
kuài jié jiàn
  • keyboard shortcut;shortcut key
  1. 终止当前窗口的方法是,在窗口的shell提示上输入exit,或者按键盘快捷键Ctrl-a,然后按k(小写的字母K,代表“kill”)。

    To dispose of the current window , type exit at the window 's shell prompt , or click the keyboard shortcut Ctrl-a , then k ( lowercase K for " kill ") .

  2. 我在大大的高分辨率显示屏上布列了多达四个应用程序(虽然两个是最好的),通过使用Alt+Tab快捷键就可以实现应用程序间的全屏切换。

    I arranged up to four apps on the large high-resolution display ( though two fit best ) , and switched between full-screen apps by using the Alt + Tab keyboard shortcut .

  3. 属性为web服务器控件指定键盘快捷键。

    Property to specify the keyboard shortcut for the web server control .

  4. 在Windows系统中利用快捷键随时对屏幕进行保护

    Screen Protection In Windows System with Hotkey at Any Time

  5. 在Binding框中,按下新键盘快捷键。

    In the Binding box , press the new keyboard shortcut .

  6. 改进燃料合成器快捷键为“E”。

    Changed Fuel Synthesizer 's Hot key to E.

  7. 有一个功能我希望这个的网站上可以看到的就是可以使用Windows的快捷键。

    One feature I would want to see in this amazing website is activation of Windows shortcut keys .

  8. Outline视图的键盘快捷键

    Keyboard shortcuts for the Outline view

  9. 学习使用操作系统本身,以及word,outlook等软件中的键盘快捷键,或者创建自己的键盘快捷键。

    Learn how to use keyboard shortcuts for Windows , Microsoft Word , Outlook , or create your own keyboard shortcuts .

  10. 整套系统监测管理软件采用Windows风格的左侧菜单栏,它提供了方便的快捷键列表以及信息面板。

    The system software uses left menu bar in Windows ' style , and provides convenient shortcuts lists and information panel .

  11. 如果新快捷键与任何现有键盘快捷键发生冲突,则会显示在Conflicts列表中。

    If the new shortcut conflicts with any existing keyboard shortcut , it 's shown in the Conflicts list .

  12. 为常用功能提供加速键(accelerator)和键盘快捷键

    Provide accelerators and keyboard shortcuts for common functions

  13. 熟悉任务管理系统的快捷键,脚本和API,可以提高编程技巧。

    Many system administration tasks are shortcuts to various scripts and APIs and can be enhanced with programming skills .

  14. 看快捷键这里有个AE快捷键的列表。

    Here is a list of most of the shortcut in AE .

  15. 上个星期早些时候,VisualStudio团队发布了一个更新版的VS2010键盘快捷键招贴画。

    Earlier this week the Visual Studio team released updated VS2010 Keyboard Shortcut Posters .

  16. RubyonRails插件将提供Ruby和Rails专有的语法突出显示、快捷键、执行环境等。

    The Ruby on Rails plug-in provides Ruby-and Rails-specific syntax highlighting , shortcuts , execution environments , etc.

  17. 您可以保存按键的宏(并将它们设置为快捷键),还可以将整个Java程序编写为具有任意复杂功能的插件。

    You can either record keystroke macros ( and assign them to shortcuts ), or you can write full Java programs as plugins with arbitrarily sophisticated capabilities .

  18. 您还了解了如何关闭Eclipse视图但仍然使用其功能,这都要感谢Eclipse编辑器提供的各种快捷键。

    You also learned how to close Eclipse views and still use their functionality , thanks to shortcuts offered by Eclipse editor .

  19. Chrome浏览器已经移除了一键盘快捷键,此“退格键”主要用于返回前一页。

    Chrome has removed the keyboard shortcut that makes the " backspace " key return to the previous page .

  20. 在资源管理器界面中,查找文件的快捷键修改为F3。

    Keyboard shortcut for finding fileschanged to F3 in Explorer interface .

  21. 你可以在这里下载PDF格式的VS2010快捷键招贴画。

    You can download the VS2010 Keybinding posters in PDF format here .

  22. 本文所阐述的这种方法让我们可以处理另外一些难以获得的组合键,例如TAB键或其他组合的快捷键。

    The technique shown here allows you how to handle otherwise unavailable key combinations such as the TAB key or access key combinations .

  23. 例如,许多IDE包含您喜欢的编辑器,这样就不需要重新学习一套键盘快捷键。

    For example , many IDEs meld with your favorite editor , so you need not relearn gobs of keyboard accelerators .

  24. 除了可以用Source菜单项生成代码外,还可以通过使用Ctrl+Space快捷键编写许多公共代码块来生成大量代码。

    In addition to the code you can generate with the items in the Source menu , you can generate a lot of code by using the Ctrl + Space shortcut for writing many common blocks of code .

  25. 最后,您可以将您的移动web应用程序的快捷键安装在iPod和Android设备的主屏幕上,从而演示如何部署一个web应用程序。

    Last , you install shortcuts to your mobile web application to the home screen of both iPod and Android devices to demonstrate how to deploy a web application .

  26. 为了插入行到表中,选择File>Save或使用快捷键Ctrl+S保存编辑器。DataOutput视图的Messages选项卡显示数据插入成功。

    To insert the row into the table , save the editor by selecting File > Save or using the shortcut , Ctrl + S.The Data Output view 's Messages tab shows the data was inserted successfully .

  27. 在“代码编辑器”中键入代码段的快捷键名称的头几个字符,然后键入一个问号并按tab键。

    Type the first few characters of the shortcut name for the snippet in the code editor , followed by a question mark and tab .

  28. 快捷键:常见的Windows快捷指令,例如按Ctrl+S进行保存、Ctrl+P进行打印以及其他快捷指令,都同样可以在Mac键盘上实现。

    Keyboard shortcuts : Common Windows keyboard commands , such as Ctrl-S for Save , Ctrl-P for Print , and many others , are also available on the Mac .

  29. Turboc2.0环境中快捷键诠释

    Shortcut Key 's Annotation in Turbo C 2.0 Environment

  30. 这允许CBT程序阻止通过快捷键来进行任务切换。

    This allows a CBT application to prevent task switching by means of hot keys .