  • blood clam
  • 〔~子〕软体动物,介壳厚而坚实,生活在浅海泥沙中。肉可食,味鲜美。亦称“魁蛤”;俗称“瓦垄子”、“瓦楞子”。

  1. 在棱镜旋转的情况下,指出了三轴间的位移和角度误差造成的出射光线的轨迹变化就是数学上为人所知的Pascal蚶线。

    In the case of rotating prism , resulted from the axis displacement and angle error , the track shift of exit rays , known as limacon of Pascal in mathematics , has been point out .

  2. 很遗憾你说的时候没有天上没有蚶?

    Too bad it didn 't thunder when you said that .

  3. 再给我蚶汤和一杯加牛奶的咖啡。

    Also give me clam chowder and a cup of coffee with milk .

  4. 魁蚶7个个体间的遗传距离为0-0.2%。

    Genetic distance between 7 clams is 0-0.2 % .

  5. 蚶科的模式属;舟贝和血蛤。

    Type genus of the family arcidae : ark shells and blood clams .

  6. 结果表明,魁蚶的清滤率和耗氧率均随着个体大小的增加而降低。

    And the results showed that the clearance and oxygen consumption rates were negatively correlated with shell size .

  7. 我们考察了不同氢键催化剂、底物上取代基效应、溶剂、反应温度、催化剂用量蚶反应活性、对映选择性和非对映选择性的影响。

    We investigated the influence of different catalysts , substituent effects , solvents , reaction temperature and the amount of catalysts in the reaction .

  8. 从蚶江端午节看闽台民俗体育的渊源与发展

    A Study on the Folk Sports ' Origin and Its Development in Fujian and Taiwan from the Perspective of Dragon Boat Festival in Hanjiang

  9. 海洋生物资源丰富,沿海滩涂养殖面积达6.5万公顷,养殖蛏、蚶、蛎、虾、蟹、蛤等。

    The tidal belt along the coast , with an area of65,000 hectares , breeds razor clams , sea clams , oysters , shrimps , crabs , hard clams and other kinds of marine life .
