
  1. 贵德最佳旅游季节贵德属高原大陆性气候,年均温2℃&8℃,一般不会引起高原反映。

    Guide is a plateau continental climate , with an average annual temperature of2 degrees-8 degrees , generally do not cause altitude sickness .

  2. 青海是一个多民族聚居的地区,属于典型的高原大陆性气候,具有干燥、少雨、多风、寒冷、日照时数长等特征。

    Qinghal is a multi-ethnic-populated areas with the typical plateau continental climate such as drying , less rain , windiness , cold , long sunshine hours and so on .

  3. 位于我国西北部的青海省属高原大陆性气候,大部分地区海拔在3000-5000米之间,地形复杂多变。

    Qinghai province located in the Northwest of China is plateau continental climate . The altitude of its most area is about 3,000 to 5,000m , and the natural ecosystem is complex .

  4. 青海属于高原大陆性气候,具有气温低、昼夜温差大、降雨少而集中、日照长、太阳辐射强等特点;气候有明显差异,动植物也存在明显的差异。

    Qinghai belongs to Plateau continental climate , with the characteristics of low temperature , large temperature difference between day and night , few and concentrated rainfall , long sunshine time , strong solar radiation , et al .