
  • 网络public-private-partnership;public-private partnership;pPP
  1. 本文将从管理的角度对如何在城市基础设施当中有效地采用公私合作的管理模式进行研究。

    This text will make a study of how to adopt effectively management mode of PPP to municipal infrastructure in respect of management .

  2. 研究方法:通过抽象归纳,对公私合作项目融资进行了实证分析,以国内大型基础设施(包括铁路项目)成功实施公私合作项目融资进行类推,探讨了公私合作项目融资在铁路和谐发展中的应用。

    Research methods : By positively analyzing PPP project financing by abstracting and summing up , and taking a analogy about PPP project financing succeeded in domestic giant infrastructure fields ( including railway projects ), the paper researches an application on PPP project financing in the harmonious development of railway .

  3. 公私合作制(PPP)可行性:以城市轨道交通为例的分析

    Practicability of the Public-private Partnership : an Analysis Based on Urban Track Traffic

  4. 在民营化所推动的公私合作(PPP)模式基础上,根据机场经营权、所有权的转移与否,将融资模式分为12类。

    By ownership and operation right transferring or not , financing models are classified into 12 types .

  5. 因此,对收费公路领域的公私合作(PPP)问题的研究具有重大的现实意义。

    Therefore , the study on Public-Private Partnerships ( PPP ) in the field of the toll roads has great practical significance .

  6. PPP是一种特殊的项目融资模式,是公私合作的政策理念在项目层面上的应用。

    The Public-Private-Partnership ( PPP ), as a special project financing model , is the project level application of the public-private partnership concept .

  7. 公私合作伙伴关系(PublicPrivatePartnerships,PPP),是一种涉及到基础设施建设的制度安排形式,其本质是充分发挥公共部门和私人部门各自的职能优势,进行相互合作的制度安排。

    Public Private Partnerships ( PPP ) is institutional arrangement form relating to infrastructure construction . The essence of the PPP is exerting advantages of public department and private department to cooperation adequately .

  8. 即便是盖特纳(timgeithner)的公私合作计划,也无法以足够快的速度和足够大的幅度,扭转预期中的资本充足率恶化状况。

    Even the Geithner public-private partnership plan is not going to reverse the expected deterioration of capital ratios at sufficient speed and on sufficient scale .

  9. 近期,美国财政部长蒂姆盖特纳(timgeithner)宣布了一个公私合作投资计划,旨在购买银行持有的高达1万亿美元的有毒资产。

    Earlier this week US Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner announced a public-private investment program aimed at buying up to $ 1000bn of toxic assets held by banks .

  10. 本文具体构建了一种项目融资模式(公私合作模式PPP)应用于信息化建设中,并对项目相关方的作用进行了论述。

    This paper structured project financing mode ( public private partnerships , PPP ) applying to informationization construction , and described the role of project involved parties .

  11. 公私合作历史由来已久,但是PPP项目融资的完整概念直到上世纪90年代才提出。

    The complete concept of PPP project financing was proposed in 90s of the last century , although before that the public-private partnership had had a long history .

  12. 公私合作关系(PPP)俗称私人融资计划(PFI)。在英国,它已经成为一种提供公共服务的常用方式。

    The Public-Private Partnership ( PPP ) commonly known as Private Finance Initiative ( PFI ) has become a universally used technique for delivering public services in the United Kingdom .

  13. 然而,BT模式作为一种新型的公私合作模式,在我国应用时间较短,实际操作经验较少,相关法律法规尚未健全,容易引发各种风险。

    However , as a new type of public-private cooperation mode , short time applied , less experienced and relevant laws and regulations is not fully developed , it is apt to cause a variety of risks .

  14. EBID承诺在UNCTAD的支持下扶植公私合作的伙伴关系,并为生物燃料的农业和工业生产提供资助。

    EBID pledged to foster private-public partnerships , with support from UNCTAD , and to finance agricultural and industrial production for biofuels .

  15. 得出PPP模式下体育场馆建设运营是属于公私合作参与进行融资、组织、建设、管理、运营以及收益分配等一系列活动的结论。

    Come under the PPP model construction and operation of sports venues are public-private partnerships in financing , organization , construction , management , operations , and in come distribution and a series of activities , conclusions .

  16. 菲律宾的香蕉产业部门还要求出口发展委员会(EDC)对香蕉出口部门提供帮助,以保持香蕉产业的竞争力,这个委员会是公私合作性质的组织。

    The industry has also urged the Export Development Council ( EDC ), a public-private partnership established to aid the banana export sector , to help the industry stay competitive .

  17. 自1992年在英国正式问世以来,公私合作伙伴关系(PPP)已成为许多国家政府实现经济目标及提升公共服务水平的核心理念和措施之一。

    Since their introduction by the UK Government in 1992 , Public Private Partnerships have already been one of the core concepts and measures for many national governments to realize their economic objectives and improve the public services .

  18. 因此要将这种单一投资模式转变为由政府、私营企业等共同参与的多元投资模式,公私合作(PPP)这种新兴的基础设施项目投融资方式起到了非常重要的作用。

    Therefore this kind of emerging infrastructure project play the extremely vital role for transforming this kind of sole investment pattern into the diversified investment pattern which merge by the government , the private enterprise and so on .

  19. 公私合作PPP(Public-privatepartnerships)模式是发达国家为了重建政府财政、提高政府部门效率,尝试推行的促进城市基础设施建设,改善公共服务质量的的制度安排。

    PPP ( Pubilic-Private Partnerships ) is the institutional arrangement of developed country for the sake of reconstructing government finance , increasing government department efficiency , trying to promote the urban foundation facilities construction and improving public service quantity .

  20. 作为公私合作进行基础设施建设的方法,PPP模式已经广泛应用于收费公路、隧道、桥梁、政府办公设施、医院、学校、监狱等项目的建设中。

    It has been widely applied in such projects as toll way , tunnel , bridge , government facility , hospital , school , jail , etc. It also provides a new approach for the construction and supply of low-rent housing .

  21. 作为致力于可持续发展的德国伙伴,GTZ目前在中国执行28个项目及13个“公私合作伙伴关系”项目。

    As the German partner for sustainable development in China , GTZ presently works on28 projects and in13 public-private-partnership initiatives ( PPPs ) .

  22. 随着我国改革开放的进一步深入,市场经济的逐步形成,越来越多的私营企业加入了国家基础设施建设的浪潮中,由此出现了越来越多的PPP项目,即公私合作项目。

    With the further reform and opening up and the market economy is gradually formed , more and more private enterprise joined the tide of national infrastructure construction . Thus it appeared more and more PPP projects , namely the public-private partnership .

  23. 此项公私合作项目于2005年在5个县中发起,正式名称是“ChiranjeeviYojana”(“延长生命计划”)。

    This private-public partnership , called Chiranjeevi Yojana , or'plan for a long life ' , was launched in2005 in five districts .

  24. G8集团表示:我们支持公私合作,充分重视基础设施的发展,目标是增加农业资源和提高投资效率。各国领导人承诺未来3年内向农业投资200亿美元。

    We support public-private partnerships , with adequate emphasis on the development of infrastructure , aimed at increasing resources for agriculture and improving investment effectiveness , the G8 said as leaders pleaded for $ 20bn for farm investment over the next three years .

  25. 本文是从政府公共部门角度对公私合作模式(PPP)及其在我国的应用进行的经验性研究,其目的在于分析PPP在应用过程中的相关问题,提出在我国成功应用PPP的各项举措。

    The article is focusing on the empirical research of public-private partnerships ( PPP ) and its application from the angle of government or public sector , with the aim of analyzing the relative problems in applying PPP and putting forward the various measures used to operate PPP successfully .

  26. 1998年世界卫生组织、联合国儿童基金会、联合国开发计划署和世界银行联合发起遏制疟疾公私合作计划(RBM),目标是到2010年使全球疟疾减少一半。

    In1998 , WHO , UNICEF , UNDP and the World Bank jointly launched the public-private partnership for roll back malaria ( RBM ) in hope of reduce the global malaria be half up to the year of2010 .

  27. 公私合作(Public-Private-Partnership,PPP)作为一种能够有效缓解政府部门在公共基础设施投资领域资金不足的融资模式,近年来越来越受到政府部门和私人投资者的青睐。

    As a form of project financing , Public-private partnership ( abbreviated as PPP ) which can effectively alleviate the shortage of funds of the government department has become more and more popular by both the government and the private investors in recent years .

  28. 印度基础设施及公共服务领域的公私合作

    On the public-private cooperation in Indian infrastructure and public service fields

  29. 农村公共服务公私合作模式的困境及其理论解析。

    The plight of public-private partnership model in rural public services .

  30. 公私合作购买有毒银行资产以失败告终。

    The public-private partnership to buy toxic bank assets has flopped .