
  • Nero
  1. 《每天都在死亡:尼禄宫廷中的塞内加》(DyingEveryday:SenecaattheCourtofNero)。

    DYING EVERY DAY : Seneca at the Court of Nero .

  2. 这种说法略显苍白,因为从历史上来看,不称职的精英人物一直都存在,比如古罗马暴君尼禄、卡迪甘勋爵、内维尔•张伯伦,还有吹嘘泰坦尼克号(Titanic)永不沉没的那些人。

    Yet history is replete with examples of elite incompetence & think Nero , Lord cardigan , Neville Chamberlain , and whoever called the Titanic unsinkable .

  3. 西欧是从古罗马帝国的第五代皇帝尼禄(Nero)时期(公元54&68年)掘坑后覆盖云母或滑石板片进行保护地栽培。

    In west since the sth emperor-Nero time of the Roman Empire , mica sheet and talcum sheet were used to cover the digged pit where the protective culture was carried on .

  4. 就在尼禄攻至Baetis,新迦太基就在眼前的时候,他被大西庇阿取代。

    Nero pushed as Far as Baetis and was in sight of Carthago Nova when he was replaced by the young Scipio , Publius Cornelius Scipio " The Younger " .

  5. 尼禄皇因其所犯罪行已得到相当充分的惩罚。

    Nero was well enough rewarded for his crimes .

  6. 古德明先生的译文:罗马皇帝尼禄以残暴著称。

    Roman emperor Nero is infamous for his cruelty .

  7. 尼禄的名字使人联想到残忍。

    The name of Nero is associated with cruelty .

  8. (大约公元前4年-公元65年)尼禄的顾问。

    ( circa 4 BC - 65 AD ) an adviser to Nero .

  9. 这里指的是古代的一大传说,叫做尼禄复活。

    This refers to a great myth from the ancient world called Nero redivivus .

  10. 尼禄最后因这场火丧命。

    The fire eventually cost Nero his life .

  11. 尼禄皇(罗马暴君)参加了狂饮的祭酒神仪式。

    Emperor Nero attended the bacchanalian orgy .

  12. 吱吱,大猫,我怎么知道尼禄在捉弄你?

    Gee , puddy tat , how could I know nero was playing with matches ?

  13. 有人说,罗马皇帝尼禄(著名的罗马帝国暴君)为了满足自己吃甜食的口欲而发明了冰淇淋。

    Some say the Roman emperor Nero invented ice cream to satisfy his sweet tooth .

  14. 有些人认为,《启示录》写于公元60年左右,当时尼禄是罗马皇帝。

    Some people actually believe that Revelation was written in the60s when Nero was himself the emperor .

  15. 到2000年底,有31尼禄咖啡商店,并已成为一个国家的品牌。

    By the end of2000 , Caff è Nero had31 stores and had become a national brand .

  16. 寰宇列国都觉察到尼禄已离开了罗马城守护者之位。

    The whole world felt the departure of Nero from his position as protector of the city .

  17. 在时间的尼禄被斩首,他在罗马,并埋葬在这里。

    And in the time of Nero he was beheaded at Rome , and was buried there .

  18. 科尔内利乌斯。西庇阿在西班牙阵亡后不久,尼禄继任。

    After Publius Cornelius Scipio was killed in Spain , Nero took over not that long afterwards .

  19. 这个关于尼禄的故事,在后来的基督徒和其他人当中广为流传。

    This is the story that was circulated about Nero by later Christians and by other people too .

  20. 根据罗马编年史作者苏埃托尼维斯的说法,尼禄当上了罗马皇帝后最大的心愿就是当众演唱。

    After becoming Emperor of Rome , Nero'sdearest ambition was to sing in public , according to the Roman chronicler Suetonius .

  21. 尼禄作为和她没有血缘关系却生活在一起的人,他们的关系类似于兄妹,朋友以及恋人的集合体。

    Having accepted Nero into her family , their relationship can resemble that of brother , friend and lover all in one .

  22. 更多人倾向于认为,它写于公元一世纪末,那时尼禄已经死去。

    More tend to believe that it 's written toward the end of the century , when Nero had already been dead .

  23. 后来在另一个地方的一次演出中,尼禄让人把门锁上,在他演出时不准有任何人出去。

    At a later performance elsewhere , he had the gates locked so no one could leave while he was on stage .

  24. 尼禄显然很喜欢这道冰凉甜点,以致在宫殿里建造了特殊的冷藏室来贮藏冰雪。

    Apparently , Nero liked the frozen sweet so much that he had special cold rooms built in his palace to store snow .

  25. 就在大西庇阿赶往西班牙就任,尼禄已被召回罗马期间,哈斯德鲁巴乘机夺回了西班牙大部。

    While Scipio was arriving in Spain , and Nero was already called home , Hasdrubal did manage to take back most of Spain .

  26. 之后,尼禄顺利地朝西班牙腹地推进,迦太基的势力似乎即将被赶出西班牙。

    After this great achievement , Nero managed to push deeply into spain and for awhile it looked as if Carthaginian Spain would fall .

  27. 失宠之前是尼禄大帝的顾问,后来尼禄把他赶走。

    He was an advisor to Nero until he fell out of favor , and Nero kicked him out and all that sort of thing .

  28. 尼禄-神经酰胺等可与水混合,从而有利于被肌肤吸收,使肌肤白、美丽和透明的。

    NERO-CERAMIDE can be mixed with water , thus it is propitious to be absorbed by skin , making skin white , spotless and transparent .

  29. 因此原来时间线中的所有人,比如说皮卡尔和赖克,依然在做他们的事,只不过是少了个尼禄。

    So everyone in the prime timeline , like Picard and Riker , are still off doing there thing , it is just that Nero is gone .

  30. 在耶稣的追随者看来,尼禄是个可怕的形象,他们甚至认为他会死而复生,与他们战斗。

    For followers of Jesus , Nero was this terrible figure , who they thought he might even rise again from the dead and do battle against us .