
  • 网络Siyang County
  1. 根据江苏省泗阳县境内南方型杨树杨粮间作林内土温及水分因子4a定位观测资料,系统地分析了杨粮间作林中土温及水分因子的变化规律。

    According to the soil temperature and water date of farmland from forest of the southern type poplars located in Siyang county , Jiangsu province , the changing rules of soil temperature and water have been analysed systematically .

  2. 泗阳县杨树主要病虫害发生特点及综合防治

    Integrated control and characteristics of main poplar diseases and insects outbreak in Siyang County

  3. 泗阳县南方型杨树资源、生长水平及产量预测

    A prediction of output , growth level and resources of south poplars in Siyang

  4. 泗阳县农民专业合作经济组织发展调研与思考

    Investigation and Reflection of the Development of Peasants ' Special Economic Cooperation Organizations in Siyang County

  5. 泗阳县1998~2003年肺结核疫情特征报告

    A Report on the Epidemic Characteristics of Pulmonary Tuberculosis in the period of 1998-2003 in Siyang County

  6. 江苏泗阳县速生丰产林市场结构均衡分析

    The Equilibrium Analysis of Market Structure of Fast-Growing and High-yield Forest in Siyang County in Jiangsu Province

  7. 课题已经通过了泗阳县政府的评审,并获得了好评。

    This research has already passed the Siyang county government 's appraisal , and has obtained the highly praise .

  8. 泗阳县黄河故道滩区综合开发模式研究和实践

    Study and Practice on Comprehensive Development of the Beach Areas alone the Old Course of Huanghe River in Siyang County

  9. 泗阳县以杨树为主的小农农林复合经营已将这个洪泛区变成了由块块绿色镶嵌的田园。

    Poplar-based smallholder agroforestry has transformed the flood plains of Siyang County into a mosaic of green activity on the landscape .

  10. 泗阳与意大利的Pavia和CasaleMonferrato是合作伙伴城市。今年早些时候,泗阳县县委书记赵深率团赴意大利访问。

    Earlier this year , Mr Zhao Shen , Chairman , County Council , Siyang County , lead a mission to Italy , where Siyang has twinning partners in Pavia and Casale Monferrato .