
màn shè
  • diffusion
  1. 基于P3近似的混合漫射近似模型及其实验研究

    Hybrid Diffusion Approximation Based on P_3 Approximation and Experimental Research

  2. 超声调制漫射光子自相关的MonteCarlo模拟

    Monte Carlo simulation of auto-correlation of diffusion photons modulated by ultrasound

  3. 一道冰冷的光线透过天窗漫射进来。

    A cold , diffuse light filtered in through the skylight .

  4. 直射光比漫射光更有利于阅读。

    Direct light is better for reading than diffuse light .

  5. 应用激光诱导荧光方法研究K2漫射带产生的机制

    On the machanism of K_2 diffusion band produced by LIF

  6. x射线光电发射衍射漫射透光率,漫射透射比

    X ray photoemission diffraction diffuse transmittance

  7. 漫射透光率,漫射透射比透射比浊法和散射比浊法检测RF的结果比较

    Diffuse transmittance Comparison of rheumatoid factor results obtained by transmission turbidity and turbidimetric assay

  8. Rayleigh散射决定了能被吸收的向外的漫射通量。

    Rayleigh scatter determines the upwelling diffuse flux which can be absorbed .

  9. 增频激励法能有效提高IC耗散功率;表面漫射法能有效增大元器件的发射系数。

    Moreover , multiple frequency stimulation method can increase consumption of IC obviously and surface diffuse reflection method can improve surface emission coefficient of IC availably .

  10. 准直背光源加漫射观察屏的液晶盒外光学补偿法在改善LCD视角的同时,还可提高LCD的对比度。

    The collimating back lighting plus diffusing viewing screen can improve the viewing angle and increase the contrast of the LCD at the same time .

  11. 本工作研究的是具有梯度折射率(Gradientrefractiveindex,GRIN)分布的聚合物微球在表面漫射材料上的应用。

    This work mainly studies the application of a kind of polymer gradient refractive index ( GRIN ) micro-sphere-lens fabricated by suspension diffusion co-polymerization method on dispersion material .

  12. 在对室内漫射信道特性进行分析的基础上提出了室内漫射信道下的RAKE接收机系统,并分析了其性能。

    Mosaic and diffuse . ( c ) Propose RAKE receiver in indoor diffuse channel based on analysis of channel performance .

  13. 用漫射近似理论研究小体积组织光学特性具有很大局限性,P3近似能够较好地解决这个问题。

    It is limited to study the optical properties of the small volume tissue with diffuse approximation .

  14. 测定了漫射陶瓷板和海伦(Halon)粉末压制板的反射亮度分布曲线。

    Reflected radiance distribution curves of a mat ceramic plate and a Halon pressed powder plate have been measured .

  15. 本文通过对非偏振光情况下菲涅耳反射系数R(θi)的特性的研究,提出一种计算漫射近似理论中外推系数K的简便算法。

    By analyzing the characteristics of the Fresnel 's reflection coefficient R (θ I ) under the situation of non-polarization light , a kind of simple and convenient calculating method of extrapolated coefficient K in the diffusion approximation theory is presented in this paper .

  16. 理论和模拟的结果表明,浮动基准点存在,在散射系数比较大的情况下,漫射近似和P3近似的结果跟模拟比较接近。

    The studies show that the floating-reference point exists , and the results of diffusion and P3 approximation are close to the simulation in the relatively large scattering coefficient .

  17. 本文提出了一种利用电子散斑干涉法(ESPI)检测漫射表面三维轮廓的新方法。

    Sensitivity A new method for the inspection of three & dimensional contour of a diffusely ref-lecting object using Electronic Speckle Pattern Interferometry ( ESPI ) is presented .

  18. 首先,在CIE标准的全云天环境下针对单个采光井按照不同的尺寸和参数进行反射模拟以及漫射模拟;

    First , the efficiency of light wells alone was computed using the CIE standard overcast sky as a function of light-well dimensions and coefficients of reflection of the sides .

  19. 在物理学领域的光泽感的光学空间域提出了反光度X1,亮度差异率X2,漫射光X3等3个综合参量指标;

    Three comprehensive parameters that is reflectional degree X1 , brightness rate X2 and diffuse light X3 , are put forward in optical space domain of lustre sensation physics .

  20. 一般来说,生物光光子在组织中的传播过程能被漫射转移方程(RTE)或蒙特卡罗模型(MCM)准确描述。

    In general , the bioluminescent photon propagation in a tissue can be described accurately by either the radiative transfer equation ( RTE ) or the Monte Carlo model ( MCM ) .

  21. 平展低覆的仪表台下是两块12.3英寸的高分辨率TFT屏幕,它们以影院风格排列在一块宽阔的面板上。面板在晚间则会笼罩在一片漫射的LED背光当中,如同从星际舰队车辆调度场调来的车队。

    Under the flat , brooding instrument binnacle are two high-res , 12.3-inch TFT screens , arrayed cinema style in a single , broad bezel that , at night , floats in a pool of suffused LED backlighting , like something signed out from the Starfleet motor pool .

  22. 本文首先简要介绍了隐形技术的概念,以及目前隐形技术的一些基本情况,并指出视频隐形目前开发较少,而表面漫射是视频隐形的一种形式,分析了GRIN聚合物微球制作表面漫射材料的可能。

    First , we introduce the concept of technology of hidden from view and the recent situation of it , then point out that technology on video frequency is mentioned very little , and dispersion of GRIN is a way to realize it .

  23. 激光与心肌组织相互作用规律的漫射近似研究

    Study on regularity of laser myocardium interaction according to diffusion approximation

  24. 一种新的三维漫射体真彩色彩虹全息术

    A New Method for 3D Diffusion objects True Color Rainbow Holography

  25. 封闭漫射灰腔内辐射在加热炉中的应用

    The Application of Diffuse gray Enclosure Radiation Theory in Reheating Furnace

  26. 三维漫射体真彩色合成似狭缝彩虹全息术

    True Color Rainbow Holography with Synthesized Slit of 3D Diffuse Object

  27. 激光经厚透明漫射板的散射与成像

    Scattering and Imaging of Laser Beam Through Thick Transparent Diffused Plate

  28. 结果表明,漫射近似理论的成立是有条件的。

    It is shown that diffusion theory is a conditional approximation .

  29. 原子束在漫射光中的激光减速

    Laser Deceleration of an Atomic Beam by Red Shifted Diffuse Light

  30. 提出一种使用旋转漫射器的相干光学处理系统。

    A coherent optical processing system using a rotating diffuser is present-ed.