
  1. 到周二下午,市政府大楼周围街道上的碎物已经被清理干净。

    Debris in the streets around the government buildings had been cleared by Thursday afternoon .

  2. 从无人机拍摄的图片来看,几乎所有大楼、街道和车辆都被破坏了,没有留下任何能支持人类生活的东西。

    In these drone images , it seems every building , every street , every car is shattered , nothing left to support human life .

  3. 我们教会大楼座落的街道,长期被昵称为险滑路。

    The street where our church building is located has long had the nickname Skid Row .

  4. 当我们驱车行驶的时候,有人指给我看那些建造时被曾认为是陆上的标志性建筑物:著名大楼、重要街道,公园和大桥。

    As we drove along , someone would single out to me a famous building , an important street , a park , a bridge that when built was thought to be a landmark .

  5. 我穿过了白宫与旧行政办公大楼之间的狭窄街道,就新签署的越南协议向记者吹风。

    I crossed the narrow street between the White House and the Old Executive Office Building to brief journalists on the newly concluded Vietnam agreement .