
  • rambler;PT Cruiser;Edifier
  1. 虽然其他孩子都开着庞蒂克的GTO和巡洋舰这样时髦的车,罗姆尼总是坚持开一辆漫步者,为了表明他父亲是美国汽车公司的CEO。

    Although they cruised around in hippercars like Pontiac GTOs and Corvettes , Romney insisted on driving a rambler , the hallmark initiative of his father 's tenure as CEO of American Motors .

  2. 他之前的同学吉姆贝利说,对于他们那个年纪的青少年来说,(漫步者)是全世界最不酷的车。

    According to former classmate Jim Bailey , for teens their age , [ the rambler ] was the least cool car in the entire world .

  3. 动动六条蟹爪似的腿对“漫步者”而言还算最轻松的事

    Moving its six crab like legs was the easiest part for Ambler .

  4. 一个宇航机器人不能象“漫步者”那样,身在太空,头在地球

    A robot cannot have a remotely linked head , as Ambler did .

  5. Ambassador是漫步者生产线上最重要的车型。

    The ambassador was the top of the line .

  6. “月球漫步者”运动鞋的介绍听起来很棒,但MoonshineCrea公司没有发布动态演示片,这有些遗憾。

    MoonWalkers sound great , but we 're kind of disappointed that Moonshine Crea hasn 't released a live demo of the sneakers in action .

  7. “月球漫步者”运动鞋的创意来自机械工程师帕特里克·杰吉里。在接受生命科学网采访时,他解释说磁铁的磁力由磁铁的构成决定,包括钕、铁和硼,因此他选择使用N45磁铁,既有最强磁力,也比多数磁铁便宜。

    Speaking to Live Science , mechanical engineer Patrick Jreijiri , the brains behind MoonWalker , explained that the strength of a magnet depends on its composition - a mix of neodymium , iron , and boron . So he chose N45 , which is not only the strongest but also cheaper than most magnets .

  8. 这是“大地漫步者”号巡洋舰的航程。

    These are the voyages of Cruiser Earthwalker .

  9. 到这些山丘来的漫步者很多。

    These hills are very popular with ramblers .

  10. 据称,这款名为“月球漫步者”的运动鞋据称可以用磁铁模拟太空的低重力环境。

    Aptly named ' MoonWalker ' , these shoes rely on magnets to allegedly simulate walking in a low-gravity environment .

  11. “月球漫步者”运动鞋有多种颜色和成人型号,价格在89~139美元间,今年夏天就会发货。

    Shipping will begin later this summer , in a variety of colors and adult sizes , priced between $ 89 and $ 139 .

  12. 当然,磁铁的承重是有限的,“月球漫步者”跑鞋最大可承载183公斤的重量。

    Of course , there 's a limit to how much weight the magnets can withstand and in the case of MoonWalkers that limit is 183 kilograms .

  13. 他之前的同学吉姆·贝利说,对于他们那个年纪的青少年来说,(漫步者)“是全世界最不酷的车。”

    According to former classmate Jim Bailey , for teens their age , [ the rambler ] " was the least cool car in the entire world . "

  14. “月球漫步者”跑鞋的外观与普通跑鞋并无不同,它的独特之处在于藏在记忆海绵下的两层特殊材料,嵌入了世界最强力的磁铁。

    So far the shoes seem like regular sneakers , but what sets the MoonWalkers apart are the two special layers hidden beneath the memory foam , which are embedded with the world 's most powerful magnets .

  15. 丰田汽车公司自那以后已经销出了200万台普锐斯,堪称75年来最具革命性的车型;而“漫步者”呢,这款新锐车型在技术上乏善可陈的,早已宣告停产了。

    Toyota has gone on to sell two million Priuses , the most revolutionary car of the last 75 years ; the cruiser , a novelty car with no technological pretensions , has since gone out of production .