
  • 网络Sihong county
  1. 本课题的研究是和江苏省疾病预防控制中心及江苏省泗洪县疾病预防控制中心联合进行的,并得到了江苏省地方病防治协会的资助(项目号X200327);

    This study was carried out with the collaboration of Jiangsu Province CDC and Sihong County CDC , and supported by The Association of Jiangsu Province for Endemic Disease Control and Prevention ( Project No. : X200327 ) .

  2. 1999~2004年泗洪县疟疾流行情况

    Epidemic status of malaria in Sihong County , 1999-2004

  3. 泗洪县水杉一元立木商品材积表的编制

    Preparation of Metasequoia glyptostroboides Hu et Cheng single entry tree commercial volume table in Sihong county

  4. 现已在江苏省泗洪县建成了我国南方最大的杂交粳稻种子生产基地。

    Now the largest seed-making base of hybrid Japonica rice in the south of China has been established in Sihong County , Jiangsu province .

  5. 本文针对此问题,以江苏省宿迁市泗洪县为例,从需求角度实证分析了扶贫小额贴息贷款的绩效。

    This article is aimed at this problem , taking Sihong Jiangsu province as an example , analysising the achievements of this kind of microfinance from the demand empirically .

  6. 结论泗洪县疟防工作仍存在许多困难和问题,需进一步加强和完善。

    Conclusion There a lot of difficulties and problems in malaria control in this county have to be solved , and support from malaria project of global fund is needed .

  7. 在市场销售链方面,一家一户小规模分散养殖方式、河蟹质量较差以及加工河蟹能力相对乏力等,影响了泗洪县河蟹市场销售和加工转化;

    In market sale chain , the dispersive cultivation on a small scale , inferior quality of river crab and weak ability to process river crab influences the market sale and process of river crab .

  8. 结论泗洪县血检资料与乡(镇)血检登记资料明显不符,说明该县对发热病人的常规血检工作存在较大隐患。

    Conclusion The data of blood-examination collected from the county and towns are obviously different . It indicates that there are potential troubles in the routine blood examination to the fevered patients in this county .

  9. 目的了解和掌握泗洪县于项目实施前有关的疟疾实际疫情、防治能力、疟防知识等现状,并为项目实施的效果评价提供基线依据。

    Objective To understand the actual infectious status of malaria , control capability , knowledge of malaria control before the implementation of malaria project in the county and provide basic evidence of appraising the implementary effect in malaria project .

  10. 在河蟹无公害养殖方面,泗洪县具有良好的生态环境优势和社会优势,但是目前养殖户发展无公害养殖的意识和能力、小规模分散养殖等因素影响了泗洪县无公害河蟹养殖的进一步发展。

    In non-pollution cultivation of river crab , Sihong County has good environmental advantage and social advantage , but raisers ' consciousness and ability to develop non-pollution cultivation and dispersive cultivation on a small scale at present constrains the further development of non-pollution cultivation of river crab .

  11. 泗洪话属江淮方言,迄今为止,泗洪语法只有本县县志及江苏省方言志中零星提及,系统、专题研究尚未见。

    Up to now , there has been no monographic research article on its grammatical system except for some fragmentary records in Sihong County Annals as well as in Dialect Records of Jiangsu Province .