
  • 网络Nim;NIMES;nime;Nîmes;Nym
  1. 路易丝本人在尼姆有亲戚。

    Louise herself had family ties in Nimes .

  2. 自从我的哥哥在尼姆街上被暗杀以后,我就再也没进过那个城市。

    Since my brother 's assassination in the streets of nimes , I had never entered the town ;

  3. 突然间,尼姆身旁闪出两名身强力壮的警察。

    Suddenly two brawny policemen were beside nim .

  4. 是哈里·伦敦提出了尼姆一直怀疑的那个关键问题。

    It was Harry London who raised the key issue Nim had been debating .

  5. 凯伦的形象,她那惊人的美貌、热情的微笑和柔和的声音在尼姆驾车去市内的路上一直在他的脑海中萦绕。

    The image of karen , her breathtaking beauty , warm smile and gentle voice , stayed with Nim through the remainder of the drive downtown .

  6. 尼姆想到那个鼓鼓囊囊的红色文件夹便告诉她:“问问是不是重要的事。”

    Conscious of the bulging red folder , Nim told her , " Ask if it 's important . "

  7. GlassesOff首席执行长尼姆罗德・马达尔(NimrodMadar)表示,任何人都可以使用该产品。

    Anyone can use the product , says GlassesOff Chief Executive Nimrod Madar .

  8. 据突尼斯安全消息来源称,利比亚石油部长舒克里•加尼姆(ShukriGhanem)似乎已经叛逃。

    The Libyan Oil Minister Shukri Ghanem appears to have defected according to security sources in Tunisia .

  9. 尼姆说,如果《唐顿庄园》继续拍下去,它的观众人数只会越来越少,并且肯定会失去剧中的那些大牌演员,如饰演尖刻的伯爵夫人的玛吉·史密斯(MaggieSmith),和饰演勇敢无畏的玛丽小姐的米歇尔·多克里(MichelleDockery)。

    If " Downton Abbey " continued , Mr. Neame said , its viewership would eventually decline and it would surely lose prominent cast members like Maggie Smith , who plays the acerbic dowager countess , and Michelle Dockery , who plays the intrepid Lady Mary .

  10. 目前看来,第四季没了他却变得充满活力,令人喜爱。卡莉(Carrie,克莱尔·丹尼斯[ClaireDanes]饰)这次的对手是美貌、狡猾的巴基斯坦情报官塔斯尼姆(Tasneem,尼姆拉特·考尔[NimratKaur]饰)。

    Season 4 has so far turned out to be remarkably vital and exhilarating without him , this time by pitting Carrie ( Claire Danes ) against a beautiful , deceitful Pakistani intelligence officer , Tasneem , ( Nimrat Kaur ) .

  11. 在联邦监狱服刑7年后,甘尼姆重回政坛并在2015年获布里奇波特警察工会和前任FBI特工(这名特工曾经参与调查其案件)的背书,参加市长竞选并胜出。

    After serving seven years in federal prison , Ganim started working towards rebuilding his political career , and in 2015 with endorsements from the Bridgeport Police Union and a former FBI agent who had worked to convict him , Ganim ran for reelection to his mayoral post and won .

  12. 他们把伯德桑押在牢里,尼姆指出。

    " They have Birdsong in jail ," Nim pointed out .

  13. 尼姆说话的时候,老人眉梢紧锁。

    While Nim talked , the old man 's brow furrowed .

  14. 奥斯卡·奥布赖思的声音把尼姆又带回到现实。

    Oscar O'Brien 's voice brought Nim back to the present .

  15. 尼姆陷入了沉思,他在消化刚听到的这些情况。

    Nim ruminated , digesting the information he had been given .

  16. 长白山天池火山造伊格尼姆岩喷发及气候效应

    Ignimbrite forming eruptions from Tianchi volcano and their climate effect

  17. 尼姆后来很难回忆起事件的来龙去脉。

    Nim had trouble afterward recalling the sequence of events .

  18. 尼姆事后才知道这个做法是违禁的。

    Later , Nim would learn the procedure was prohibited .

  19. 尼姆,我得事先跟你说个事。

    Nim , I 'll tell you one thing for the future .

  20. 尼姆正在自己的办公室里看早晨送来的邮件。

    In his office , Nim was going through the morning mail .

  21. 尼姆努力使自己的语气随便一些。

    Nim strove to keep his tone conversational and easy .

  22. 尼姆意识到听众中顿时产生一种着了迷似的兴趣。

    NIM sensed , among his audience , rapt and immediate interest .

  23. 那里是尼姆·卡罗里大师居住(或者曾经居住过)的地方。

    That was where Neem Karoli Baba lived , or had lived .

  24. 尼姆?哥尔德曼一直在调度台上与别人商量。

    Nim Goldman had been conferring with somebody at the dispatch console .

  25. 尼姆想,平心而论,他只能责怪自己。

    In fairness , Nim reasoned , he could only blame himself .

  26. “停一会儿,哈里”,尼姆说。

    Give me a minute , harry , NIM said .

  27. 这个名字虽然听起来耳熟,尼姆却想不起是谁。

    Though the name seemed familiar , NIM couldn 't place it .

  28. 尼姆推测,他们的婚姻至多是凑合事儿。

    Nim surmised that their marriage was barely adequate .

  29. 尼姆瞪了波尔森一眼,但却按住了怒火,一言未发。

    Nim glared at paulsen , but contained his anger , saying nothing .

  30. 尼姆惊喜地发现自己受到了一阵热烈的,长时间的喝彩。

    Nim found to his amazement he was receiving an enthusiastic standing ovation .