
chuò xué
  • Drop out of school;stop schooling;discontinue one's studies;leave off one's study
辍学 [chuò xué]
  • [discontinue ones studies] 中途停止上学

辍学[chuò xué]
  1. 故事围绕着一群辍学的中学生展开。

    The story is built around a group of high school dropouts .

  2. 她在大学读了一年书,但后来就辍学了。

    She did a year at college , but then dropped out .

  3. 现在学生的辍学率是三分之一。

    The drop-out rate among students is currently one in three .

  4. 他15岁辍学,当上木工学徒。

    He left school at 15 and trained as an apprentice carpenter .

  5. 他们15岁就辍学了,几乎未接受过正式的写作训练。

    They had left school at fifteen and were quite untutored in writing .

  6. 约翰·梅杰没有上过大学,说白了,他16岁便辍学了。

    John Major didn 't go to university . In fact he left school at 16 .

  7. 我父亲不会同意让我辍学。

    My father won 't consent to my leaving school .

  8. 中途辍学者可能会悲叹,他们除了接受大学以及随之而来的学生债务,别无选择。

    School-leavers may moan , but they have little choice but to embrace university and the student debt that comes with it .

  9. 在你把这一论点当作垃圾置之不理,或者认为快乐在贫穷不堪、学业成绩低下、辍学率高的国家是一种无法负担的奢侈品之前,请三思。

    Before you brush this argument aside as rubbish , or think of joy as an unaffordable luxury in a nation where there is awful poverty , low academic achievement , and high dropout rates , think again .

  10. 他仅仅上了一个学期的课便从瑞德学院辍学,从此便游历印度寻找灵感,之后才回到硅谷和他的朋友史蒂芬·沃兹涅克,一个工程界的奇才,共同创办了苹果公司。

    Mr. Jobs dropped out of Reed College after only a semester and traveled around India in search of spiritual enlightenment , before returning to Silicon Valley to found Apple with his friend , Stephen Wozniak , an engineering wizard .

  11. 他去年差点辍学。

    He almost dropped out of school last year .

  12. 父亲不会答应我辍学。

    My father would not consent to my leaving school .

  13. 父母意外死亡时,我和妹妹还没成家。所以我不得不辍学养家。

    When our parents died in an accident , and my sister and I remained alone , I had to leave college and bring home the bacon .

  14. 这个男孩的自拍瘾始于15岁时,自拍上瘾导致他辍学,体重也掉了近28磅。

    A 19-year-old boy addicted , which began at the age of 15 , caused him to drop out of school and lose almost two stone in weight .

  15. 每个人都会受到不同的影响,但平均而言,完成大学学业的人和16岁辍学的人之间的差距大到前者开车时需佩戴眼镜。

    Everyone will be affected3 differently , but on average the difference between finishing university and dropping out at 16 is big enough to require glasses when driving .

  16. 从大学辍学后,我在little,brown出版社找到了一份工作,把箱子从一楼搬到三楼。

    I dropped out of University and got a job at little , brown publishers , moving boxes from the ground to the second floor .

  17. 高中毕业后,他进入里德学院(ReedCollege)学习,但第二学期就被迫辍学,因为他妈妈之前忘了帮他填写拿奖学金所必需的财力证明表!

    After high school he attended Reed College , but had to drop out in the second semester because his mother had failed to fill out scholarship forms .

  18. 2007年,Ken被剑桥大学数学系录取,但没过多久就直接辍学改行做起了专业扑克玩家。

    Ken studied mathematics at Cambridge University since 2007 but soon dropped out to become a professional poker player .

  19. 因为家境贫寒,他读完初中就辍学到哈尔滨市第五针织厂当工人,franklinmarshall。

    Due to his needy family , he had to drop out from middle school and became a worker in a knitting factory .

  20. 仅definitely和friend两个词,美国人拼对的比率较高。加利福尼亚州立大学的爱德华•巴拉诺维斯基教授说,调查结果反映出美国中学“可怕”的辍学率。

    Only " definitely " and " friend " were spelt correctly by more Americans . Professor Edward Baranowski of California State University said that the results reflected the " horrific " drop-out rates of US high schools .

  21. 毕竟,Facebook是由大学中途辍学、热衷黑客精神的学生、而不是致力于研究海量网页相关性等看似复杂难题的博士生们创办的。

    After all , Facebook was started by a college dropout with a passion for hacking , not by a pair of doctoral students working on the seemingly intractable problem of finding relevance in a sea of Web pages .

  22. 这些穷学生中的大部分人尚且年少就辍学了。MAD相信,通过教授他们沟通技巧和电脑技术能帮助更多的孩子留在学校,让他们汲取更多知识。

    Most of these kids end up dropping out of school at a young age , and MAD believes that by giving them communication and computer skills , it can help more kids stay in school and achieve more .

  23. 该项目还将为该国辍学的弱势青年重返学校提供途径,Vermehren表示。

    It also offers disadvantaged youth who have dropped out of school a way back into the system , Vermehren says .

  24. 由于要挣钱养家糊口,很多人在12或13岁就辍学了,Vermehren说。

    Many drop out of school at age12 or13 because they need to earn money for their families , Vermehren says .

  25. 他告诉Elanda,虽然我大学辍学,他认为我在公司里的进步还是很大的。

    He told Elanda that he thought I had gone pretty far in the company for someone who had dropped out of college .

  26. Amy在2002年就与一不相熟的15岁少年发生了关系,以12岁之龄产下一子Alfie。13岁辍学回家照看孩子的她当时表示,自己的确做了蠢事,但是并不为之烦恼。

    Amy fell pregnant in 2002 when she was just 12-years-old after having sex with a 15-year-old boy she barely knew . She gave birth to son , Alfie , when she was 13 and dropped out of school to care for him .

  27. 印度ICDS项目的目的是促进处境不利儿童的综合发展,服务对象包括儿童、孕妇、哺乳期的母亲以及辍学的青春期少女,它为维护印度社会的稳定作出了积极贡献。

    ICDS aims at promoting the comprehensive development of disadvantaged children ( women in pregnancy , nursing mothers and female adolescent dropout also included ) and it has been doing positive contribution to India 's social stability .

  28. 我上到六年级时辍学。

    I was in the sixth form when I left school .

  29. 他辍学后沦为罪犯。

    He turned to crime when he dropped out of school .

  30. 当前政策的主要关注点是把辍学的年轻人从新整合起来。

    A major current policy concern is to reintegrate young drop-outs .