
  • 网络Vinos Generosos;Vino Generoso;Strong Wine
  1. 这样的宴会也往往因为频繁敬酒,大量的酒精浓度高达80-120的高度酒消耗,最终导致很多令人作呕的醉鬼出现。

    It is also notorious for causing inebriation , since it is80 to120 proof and frequently consumed in large quantities .

  2. 高度酒有毒,且能导致组织损伤,尤其是损伤胃肠道、肝脏、胰脏、脑和外周神经系统。

    High levels of alcohol are poisonous and can cause tissue injury , particularly of the GI tract , liver , pancreas , brain , and peripheral nervous system .

  3. 有长期饮高度酒史,不能以其他疾病解释的精神症状,特别人格改变应考虑慢性酒精中毒性神经损害诊断。

    The diagnosis of CANSD should be considered when a person has the long history of drinking and the psychological symptoms , which cannot be explain by other disease , especially the change of character .

  4. 我蒸馏高度发酵酒,强力的悬浮液。

    I distilled a highly fermented , potent suspension .

  5. 但是含量过高的话就会导致白酒发涩,有粗糙感。酒厂多通过高度摘酒来避免酒体中乳酸乙酯含量过高,但这会降低出酒率。

    But the content is too high , then it will lead to the liquor astringent , rough sense , in order to reduce the content of ethyl lactate in the liquor , more uses highly alcohol degree pick the wine , which will reduce the rate of spirits yield .