
  • 网络Happy Boy;super boy;superboy
  1. 像《中国好声音》、《中国最强音》、《中国梦之声》和《快乐男声》这类选秀节目正在对观众进行轮番轰炸。

    Talent shows like The Voice of China , The X Factor , Chinese Idol , and Super Boy are bombarding TV audiences .

  2. 快乐男声的参赛者都非常分散,但我设法避免它们。

    SuperBoy contestants are very distracting , but I manage to avoid them .

  3. 新闻发言人李浩表示,比赛重新启用大众评审这一投票方式,也是充分参考了观众和网友的意见,让“快乐男声”的PK增加观众的互动性。

    Spokesman Lee said the competition re-opening assessment of the voting public , also full reference to the audience and the views of netizens ," Happy Men " PK increase audience interaction .

  4. 《超级女声》、《快乐男声》的类媒介事件思考

    Thinking on " Media-like Events ", such as " Super Girls " and " Happy Boys "

  5. 在湖南卫视2010年《快乐男声》比赛中,一名男扮女装的选手成为大众争论的焦点。

    A cross-dressing competitor has triggered a major controversy after participating in Hunan TV 's 2010 Happy Boys .

  6. 首先,我想和大家讲讲我离开快乐男声的舞台之后几个月发生的故事。

    Let me start my blog by telling you my experience for the last few months after leaving Super Boys .

  7. 在国内,因内容不健康而引起公众不满的选秀节目不单只有《快乐男声》一个。

    Happy Boys is not the only show in the country that has earned the public ` s wrath for objectionable content .