
  • 网络Loch Ness;Fort Augustus;Ness Loch
  1. 关于尼斯湖,有一件事是真的:那里有很多游客。

    One thing is true about Loch Ness : there are a lot of tourists there .

  2. 在苏格兰北部有一个又长又深的湖,叫做尼斯湖。

    In northern Scotland there is a long , deep lake called Loch Ness .

  3. 许多人到尼斯湖去寻找这个奇怪的怪物,但只有少数人见过它。

    Many people travel to Loch Ness to look for this strange monster , but only a few people have seen it .

  4. 知道吗?尼斯湖的水是黑色的。

    Do you know that the water in Loch Ness is black ?

  5. 尼斯湖怪兽以栖息于深水中而闻名。

    The Loch Ness Monster is reputed to inhabit its deep waters .

  6. 这里游人如织的另一个原因则是尼斯湖的怪兽。

    Another attraction here is a legendary monster : the Loch Ness Monster .

  7. 我最喜欢的地方是在苏格兰尼斯湖。

    My favourite place in Scotland is Loch Ness .

  8. 如果我向你说是尼斯湖怪雇的我你会怎么想?

    If I told you the Loch Ness monster hired me what would you say ?

  9. 显然,怪物袭击和杀害了正在尼斯湖洗澡的人。

    The monster apparently attacked and killed a man who was swimming in the River Ness .

  10. 许多人认为那该是第一批尼斯湖怪照片中的一张。

    Many people believed that this was one of the first photographs of the Loch Ness monster .

  11. 怀疑者认为,尼斯湖的水太冷了不适合蛇颈龙这类的爬行动物生存。

    Skeptics argue that the water in the Loch is too cold for a reptile like the Plesiosaur .

  12. 许多人认为,天池湖怪或许时苏格兰得尼斯湖怪得远亲。

    Many people think the monster may be a distant cousin of the Loch Ness monster in scotland .

  13. 罗伊·马卡,尼斯湖研究员,他认为怪物是一种类似原始鲸的大型的哺乳动物。

    Dr. Roy Mackal , a Loch Ness researcher , has suggested a large mammal like a primitive whale .

  14. 1934年罗伯特·威尔森博士在苏格兰浓雾弥漫的尼斯湖上拍摄到了一只长着长脖子的动物。

    In1934 , Dr Robert Wilson photographed a long-necked creature in the murky water of Loch Ness in Scotland .

  15. 1962年,尼斯湖调查局作为一个研究生物信息的组织成立了。

    In 1962 The Loch Ness Investigation Bureau was formed to act as a research organization for information about the creature .

  16. 参与尼斯湖研究计划的研究员阿德里安-什恩指出,这些新图片非常吸引人,能够引发人们的巨大兴趣,因此值得他们进行进一步研究。

    Adrian Shine , a researcher on the Loch Ness project , called the new images ` really intriguing ` and said they deserved further study .

  17. 根据最近公布的数字,主要因传奇的尼斯湖怪兽而知名的苏格兰是我们星球上不明飞行物目击率最高的地区。

    The country better known as the home of legendary Loch Ness monster has the highest concentration of UFO sightings on the planet , according to figures released recently .

  18. 尼斯湖是大不列颠群岛最大的淡水湖,有24英里长,一边有1.5英里宽。

    Loch Ness , the largest freshwater lake in the British Isles , is twenty four miles long and , at one point , one and a half miles wide .

  19. 一些科学家猜想,怪物的景象是否因为水下的破浪造成的,众所周知,这是类似尼斯湖这样又深又长,并且冷的湖里常会出现的。

    Some scientists have wondered if the sightings might be caused by a underwater wave which is known to sometimes occur in deep , long , cold lakes , like Loch Ness .

  20. 作者在书中解释道:“尼斯湖是苏格兰最受欢迎的旅游景点,它对大量资金流入当地具有举足轻重的作用。”

    " As the most popular tourist attraction in Scotland , Nessie 's influence on the cash flow of that country has been significant ," wrote the authors of " The101 most influential people who never lived . "

  21. 世界上体积最大,最出名的马形水怪是尼斯湖怪,只是常被误认为是海蛇(神奇动物)。

    Smallest merganser and most expert diver ; found in northern Eurasia . The world 's biggest and most famous kelpie is the Loch Ness Monster , although it is often mistaken for a sea serpent ( FB ) .

  22. 要证明一个全称否定判断从逻辑上说是不可能的,因此科学将永远不能证明“大脚”和尼斯湖怪兽之类的东西不存在。也有可能,这些神秘莫测的生物的确潜藏在人们好奇视线之外的远处。

    Since it is logically impossible to prove a universal negative , science will never be able to prove that creatures like Bigfoot and the Loch Ness monster do not exist , and it is possible that these mysterious beasts lurk far from prying eyes .

  23. 尼斯湖水怪尼斯湖水怪是由尼斯湖边的原住民声称发现的一种或一组神秘的动物,尼斯湖位于爱尔兰以北,一片深水淡水湖。

    The Loch Ness Monster , sometimes called Nessie or Ness ( Scottish Gaelic : Niseag ) , is a mysterious and unidentified animal or group of animals claimed by some to inhabit Loch Ness , a large deep freshwater loch near the city of Inverness in northern Scotland .