
mín běn zhǔ yì
  • democracy
  1. 民本主义教育及其在湖南第一师范的早期实践

    Democratic education and its early practice in Hunan First Normal School

  2. 儒家民本主义与中国古代农民问题

    Confucian Civilian-based Idea and the Farmers ' Problems of Ancient China

  3. 论陆贾政治思想中的民本主义特色

    The People-oriented Principle in Lu Jia 's Political Thought

  4. 一提到古代民本主义,人们往往会把它与儒家联系起来。

    Ancient people - oriented doctrines are often associated with the Confucian School .

  5. 论中国古代民本主义的类型与要旨

    On the Type and the Gist of People - Oriented Doctrines in Ancient China

  6. 儒家法律思想中的民本主义评说

    Comment on Human-Centered Thought of Confucian Law

  7. 论早期维新派的民生改良思想与民本主义

    The Thought of the Improving Livelihood of the Early Reformer and the Min Ben Theory

  8. 儒家法律思想所倡导的民本主义具有重民、爱民、亲民的作用。

    Confucian law advocates human-centered thought which has serious considering , loving and closing people functions .

  9. 当确定了人乃天的思想后,民本主义思想得到了升华。

    After determining the thought of " human is God ", the people-oriented thought got sublimation .

  10. 孔孟的这种民本主义思想并没有被历代儒家所继承,但孔孟的许多光辉思想和宝贵品质却极大地影响着他们。

    Their people-is-the-center thought was not inherited by the Confucians , but exerted great influence on them .

  11. 民本主义的兴衰与中国民事诉讼体制的完善

    The Rise and Decline of a Doctrine of the People and Perfection of China 's Civil Action System

  12. 这一思想与先秦时期民本主义思想传统具有十分密切的关系。

    This thought had a close relationship with the thought of humanism which was prevalent before the Qing Dynasty .

  13. 他深厚的爱国主义精神;朴实、真切的民本主义思想深深感染了每一位读者。

    His deep spirit of patriotism , rooted in the people of this ideology deeply affected everyone of readers .

  14. 其中,儒家的法律思想作为儒家法文化的精髓,极大地体现了民本主义的精神。

    Among them , the legal thoughts of the confucianists have greatly reflected the spirit of taking people as foundation .

  15. 认为从思想取向上看,主要有现实主义民本主义爱国主义三个方面。

    Think look from the ideological orientation , mainly has " realism " " naturalist " " patriotic " three aspects .

  16. 贯彻三个代表思想必须克服传统民本主义

    Overcome the Traditional Idea of Taking the People as the Core of all before Carrying Out the Important Three - representative Thought

  17. 其实,古代各个学派都从不同的方面为民本主义的发展作出了自己独特的贡献。

    As a matter of fact , different ancient schools have made their own contributions to the development of people - oriented doctrines .

  18. 孔、孟虽同为儒家代表人物,但两人在民本主义思想上却存在很多不同点。

    Confucius and Mencius are the representatives of Confucian , but these two men hold different doctrines on the problem of taking people as essence .

  19. 民本主义思想、德治思想和政治抗议精神是孟子政治思想的重要内容和基本特征。

    People-centered doctrine , reign of virtue , and the spirit of political protest are the content and basic feature of Mencius ' political thought .

  20. 马克思主义人道主义与中国传统的民本主义,与资产阶级人道主义既有相似和联系之处,又有根本性的区别。

    Marxist humanitarianism is similar to and associated with Chinese traditional doctrine of people-centrality and capitalist humanitarianism , yet it is also quite different from them .

  21. 民本主义取向是它最基本的品格,关注当代中国转型期社会中普通民众的生存状态是它的主要职志。

    Viewing the people-oriented doctrine as its basic characteristic , it focuses on the existence of ordinary people during the period of transformation in contemporary China .

  22. 吉野由于对基督教的信仰而确立了对人性的乐观态度,这不但成为其民本主义论的根基,而且是影响和制约其国际政治思想的深层因素。

    His Christian belief played a part in his optimistic outlook toward life , which helped to establish the foundation of his Minponism and his thoughts on international politics .

  23. 民本主义思想是中国历史重要的文化和精神遗产,是几千年封建社会中君主和士大夫阶层的统治之道。

    Populism is a important cultural heritage in the Chinese history , the way in which emperors and scholar-officials ruled over the country in the past thousands of years .

  24. 为缓和社会矛盾,维护封建末世统治,周太谷针对现实,提出了具有进步意义的民本主义思想,并以此为出发点,提出“仁政”的施政主张。

    In view of the reality at that time , Zhou Taigu advanced the people-oriented thought with progressive significance in order to ease the social contradictions and defend the feudal regime .

  25. 孔孟民本主义思想差异探微先秦民本主义思想的主要类型和本质特征

    On the Differences of the Doctrine of Taking People as Essence between Confucius and Mencius Main Types and Natural Characters of the Pre-Qin Days ' Thought of the Principle of People Root

  26. 以“仁”为基础,孔子反对“怪力乱神”,对天命鬼神采取了怀疑和冷漠的态度,由天命神学转到了人本思想,并进一步发展了民本主义思想。

    Based on ren , Confucius objected to the fantastic powers that confused the human spirit . He took a skeptical and indifferent attitude toward religion and further developed his humanistic ideas .

  27. 他的民本主义的价值立场、自强不息的奋斗精神、注重实践理性的人生态度,是我们社会主义精神文明建设中极可珍贵的一笔财富。

    His nation-original value , spirit of self-improvement , attitude for stressing practice & lofty realm is a valuable treasure for us to build a socialist society with cultural and ethical progress .

  28. 此外,谭峭以道论世,其道教思想蕴涵着浓郁的民本主义色彩,具有强烈的历史忧患意识与关注民情的现世情怀。

    In addition , Tan Qiao concerned about the social reality , the Taoist thinking implies a rich civil humanism color , with a strong historical sense of urgency and concerned about the condition of the people of this world feelings .

  29. 先秦民本主义思想是古代中国形成最早的一种政治思想,它孕育了中国传统政治文化的基本特征,深刻影响了中国封建社会近两千余年的历史发展。

    THe thought of the pre-Qin Days ' principle of people root is one kind of earliest political thoughts in ancient China , which gave birth to the basic characters of China 's traditional politics and culture and deeply influenced almost 2000-year historical development of China 's feudalism .