品中的人物,还有现存套装模型升级换代的版本。

    However , kits are produced depicting6 a wide range of subjects , from characters from horror , science fiction , fantasy films , television and comic books to original works of art , as well as upgrade and conversion7 kits for existing models .

  9. 他走私了两本漫画书蜘蛛侠和X战警。

    And he had smuggled in two comics , two comic books & Spiderman and X-men .

  10. 译名:捣蛋鬼亨利影片讲述了一个名叫亨利的调皮捣蛋鬼整蛊周围家人和同学的故事,改编自同名漫画书《HorridHenry》,是英国的首部3D儿童电影。

    Horrid Henry : The Movie is an upcoming 3D family comedy film , based on the fictional character Horrid Henry .

  11. Cosplay玩家运用复杂精致的化装和服饰,扮演卡通、漫画书和视频游戏中的人物和物体。

    Participants use elaborate makeup and clothes to role-play characters and objects from cartoons , comic books and videogames .

  12. 他称,个人飞行器首先出现在1928年的一本名为”惊奇故事“的漫画书中,内容介绍了英雄BuckRogers用飞行器在空中翱翔。

    He says the jet pack first appeared in1928 in an Amazing Stories comic book , which featured the hero Buck Rogers zooming though the sky in a jet pack .

  13. 除了漫画书,没人再说“Zounds!(咄)”。这是“ByGod'sWounds(上帝的伤口)”的委婉版,意指上帝在十字架受难,很明显是起源于中世纪。

    Outsidecomic books , nobody says " Zounds ! " any more , which was a minced version of " By God 's Wounds , " a reference to the Crucifixion and clearly of Mediaeval origin .

  14. 据瑞典TT通讯社报道,收藏家认为如果这本漫画书保存完好,它将是一件珍品,价值12.5万冰岛克朗(约16200美元或13345欧元)。

    If in mint condition , the item would be considered a rarity by collectors and could be worth up to125000 kronor ( 16200 dollars , 13,345 euros ), according to Swedish news agency TT .

  15. 与《X战警》(X-Men)和《蝙蝠侠》(Batman)等根据漫画书改编的美国电影很像的是,叶问的故事近年来被一再搬上银幕。

    The story of Ip Man , much like American comic-book tales such as ' X-Men ' and ' Batman , ' has been told and retold on film in recent years .

  16. 在漫威的漫画书《英雄内战II:选边站队》第五期的封面上,特鲁多手戴红色拳击手套,身穿中间印有红枫叶图案的背心,面带微笑,身旁围绕着几位加拿大漫画英雄。

    Wearing red boxing gloves and a sleeveless top with a red maple in the middle , Trudeau is surrounded by several Canadian comic heroes and smiling on the cover of Issue 5 of Marvel 's " Civil War II : Choosing Sides " comic book .

  17. 纽约艺术商多米尼克·利维(DominiqueLevy)有一本1964年罗伊·李奇登斯坦(RoyLichtenstein)的黑白漫画书,四年前曾在摩根图书馆与艺术馆展出过。

    Dominique Levy , a New York dealer , had a 1964 black-and-white comic book drawing by Roy Lichtenstein that was in a show at the Morgan Library & Museum four years ago .

  18. 我来告诉你们我去哪儿了你们也许是和StanLee一起吃了意式冰淇淋拿到了亲笔签名的漫画书但是我看到了他家的内部结构拿到亲笔签名的申请禁制令

    I 'll tell you where I 've been . You boys may have had gelato with Stan Lee and gotten autographed comics , but I saw the inside of his house and got an autographed application for a restraining order .

  19. 凯奇是出了名的狂热收藏家,他的兴趣包括不动产、珍稀轿车和漫画书。2011年,他以210万美元出售了一本接近全新的《动作漫画》(ActionComics)第一期,其中有超人的第一次亮相。

    Mr. Cage is known as an avid collector , with interests that include real estate , rare cars and comic books : In 2011 , he sold a like-new copy of Action Comics No. 1 , which featured the first appearance of Superman , for $ 2.1 million .

  20. 在派对上,他让演员们装扮成蝙蝠侠和罗宾的形象,口中呆萌地念叨着漫画书中的台词“Gollygeewhiz”。

    He had actors dressed as Batman and Robin at the party , using the goofy " Golly gee whiz " lines from the comic , and the old Batman movie serials were screened .

  21. 意识到其中的好处后,CDC很快又发布了《预防僵尸袭击101招》(ZombiePreparedness101),这本漫画书指导读者如何防备僵尸的袭击,它所列出的举措与防备自然灾害的举措如出一辙,这当然并非巧合。

    Recognizing a good thing , the CDC soon released Zombie Preparedness 101 , a comic book designed to educate readers about how to prepare against a zombie attack ─ which , not coincidentally , requires the same steps as preparing for natural disasters .

  22. 这本漫画书已有58年的历史,原本收藏在瑞典南部Koeinge一家由该夫妇经营的博物馆里。

    The58-year-old comic book was part of a collection at a museum in Koeinge , in southern Sweden , run by the couple .

  23. 有一次,一个人给了我75美元,让我画一幅他们被《乱马½》(Ranma1/2)漫画书中最喜欢角色抱在怀中的画面。

    Someone once paid me $ 75 to draw a picture of them in the arms of their favorite character from the manga Ranma 1 / 2 .

  24. 我弟弟看漫画书的时候总是会吃吃地笑。

    My brother always chuckle when he reads a comic book .

  25. 我可以买这漫画书吗?

    Sheldon : Can I get this comic book , too ?

  26. 哦,他得去拯救漫画书。

    Oh , he went to go save the comic book .

  27. 你会拿起一本关于贾斯汀比伯的漫画书吗?

    Will you pick up a comic book about Justin Bieber ?

  28. 还好,在漫画书上做出了解答。

    Fortunately , the comics provide an answer for this question .

  29. 打住,现在谈漫画书还有点早。

    Okay , it is too early for comic book talk .

  30. 不介意所有这些漫画书。

    You don 't mind all the comic book stuff .