
  • 网络Manga Conventions
  1. 我相信《阿切和呆头》漫画会鼓舞他的。

    I 'm sure some Archie and Jughead will cheer him right up .

  2. 如今创作热门的新漫画会遇到什么挑战?

    What are the challenges in creating something new that will catch on in the comic book industry today ?

  3. 漫画粉丝们会认出,鹰眼的特工服变成了克林特·巴顿的浪人装。

    Comic fans will recognize the new look for Clint Barton as the hero Ronin .

  4. 漫画迷们会因此片而兴奋和激动,一般的观众也会得到很多思考的东西。

    Fans of the comic book will probably be pleased and thrill seekers in general will get plenty to chew on .

  5. 如果你要给中国的读者画一幅漫画,你会对怎样的话题感兴趣?

    If you were to draw a cartoon for Chinese readers , who / what topic would you be interested in ?

  6. 我不需要带太多漫画,霍华德会过来找我,然后一起玩星际战舰和印度大富翁。

    I don 't need more comics . Howard 's gonna stop by , we 're gonna play Intergalactic Battleship and Indian Monopoly .

  7. 2005年9月4日(星期日),加菲猫、恐怖的夏甲、迪克·崔西和小兵贝利这些大名鼎鼎的漫画人物都会参加布斯蒂一家的庆祝派对。

    Garfield , Hagar the Horrible , Dick Tracy and Beetle Bailey are among the characters who will join the Bumsteads on Sunday , Sept.4 .

  8. 他的漫画,人们会变得这么受欢迎票员,如果他们先问:“办米奇”才收购。

    His cartoons became so popular that people would first ask ticket takers if they were " running a mickey " before they would purchase admission .

  9. 这位艺术家担心,他新塑造的漫画英雄可能会冒犯一些人,但他表示,迄今为止读者对该书的反响还是不错的。

    The artist , who worried that some people might be offended by his new comic-book hero , said the reception so far has been good .

  10. 有你可能得在自己的谷歌日历里记上一笔StanLee(漫画大师)周四会来这儿签名

    Well , you might want to mark your Google calendars . Stan Lee is coming to do a signing on Thursday .

  11. 今年夏天,著名漫画角色阿尔奇可能会结束生命。

    Archie of comic book fame , is going to be killed off this summer .

  12. 问:你的工作内容似乎大部分是挑选要发表的漫画,真的会编辑它们吗?

    Most of your job seems to be selecting cartoons for publication . Do you ever actually edit them ?

  13. 不幸的是,《金刚狼》在某种程度上说是个漫画。你或许会争辩说,金刚狼在“烂番茄”获得了70%的好评。

    Unfortunately , The Wolverine was somewhat cartoonish.You may argue that it received a 70 % positive review from Rotten Tomato .